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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. hehe. Deputy, if you think logically about the situation, I doubt a cameraman would have had much time to pose a shot of the trenches, considering the struggle was taking place. If I recall there were hundreds of thousands of infantry in the fight, but Kursk, (as you correctly point out) is known for the epic tank battles. That could also explain why there are zillions of pics of tanks and very few of the infantry battles. The infantry man's lot wasn't particularly exciting. It was all about tank warfare.

  2. It reminds me very much of the first release of Combat Mission. I think it took something like a dozen patches or so, and over a year of trial and tribulations before we had a really good WWII simulator. This is early days for TOW Kursk, and we need to be patient. I'm sure the powers that be are beavering away in the background working on fixes and ideas.

    I've continued with the campaign, by reducing the graphic effects, and so far, it's just about acceptable. The campaign itself is well designed in my opinion, making huge improvements on Africa. I feel that they could have introduced some different units however, and added a few things like tanks ability to pop smoke. For a game trying to focus on reality, to leave out popping smoke, and the ability to unbutton crews, is just completely wrong. But like I said, it's early days and we are the early adopters. Patience is a virtue!

    1C, BFC are welcome to my money as they produce excellent WWII games. They just need to stay focussed!

    ps. can't wait for Normandy!

  3. I'd like to see them too, although they were pretty much static 88mm guns. You might as well call in off-map artillery and pretend it is the Elephants firing. It does make me wonder what is next for the TOW franchise however. I can see some potential in a later war Eastern front setup.

    I don't know about you guys but I keep wanting to pop smoke and be able able to fire the anti-infantry mortars that the later Panthers and Tigers had. :D

  4. With regards EAX in Kursk, does surround sound actually work? That might sound like an odd question but I have a 5 speaker setup here, correctly configured via Win 7, but Kursk only *appears* to use the front 2 speakers, (left and right obviously). Also, for me, the sounds are very muted. Is this how it is for everyone?

  5. I can't seem to tow the 88mm german flak gun or the russian 37m 61K (even tho it has wheels) which guns can be towed by trucks?

    I dont know why but it was the same in Combat Mission. You couldn't tow 88mm flaks once they had been dismounted. They were 'static' guns basically. Maybe they took a certain amount of time to setup and this is considered beyond the scope of the game. I haven't the foggiest why you can't tow a gun with wheels though!

  6. So how are people getting on with this? Smoke plays an important part in this game, and I can't really make the best use of it yet. Smoke from mortar rounds doesn't really last very long, and certainly doesn't linger like you'd expect it to so you don't have very long in which to plan your moves.

    As for indirect fire from either mortars or infantry guns, this is playing an increasingly important part in this game too. I find the howitzers more valuable than mortars, because they offer more rounds, larger explosives, and generally better performance in my opinion.

    What do you guys think?

  7. I think I need to restart ;( I've ditched the halftracks (apart from two to tow the howitzers) in favour of other AAA vehicles just in case of an air attack. But that leaves my infantry exposed. I've only got one Tiger left as well after losing the other one in missin 2. Although the crew survived. I've managed to creep a squad straight down the middle and remove the AT threat that was there, but they are being picked off one by one by high explosive rounds from what I can make out. They are sort of stuck now. I've also crept a squad up the left flank and have reached the barbed wire emplacement but they can't get through it, so I need to work out a way around it. I have two panthers in overwatch, and will probably try and advance a couple more into hull-down positions at the rear so I can cherry pick the T34s I know are there. But it's a really tough mission! Another tough mission lol..

  8. Could this be another possible little bug I've stumbled across - I cannot finish mission 2, someone else posted they couldn't finish mission 1, even though the apparent requirements have been met. In my example, I ended up completing part 2 and 3 of the scenario prior to 'occupying' the village, and now I cannot get past it. Part 1 of the mission will not trigger. It feels like I am stuck in a loop. I cannot get reinforcements, which I'm guessing is because I haven't triggered the first part. Can someone let me know how you finished this mission - specifically, did you finish it in the order specified.

  9. Have you 'occupied' the markers on the map? These act as triggers, or at least something on the map acts as a trigger once you roll over it. I've got exactly the same problem in mission 2 however, but my difference is I cannot activate the 1st marker on the map. I'm guessing there must still be something there preventing it, but buggered if I know!

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