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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. You of course have a point with reference to IL2, but the thing is, if you zoom down to the tree line it doesn't look so good. I realise IL2 and the likes are also quite dated by today's standards but the point is the majority of time in IL2 is spent up in the air, at distance away from those objects. When you start to move around and zoom in on built-up areas I don't think it would work so well. But that's just my opinion of course. I'm just a realist at the end of the day, and I prefer gameplay over graphics any day. Although graphics help immersion of course.

  2. I think the graphics in SF are pretty good as they are to be honest. Sure there can always be improvements, and I'm sure Normandy will feature these 'upgrades'. But this is where the modders come into their own. Just look at the enhanced flames and things already. I think if you try and add another dimension to the game via the graphics engine you would make it unscaleable and virtually unplayable!

  3. It's funny because I think the same when playing red. But they do certainly kill them - I've lost a few in battles against red, and have had several immobilised. I think it's more a case of 'how many', than 'what can' kill them. Although a single rocket doesn't inflict that much damage (unless they get a lucky shot) a constant flow of them can knock a tank out easily. That's what I have found recently anyway! Maybe group suppression is key?

  4. i hope we talk about the same map here. i cant really remember a bridge but 2 highways next to each other going down a hill doing a slight turn to the left and going streight then slightly uphill to the end where the exit location is.

    honestly i cant say if i even waited for the other trucks ariving by reinforcement, but the map looked like perfectly made for a truck rush. the smal arms fire can not really harm a truck speeding by with FAST. i saw no single IED, i was excusively on the right highway only going on the right lane, just in the bend the trucks cut to the left lane.

    there is a quadratic wall next to the street with a squad there, they where all hiding :D

    that was in 1.20

    I'm definitely talking about the same scenario. I hid some of my infantry behind the wall as well :D

  5. I think it was a T65 of some sort if memory recalls. The battle is part of the campaign. On the subject of crews advancing, I've just seen it again in my current battle. I've knocked out some BMPs and the remaining crew have regrouped and are advancing without any evident support. It's just suicide, although it is annoying because sooner or later it means you have to expose your defensive positions to take them out as they don't disappear otherwise. They end up advancing along with the rest of the infantry. Could this be an AI exploit as such? Or is it just simply obeying the rules and trying to get to the target as quicky as possible.. I know if I was crew, and I was armed with a pistol, I would not be advancing :D

  6. Just thought it worth commenting on a couple of little things that I have seen in the last Marines battle I fought.

    First time I have seen this, AI tank gets too close for comfort. My two guys decide rather than wasting a rocket and killing themselves they will fair better using a demo charge (and maybe 4 hand grenades!) :D


    And I've just seen the AI assault infantry bombarded by its own artillery which was a sight for sore eyes! I didn't even have to expose my positions! :)

    Edit: Do you think it's a bit 'gamey' when the AI advances its abandoned vehicle crews into prime positions rather than using its heavy infantry? That's a bit bizarre in my eyes.

  7. Well I didn't clear the village first, and I still won the scenario. As I said before, I flanked the right hand side, and although I got ambushed by a recoilless rifle and a couple of RPG's I still got most of the lorries to the far flank on the other side of the map. There I left them until the very last few minutes where I advanced them slowly to the green. I kept a couple of vehicles back and some infantry, peppering the enemy positions with small arms. This appeared to keep them busy enough.

  8. It is very interesting the way people play this game. I tried Pandur's attempt the first time I played it, and sent the first packet of lorries over the bridge. Of course, they hit a IED and then they got hit from every angle on the map by small arms and larger bore stuff, so I tried a different approach next time round. I don't find it a particularly easy mission at all!

    Did you also know that if you cease fire early you may lose some of your reinforcements or artillery assets the next mission? I lost 60mm and 81mm mortar rounds by ending missions early. You still have access to them but they are 'empty'.

  9. I had this (or a similar) problem when I tried to install on to a laptop. Just make sure everything points to the same path, I am win 7 x64 too and it plays fine now. I had to unlicence and uninstall the game. When I reinstalled I made sure each module played correctly, before patching and updating. This eventually worked but it was a very frustrating procedure. If there is one technical aspect of the game I would like to see improved it is the installation/uninstallation routine. It's mind-boggling when it goes wrong!

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