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Everything posted by Lars

  1. So you're not going fishing with me tomorrow morning? Should only be raining with a 25 knot wind behind it. Loverly, eh? I'll even let you eat the first minnow out of the bait bucket.
  2. Good refinement. If you're willing to spend the extra political capital, you should get a better degree of certainty.
  3. Yes, you've managed to get me to send you a setup. A small victory, but when you're such a underachiever, you gotta take 'em where you find 'em, eh?
  4. Do you mean that a pop-up box will appear that gives the conquering/invading nation a choice between plundering the nation and accepting it as an ally at the end of its turn? Case 1: Zero% Popup Option Appears Case 2: % Popup Option Appears Case 3: 100% Popup Option Appears Example: Napolean Takes Berlin and a Popup box appears saying: Category 3: 100% Popup "The <German King> has lost the war and proposes an alliance with France. Do we accept his proposal or plunder the country?" </font>
  5. Go see the France thread. We've been through this already. Got bad news for you though. Fascism was popular to a greater and lesser extent all across Europe. It didn't have the bad name it does today.
  6. You've obviously drugged the poor woman. btw, your eyes look a bit glassy too. Try sunglasses. Or better yet, a welder's mask.
  7. Also needs the Uber Gigantic Cyborg Controlled Tank that is in no way related to Ogre or any other trademarked name...
  8. I can't think of a specific WWII example off the top of my head but, Major Country A, allied with Minor Country C and belligerent with Major Country B, invades Minor Country D. Country C switches sides over it to fight with Major Country B against Major Country A. Perhaps any of the Eastern European countries, Spain and Finland might fit the bill under certain circumstances. Of course, there's always the "Revert to Neutral" option too.
  9. John C, if you flip back a couple of pages, you'll see I had the same concerns as you did about it unbalancing the game. But, after hashing it out with Edwin, it does look like a guy could balance it as an option if he wanted too. And if it's do-able under the current scripting editor, why the heck not? Variants like War in Siberia, Free French, and Partisans add to the game. At the very least, it's an interesting third party mod. And if nothing else, we got an bone on how the Free French might be handled in SC2.
  10. You forgot IV: Will switch sides if somebody else is invaded.
  11. For starters, they used the rhythm method. Now we're cursed with Seanachai's singsongs for eternity. It all just makes sense sometimes...
  12. That is also a very good point. As the opposing player, if you don't recognize the shift in the strategic options as a result, you're screwed. Which is why we play wargames.
  13. And you were toast after turn #1. But other than that... btw, boat is in the water. When is it supposed to quit raining?
  14. Good Luck Cavscout. Need the addy of my pretty young niece in the AF who's also over there? Oops, look at the time, gotta run...
  15. I didn't mind losing. But losing to Seanachai was somehow even worse than losing to Papa Khan. So I guess I'm saying I did mind losing.
  16. Sounds reasonable to me. Better have him pop up out of German air range though, eh?
  17. No, no, no. The bestest part is he'll make him fill them all back in tomorrow.
  18. btw, on the 120,000 French that got across the Channel. They didn't exactly all flock to DeGaulle's side at once, despite repeated broadcasts. Morale was rather shot so they were more refugees than an army at that point. Can't say I blame them. You'd have to rate DeGaulle at more than a 1 just for getting that lot organized again.
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