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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. I have an opponent right now who is deliberately airbursting himself to stop me sneaking up on him!

    Does anyone know what calibre artillery are required to destroy a tank? Can you use 81/60mm mortars for example?

    John Kettler - Thanks for the link, a suprising number of knockouts due to HE. Certainly more than I remember from my CMBB days!

    It would be nice to get cluster munitions too but I can understand Steve when he says that a 'Grid square removal service' may unbalence the game :)

    In game I've had 81mm knock out BMPs but only 155mm appears to knock out tanks.

  2. Blackcat, when you say your infantry die like flies, how many are you losing per battle? I am on mission 10 of the Brit campaign with the new patch, and have had to change my tactics.

    The most men I have had KIA is 15 and that was in the dreaded police station mission. I quit early to be awarded a draw. But in almost every other mission I have had very few KIA, maybe 1 or 2, and sometimes nobody, with only a handful injured. But it is incredibly challenging! Definitely harder than the Army and the Marines modules. Before the latest patch I was losing loads, but that was down to me not really understanding how it all fits together. Based on my current results you can play it conservatively and not lose a load of men. But conservative is the word, because you cannot afford to be aggressive. So far I have had 3 total victories, 3 tacticals, 3 draws, and I haven't lost *that* many men. In the campaign prior I lost 169 KIA, and was awarded a defeat. So far I have lost 30 if that, and a few vehicles, but it will be interesting to see how I fair this time!

  3. I was pleasantly surprised last night. In one mission in the Brit campaign, enemy spotters had landed a dozen or so rounds of airburst right over the head of my AFV. I was expecting serious damage to at least the radio/optics etc, but it wasn't damaged whatsoever. Furthermore, my Scimitar was next to it, and was unbuttoned! If they had used AP rounds (or perhaps even general-purpose) it might have been a different story. I believe these were mortar rounds.

  4. well I scored a draw, no winner, which is better than losing is it not? I didn't win because I was spotted (one of my snipers was injured). I made it to all of 7 of the points for the first time and I didn't fire a shot. I tried to be as stealthy as I could, but playing this on turn based is a nightmare! By the time I had moved one of my split teams into position to move to an area of interest the Syrians had started to run in my direction. I had no comeback so I hid for as long as I could. The problem is of course because there is no winner the mission sees that as good as a loss :( so what effect will this have on the next mission? I have played the next mission twice before now, and found it quite challenging. But how does winning the recon mission open this one up, or does it not matter?

  5. During the setup phase you should see several areas on different sides of the airfield painted blue representing your starting points. In the case of this mission you can start your guys at any of these spots and this makes a huge difference. To place them in the setup phase, select the units you want to move and give them a move order in the zone you want them to start in. They should instantly "teleport" there.

    I actually started on the opposite side of the airfield. When I played through I was compromised so I just shot the place up. I think we could loosely call it reconnaissance by fire, as in I shot the all guys around the objectives so we could stroll around and reconnoiter the airbase without any distractions. The syrians were pretty much helpless in the dark and my snipers had a shooting gallery. Stealth evidently isn't much of a factor in the mission success.

    I was obviously selecting the wrong insertion points because I tried that and it didn't work.

    I thought this mission was all about stealth, so that's a very interesting point you make. I'm sure I tried something like that before, and I inflicted quite a lot of casualties but I left two or three of the locations unexplored due to lack of time - but I lost the mission. So I will try again by splitting my dudes up.

  6. Right I'm about to embark on this mission again. So far in the campaign I have two tactical victories and one total victory with 6 KIA and half a dozen injured. I've lost 2 vehicles. Enemy casualties are about 300 KIA and about the same injured, with loads of tanks and vehicles destroyed. So far so good, but this mission kills me.

    I must look it up, but how do you 'insert' your troops in different FRVs?

  7. Sorry to hear your problems. Do you have the BFC or the other version? I had a similar issue with my BFC copy. I had to to uninstall the entire game to get it to work. I installed the base game and Marines module, and ran it. I then installed the British module and ran it. If I installed all modules at once without running one module first it would deactivate the marines module.

  8. I think it is important to spend some time studying the map in detail prior to clicking start! I can't talk though I'm the first to rush in and get shot-up. I think the British campaign is the most difficult personally. I notice they don't get as many toys as the US/Marines for starters which means you need to be more careful on the outset, and then the AFVs tend not to offer as much protection as the US equivalents (my opinion anyway) and you need to dismount way before the trouble starts. They don't get the spare Javelin launchers and lots of extra HE/rockets like the US counterparts either. Plus it seems to me that the mission criteria is always more challenging, ie you must not lose a single man otherwise it's game over! An exaggeration I realise, but it makes the missions that much harder.

  9. Hola mate, I'll take a shot at answering some of these. They may be wrong, so don't quote me but I have come across some of these issues myself.

    1, I've just had this happen in the Marines module. My crew survived and I could deploy my GL. I had 138 rounds of 40mm ammunition. I have deployed my weapon. It would suggest that your ammunition cooked along with the vehicle. Bad luck?

    4, Sometimes the command to pop smoke is delayed for reasons I am not understanding.

    I think generally the British module is extremely tough. I've played it through twice and have lost both times. In fact the last time I lost so badly I didnt get to play all the missions. The maps are well designed by and large but LOS is awkward at the best of times. I wish there was a LOS tool!

    I would definitely recommend restarting the campaign (post patch) regardless of what people say.

  10. Okay I got myself a minor tactical victory but i had to fight real hard! I had to be aggressive, far more so than I had before. I lost a lot of men too. (11 KIA and 14 injured). I ran two squads down into the wooded area and hid them there and waited for the enemy infantry to appear. Problem is, for me at least, everything happens so quickly in this scenario that you don't have time to prepare a proper defense. My spotter survived the arty bursts this time, although he didn't have good LOS so I planned a linear attack to occur in five minutes, and set the line just down from the arrival point of the enemy reinforcements. Call that cheating if you like, but it slowed them down when the majority of the men arrived under a hail of 60mm mortar bursts. I couldn't make good effective use of the 155mm though, so I just plotted an area attack roughly where I anticipated the enemy to be and fired the lot. At least the airbusrts would have caused panic. My infantry slowed the advance significantly, but my arty was way off the mark. My AT assets knocked out one tank before they got knocked out at point blank themselves. I managed to save one exit point, (the ravine) but lost the other, although I was awarded a minor victory which was a first for me!

  11. "Soldiers on rooftops receive better cover."

    Is that true for soldiers on balcony?

    Don't quote me on this but I don't think so. I was playing a mission last night where I had a full squad running for cover inside a building. Unfortunately they decided to head for the balcony LOL. Anyway, within a turn of sunbathing on the balcony the entire squad was torn up by one shot from a BMP. All of them were either KIA or incapacitated in a single go. Now I guess you could say that is realistic. After all, they were exposing their privates on the balcony and facing a BMP. But even still, taking into account the perceived cover and the relative abstraction you expect from buildings I don't think this has been addressed. But dudes on the rooftops definitely receive more cover now.

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