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Posts posted by jonp

  1. As someone who has recently transitioned from realtime to WEGO play in CM, I find myself making the bone-headed mistake of hitting the big red "Done" button when I'm not yet ready. This sometimes happens during the playback phase, when I've paused my review of the action and then make the mistake of hitting "Done" instead of "Play" to get it going again. But it's worse when I'm in the orders phase and hit "Done" accidentally or because my brain isn't sure I'm actually out of the playback.

    I propose the following simple changes:

    1) Make "Done" a different color during the playback and orders phases, so the player will have immediate visible feedback on its function in the current phase.

    2) Ask for confirmation when ending either phase, or at least the orders phase. I know some people will wail "But that adds a whole 'nother mouse click to the turn!", but it seems a small price to pay for peace of mind during PBEM. It's just too easy to accidentally blow a whole turn right now.

    3) I'd also be happy with a more obvious visible distinction between the orders and playback phases. Maybe "Playback" could be superimposed over the otherwise-dormant orders button block of the interface during playback.

    I think these changes will make it harder to make simple, irrevocable mistakes that can ruin a game. This will be especially helpful for those who play late at night with a beer in the other hand.

    I have done this before and agree that something should be done but I am totally against 2). Being a web programmer, I know that mouse clicks should always be kept at a minimum.

    I like the idea of a different colored or maybe putting the word DONE on the button during playback/orders.



  2. Hello,

    if i choose "only tanks" for my side and also only tanks for the "enemy", then the enemy all time only has infantry after QB starts ????

    Only tanks means only tanks or what i do wrong ?

    I played a QB game last night vs AI and this happened to me as well.

    At first I assumed I didn't select "only tanks" for the AI but now that I read this, maybe I did select "only tanks" for both and the AI got a bunch of infantry



  3. If you have Win7 (and I believe Mac has a similar feature) you can make a library of your outgoing emails. This is a virtual folder that lets you see the content of all the "real" folders added to the library. When uploading outgoing files, you no longer have to click through the file system. This is handy if you're other PBEM games.

    Can you give more details about this?



  4. CMSF vets should be able to adapt well enough, but it may take awhile for newbies or CMBx1 players to master both map making and AI orders sets. I suggest all wannabe scenario makers (and I hope that's everybody) spend time looking over the standing scenario AI orders sets in the editor to get an idea of how it gets done. Even QB maps need decent AI orders sets. :)

    Didn't realize that QB maps needed AI order sets. I guess I need to read the manual (looking forward to getting it in the mail)



  5. CMx1 did not have variable speed settings. It's occasionally requested, but it would be a mess. Sound effects would either sound like an old record player at the wrong speed or the 1/2 the action would be going on without the sounds. I don't think it would be very enjoyable.

    The best way to replay, IMHO, is to pick one portion of the battle and watch that and only that. Then move to a different portion of the battle and watch that and only that.


    This is exactly what I do and it works fine.

    Of course, I always hear big explosions from the other battles on screen and wonder what is going on!!

    Great game though!!!



  6. Yeah, I need to ease my self back into the game, too, PBEM included, last time I did this was in CMBO! I have not started my full game d/l yet but may well email you when I have the game installed and running tomorrow.

    Feel free to contact me as I would love to try PBEM

    I just want something pretty simple to relearn everything (tiny or small amount of forces on a random map). Figure meeting engagement is fine as well.

    Drop me a line : jonpfl01 at gmail dot com



  7. Whups; yeah; what he said. Didn't notice the jonp included "new target" in the "some other order" category. The "some other order" has to be some sort of movement order, and you have to cancel the Area target at the waypoint that ends that move order (with a Face, new Target, or Cover Arc order).

    Awesome, this is great to know



  8. Give them an area target order from their current position for the covering fire. Then give them a pause order for 20 sec. Then give them a small movement order. Make sure to select the new waypoint, and give them a "clear target" order (or even a new target order, if you want them to shift fire). The unit will stay where they are, firing at the area target for 20 seconds, then get up, move, and stop firing once they've reached their new location.

    So you are telling me that if you issue a 'target' order and then hit pause for 20 secs and then some other order (ie move, new target, etc), the unit will target for 20 secs and then do the other command?

    Never knew this, thx!


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