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Posts posted by Bertram

  1. The Stryker was the new toy of the army at the time of release. And there was a heated discussion in army circles if wheels were going to replace tracks or not... Doom was predicted on both sides, if the other side got what they wanted.

    The name Stryke® Force was already deposited as trade mark (by the US army I think?), so Battlefront could not use it. There was never was made a game or anything else that qalifies as being close to CM:SF though, so the name should be free again now....

  2. I do NOT have the toolbar installed. When I opened the webpage, an unknown program battlefront.exe tried to run, without asking anything. I dont think this is legitime, and when it is, it would be VERY sloppy from Battlefront.

    And then there is the newsletter, with language errors, the large FREE on it and no pictures as Battlefront usually does in their newsletter.

    And this is NOT announced on the front page - and they do send a newsletter around? I still dont believe it is legit.

  3. Same here. Body of email text:

    Battlefront Press Release 23 March 2010 --- We are proudly presenting new update client for all games from battlefront for FREE. You can download client here. Turn off your antivirus, as it could recognize it as spam or virus because of high encryption. --- View an online version of this newsletter here: --- Click Here to confirm that you wish to unsubscribe

    When logging in a battlefront.exe tried to run unannounced. Looks VERY fishy to me.


  4. Hi,

    I tried to read the online manual, by following the direct link.

    As displayed the manual is to small for me, so I tried to zoom in. But the zoomed in view gives a 90 degree turned view of the bottom half of the page, which isnt much of an improvement.

    Could be my reader setup, though I usually havent trouble reading online documents.


  5. As the Javelin stores an image in his memory to steer at when fired (as I understand this), it might be possible to preload an terrain feature, and then later fire it at the general direction of the stored terrrain feature, without aquiring it again?

    The launcher/missile should stay active for it I guess, and the conditions should not change to much.... I dont know if it is actually possible, but it isnt to far fetched...

  6. I enjoyed the first battle of the campaign, but..

    *****possible spoiler*******

    After taking the first building pretty easily I waited a bit for the artillery to arrive. This made me short on time, so I had to take some risks. As a result I lost 3 of my men.

    And then the Syrians surrendered with 5 minutes to go and me just short of the Checkpoint (they had only 5 regulars left that were combat ready). As a result I got 0 points for the Checkpoint.... I felt a bit cheated, as I had planned it so that I could take it just in the allotted time. And those 3 men died in vain :(.

    Still, even without the Checkpoint and the secret papers (the archive go messed up by a few stray bullets) I got a major victory, so I am off into Syria.

  7. It was a Swiss guy that started the red cross, and he used the "inverted" Swiss flag (which is red with a white cross) for its symbol.

    So the relation of the cross to Chistianity is seconday at best. The link with the red cross the crusaders were wearing (though mainly in Hollywood)doesn't exist at all.

    Sadly the historical education in the Arabic world seems to be as lacking as on this forum, and they do take exception to the red cross.

  8. Might it be that it is a limitation of the engine at the moment? For a dynamic campaign you need other results then the win/loss (and the various values in between). The branch should be made upon the completion of the objectives, not on the addition of the point values derived from these objectives.

    These point values are nice to summon up the result of a single battle (or at the end of a campaign). But arbitarily assigning a building on the left flank a 10 point value, and the other flank a 1000 point value, or an artillery observer 2000 points, because you need the win/loose points value to branch, leads the player to a wrong impression (ie that advancing on the left flank made him loose the scenario, or that not getting the artillery observer is not doing good enough), while the designer just wants to set up different follow-up situations.

    Work for the programmer to make this possible?

  9. Apexicus,

    How do you get the .6 meters?

    I get a larger (!) effect: firing form the pole (defined as the spot where the rotational axis crosses the earth surface) a target a 4 miles (6.4 km) out makes a daily journey of 2 * pi * 6.4 km = 40.192 km. This translates in a speed of 0.465 m/sec, or with 5.3 seconds flight time 2.46 *meters* !!!

    I am very surprised at this high number!!

    Of course this isnt the effect you see on the bullet, as the shooter will be rotating as well, and so the bullet will start out with a tangential vector.


  10. It is a German custom to write al lot of words with capitals at the beginning, in fact almosts all nouns are started with a capital. And yes, that is one reason why I hate reading German. I keep thinking those words are names, or words with special emphasis, while they are not. Makes it difficult to concentrate on the message instead of the form smile.gif .

    Edited to correct some capitals

  11. My first impressions of 1.05:

    A huge improvement. The game is now playable and enjoyable. Troops generaly move where you want them, mostly along the path you asked them to take (though not always, sometimes they decide they know a better route, faster, more road or something). Troops engage the enemy, take better cover.

    Some persistent bugs:

    - the low wall. It sometimes blocks los where it should not (like when a Bradley stands behind it, it can not spot a BMP on the other side (and visa versa), while the wall at most blocks the drivers view.

    - los probelms when there are units on the roof, viewing over a small rise, a dip and up the next (higher) hill. They can not fire on the hill, as the facing slope is revered as "reverse slope". Line of sight is blocked where the terrain dips down the fist time.

    - some minor pathing issues. I want my troops to move straight to a building (assaulting). Set one waypoint. They move along a road a bit, and then make a right turn to the building. As the road is in view of the enemy (and slightly raised), I really would have liked them to leave the road and go straight for the building. I do admit the road probably makes for a nicer surface, and the travel time is shorter this way, but I send them straight to the building for a reason. Now they all lay dead on the road I mentioned, except for one lucky guy who made it past their truning point an got in cover.

    I still have the feeling troops keep moving to long when under fire, and I would like to have them to have a kind of "fall back" option, where the whole squad does not really rout, but just decides to pull back a bit to beter cover.

  12. I played part of the campaign Eichenbaum did develop. It was very nice.

    At some time he stopped work on that version, as he wanted to redo it, then he left to start to develop a game on his own...

    That was 2 years ago, havent heard of him since.

    If you can get the parts of the campaign that were finished working you should try it out, but I dont know if all the mods are still available.

  13. I did start to move, one squad got beside the house before everyone opened up and they fell back.

    I had send some troops on the roof (the SAW gunners), and they had good cover. It was those other squads behind the wall that got mowed down...

    The reinforcements arrived on a slight hill behind the wall, it might be that they were visible over the wall, especially to the enemy on the hill to the left and on the roofs. Those reinforcements got pinned by AK fire, and then slaughtered by -I think- rifle grenades or mortars.

    If they were in view either the hil should be lower, or they should pop up in an other place (right near corner maybe?). But I would await the update before doing anything.

    Anyway, it looked interesting, except for the frustrating bugs (I was already irritated, started Hammertime, and two of my teams got stuck, with one man jumping the wall, and a Stryker kept driving circles around a house.... I just should not play this game before the next patch).

  14. Tried the sceario, but gave up after about 10 minutes.

    The men at the starting position got killed when trying to move from left to right behind the wall. Lost most of 2 squads there, as the men just kept moving, thinking they were in cover of the wall, while the enemy kept shooting them. To be fair, the 3th platoon was lying prone behind the 10 ft wall and returning fire without trouble.

    Then the first reinforcements arrived, also behind the wall (though on a slight hill? ). They got pinned and slaughtered where they entered. Not sure if the height of the hill made them in plain sight or if the enemy was firing through the wall.

    Lost 40 men then, and still almost in my setup position, not having moved at all. So I quit with about 1 hr 30 minutes to go.

    I will try again when version 1.05 is out.


    Nb.: could not get ammo either, as troops trying to enter the Stryker also got fired upon through the wall.

  15. While in Lybia in the desert we had once some "moderate bad weather", heavy overcast and about a force 6 wind. Visibility dropped seriously. Though you could see probably about 1000 mtrs or even more, everything further off then 500 mtrs was seriously blurred. You also really didnt want to look into the wind, without some good goggles.

    Lighting also dropped a lot, more then you would expect, as the sand blocked a lot of sun.

    I easily can imagine a force 8 or higher wind dropping visibility much further.

    I never heard of fog conditions around that area, I would think the water temperature/air temperature/moisture ratio would prevent that. But I could be very wrong smile.gif .

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