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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. If the IFV has 3 crew members then usually someone moves up to the gunner seat if the gunner gets his head blown off, if it's a 2 man job then the driver can't drive and shoot ; )

    Some of the british and perhaps a few of the american vehicles can use passengers to man the crew served weapon on the top of it

    I can't remember exactly what vehicle it was but it was 2 man job - I realise that he can't do both things at once (although my wife would argue the point) but the vehicle was stationary and I really wanted the driver to assume the gunners role and help out but alas, he just sat there. The 'target' option was not available to me. WEGO makes moments like that somewhat harder to deal with as well, but on the other hand, realtime would have been a nightmare. If I could have instructed the spare crew I had who were right next to the vehicle in question to board and assist, it would have been perfect.

  2. Phew.. Pleased to hear that you can sort your differences out. Now can I have my thread back please :D

    Another question - curious one this, or is it realistic? This is to do with crew members. I have one vehicle, with one crewman injured/KIA. I have another vehicle destroyed (same type) but the crew survived. How come this crew cannot jump in and take over the surviving vehicle? Is this accurate or not? I would have expected a crew man to be able to jump in and assist.

  3. Well it's a bit weird as it stands in my opinion. I've just completed another mission (draw this time rather than a win) and some of my artillery assets are still showing empty! As for the manual, I purchased the download only, and I've actually never read it! Thanks for the heads up.

    I can't remember but I'm guessing from what you've said, the British module was the most recent? I guess a lot has been learnt in terms of campaign development which is a good thing. I shall have to replay the British campaign again once this is finished. I might try some British single missions first to get some more practice. Those ATGM's are crazy powerful.

  4. Thanks Elmar - I still cant understand why in one campaign, I successfully completed a mission, went on to the next with a full allocation of artillery. In a different campaign, but the same mission, won it successfully, albeit with a few more casualties but nothing out of the ordinary. Went on to the next mission with 155mm artillery showing empty and 81/60mm assets very very low. That makes no sense to me!

  5. A couple of questions. I'm playing through the Marines campaign for about the third time but there are some underlying problems that I'd like resolved.

    #1 Artillery/Air strikes - Hows does the supply of artillery/air strikes work in the campaign? If you use your entire supply in one mission, how does this correlate to the next? Same with regards air support. If you save some rounds, will this have a positive effect in the following missions or is it not calculated at all. Reason being, at the beginning of some missions I have an 'allocation' of artillery, but it is empty! I don't understand this. Why provide it if I can't use it. Do you have to successfully complete a mission in order to receive full allocation next time round?

    #2, Replacements - how do replacements work in the campaigns? Again is it purely down to the design or is it based on progress in the campaign. Obviously attrition takes its toll in the campaign, and I've reached a point where I could really do with some replacements, but there are none coming. Do you have the same task force throughout/ is resupply not even catered for?

    I'm sure I'll add to this list shortly.

  6. Phantom, I haven't played that mission myself but I would say that's acceptable for a single scenario. Consider these attrition rates over the campaign of some dozen missions however and you're in for a rough ride. Furthermore, if you take damage to any of your heavies (or men for that matter) it will follow you through. It get's really difficult latterly, especially if you want to play it 'responsibly' :D

    I had all 3 of my M1A1's damaged in some shape of form in my last mission, and I lost a LAV early on in the campaign. I also had a crewman shot by a sniper - this is reflected throughout. I've got one LAV with only 2 crew members - and 3 M1A1's with damage and hardly any ammunition! It really sucks :D

  7. phil standbridge,

    If you want some idea of how scary that can be, play Lion sur Mer in CMBO, then bear in mind that's nothing in terms of the actual scale of fires used for a major target. If you can find the study, read it. Believe you'd love it. I knew of naval fires being used to repel a bunch of attacks, but had no idea just how nasty and large the poundings were, as in 400 rounds of 6 inch. And that's the smaller stuff!


    John Kettler

    I remember the naval artillery in CMBO very well John - also some of the larger ground pounders in CMBB and latterly CMAK. I used to hate the way some of the larger guns would take 10+ minutes to call in however. I'd sit there with a FO eyeing up his target thinking 'dont move.. don't move' and then watch in awe as these gigantic rounds would devastate the surrounding area :D Maybe I need help?

  8. I'm currently playing the Marines campaign and re-loving it all over again. Definitely the best module out of the existing three in my honest opinion. The British module is as hard as nails. You just wait and see. I can't believe how under-armed and under-powered they seem in comparison to the US. It makes me wonder how on earth the British forces are able to do anythng at all in Afghanistan.

  9. Digressing of sorts, the printed manual for TOW2 was a shocker. It was really poor considering how much money I paid for the end result. I would have been better off buying the download option only and printing out the pdf, which was the same thing.

    I was under the impression that due to cost cutting exercises in recent times this may be a problem with Normandy too, and perhaps all future releases. Can BFC confirm the manual will be of a very high quality much like it was for cmx1 and Shock Force?

  10. Hi there. I was in much the same boat as you until a year or so ago. I did eventually turn to the dark side but only really since the last patch.

    Shock Force is a completely different game in many ways, other than the blindingly obvious. I'm not really qualified to offer you much in the way of advice, all I would say is watch out for ATGM's and RPG's if you play with Blue (or the campaign, as in my case).

    You will discover the perils of modern warfare. Enjoy.

  11. You could try reinstalling direct x.

    The NO VGA message though is potentially pretty serious - this could suggest the video card is failing at a certain point. I know that TOW 2 is pretty resource hungry, although if you can run benchmarks successfully... Maybe it is causing your video card to overheat. Have you tried to open the computer up to have a look inside? It might be covered in dust. I've been fixing and repairing for 20 years now, and you'd be amazed at some of the problems, half the time silly little things.

    Give the pc a spring clean first of all, then I would reinstall dx, as said above. I would also uninstall your VGA drivers and download the latest set. Then I would try again.

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