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Posts posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. Interesting thread.

    Thanks for great detailed tables on composite materials. I am struggling to understand them all.

    BTW, modern attack helo like EuroTiger and Longbow employ microwave radars to search and id targets. Russian Mi-28M and Ka-52 are rumoured to have radar implemented. Conventional helo users electro-optical means. I am not sure about A-10 for I don't the information with me by now.

    For magnesium (Mg), wouldn't they just burn very brillantly with oxygen under high temperature? They make good flashlight for photography. Does M2A2 really use magnesium?

    I wonder how this "plastic" tank goes when a HEAT round comes in.

    Hey, military modellers rejoice! The UK Royal Army need you in maintaining and painting their brand new Armored Calvary! biggrin.gif When will our CM Modders get included?

    BTW, I saw an episode of "Extreme Machines" in the "Discovery Channel" some time ago of which US is experimenting with future tank designs which are more automated with very low profile (neo-Hezter?). Any info on that?



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-31-2001).]

  2. Personally, I don't think they would work for people who are used to FPS and console games.

    Cheats are usually

    1. Hit the "~" key for console and then type in a number of strings to enable cheat or;

    2. When you see the title screen, press a number of button sequences and when you hear a distinct sound, your cheat is successful, kinda.

    BH, you are really sober for all the drunk people I have come across. But you are very successful in makiing us have a moment here. biggrin.gif

    BTW, why no people in WB do this to me???



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  3. Thanks Scott,

    They have pre-announced this great article and now it is finally here!

    OMG!!! This features CMHQ! Matt, KD, CCJ, you all must read this!

    I am going to make sure they don't miss out WBW and Manx...

    I think you should also subscribe to their wargaming newsletter which you can get a look for what is happening in the wargaming community in general.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-31-2001).]

  4. IMHO, high experience in CMBO really show diffferences in foot soliders rather than on AFV crews. It is most noticable when your grounts get into close combats and their resistance moral breakdowns.

    Personally, I would never go into a QB without at least "veteran" troops, but I have reservations on choosing veteran AFV crews.

    From what I have read from this thread, appearently, I repeat appearently, it is not the elite status affecting the outcome , more importantly, the slow turret rate of Tiger tanks and the TacAI target priorty and well to some extent, bad luck are at work here.

    In CMBO, in contrast to [i}Legendary Officers in "Starfleet Battles" universe, elite crews cannot make their tanks go faster, move the turret faster, or make the tank work better than the spec, they just make almost the most out of their weapons. And, they may know better when to get out of trouble.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  5. IIRC, I came across from a book about the first ever tank-to-tank battle between British Mk.IV and A7V. German lost. Sorry I don't have the book here (@ work-place) so I cannot give any more details.

    Since WW1 is really out of my scope I am not aware that German had light artillery as early PaK.

    IIRC, ATR round was a large "bullet" with harden tip and a "rod" attachd to the end. It is inserted into the muzzle and an empty cartridge (without bullet head) was used to fire the round.

    In WW2, iirc, early PzIIIs and PzIVs were designed to protect these rounds in mind.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-30-2001).]

  6. My little experience is if the VL does not have proper covers and worse without control to the VL, it would be very hard for the side to get a minimum draw without any panzer.

    In one pbem qb, the setting was c-a, m/e, farmland terrian with random pick troops, I faced upon at least 2 Cromwells and 1 Dialmer without any wheels on my side, including PaK! The only VL was in a depression wihtout much cover nearby. Any attempts to approach the VL met with firece standoff fire by 2 Cromwells sitting behind walls. I didn't have enough smoke dispensor on my side to hold the flag so we agreed to give this game up without any outcome. Well this was the days of 1.1 beta.


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  7. Thanks for the info.














    Well any veteran CMBO player should well expect this:

    Allied has at least 2 "fighter-bombers" carrying those deadly 500-pounders. Since fb are not controllable in CMBO, the game is played very differently in CMBO and I suppose ASL allows your airpower to do some aerial recon (gamey?) to reveal some of the Axis information, it is not that easy for the case of CMBO.

    Lastly, should I just change the turn number and send it over to http://www.asl2cm.com/ ?



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  8. IIRC, this technique was used well back in WWI when German infantry had absolutly no way to deal with Allied tanks, so they packed 6 genrades together to close combat against Allied tanks. That was before the deployment of A7V (not that Asus MoBo biggrin.gif )

    As time advances, unfortunately, bigger bombs and other infantry anti-tank weapons appeared like PIAT and zook, so Allied did not need to use such field-mod method.


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  9. Since I made too much jokes around this thread, let me add some more:

    According to HPS "Encyclopedia of Land Combat Vol.1"

    H-39 was an improved version of H-38 with armor thickness up to 45mm and the longer SA18 (L/33) 37mm gun. 270 tanks were in used in 1940. This tanks was also used by Israeli army in 1945, which a few were upgraded to British 6-pounders. In 1942, the 7.5 cm PaK40(Sf) auf Geschutzwagen 39H(f) appeared with high powered 75mm PaK 40 L/46 gun (?) This tank destroyer weighted 12.5 tons and had fair armor protection. 24 tank destoryers and 48 SPA were produced by Germans , all of which served in France until the last of them were destroyed in 1944.

    According to the new edition of EGTWW2, it should be a 75mm L/46 gun.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  10. Humm, it would be "Combat Mission 4: The Early Years". CM3 is about the Mediterrian and Italy campaigns and it would be "Combat Mission 3: Hot and Spicy Dessert".

    Oops, it should be "Combat Mission 3: Hot and Spicy Desert". Or you may like as well "Combat Mission 3: The Passion Desert". Yes, there is a Chinese oldies called "The Passion Desert".


    Originally posted by J Pender:

    Cant wait for CM3?


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-29-2001).]

  11. My comments, possible spoilers below:











    Since it is recommended the AI uses "default setup", then it would be standard combined arms street fightings for the Axis side. I may be just lucky for my first try resulted in a "Total Victory" for me. I concentrate my troops in both wings and maintain a ranged firefights. The worst enemies is the mud and airpower.

    I would like to try again as Allies or H2H play some time to see how it goes.

    Personally, if the terrian demands Axis player to start a house-to-house fight, or a couple of tanks as reinforcements, it would be more insteresting.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  12. Here Here! biggrin.gif

    For Mac, it is included in package "Total War" and for PC, I have the "Complete Carries at War". Both manuals are photocopied and binded. The graphics are "just the same" nonetheless, they are playable in Win95/98, not to mention they are great! I have played the original "Carriers At War I" and well, it is the most enjoyable naval wargame after "Harpoon".



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  13. Oops, no offense taken, really. Sorry for I still miss a number of typos even if I go back and forth to edit my msg.

    So, have you tried his "Campaign Series"?

    Back to topic: it has been years that I think I am one of the very few people playing wargames in my place but when I come to this Forum, I learn more of them than I expect. I never expect wargaming would be a mainstream kinda game or "entertainment". Well, if I like a game and it still runs with the OS in my HD, I don't really care if people are still producing new one.

    OTOH, I think there is kinda cycle thingy in different categories. Remember people saying "RPG is Dead" back into 1995? But now we have AD&D back and other online "rpg" generating enough cash to make the developers happy. I think flight sim is reaching the bottom of the cycle or it may rebound some time. I read the lastest CGO Action Newsletter and it says people think id Software should concentrate on making engines rather than "games". Are we beginning to see FPS or action game going down in the cycle? We shall see.

    Darn! SFC2 patch passes! Good! Just make it right!


    Originally posted by Wesreidau:

    Griffen, apologies for sounding patronising, not the intention I assure you, but I must correct you with regard to John Tyler..its actually the great "John Tiller". Or Sir John Tiller as I like to call him. I lost years of my life playing the battleground and campaign series and then I met the guy on my honeymoon in the states and he pays for a classy hotel for us for a weekend. The man is a God!


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  14. As one of SFC supporters who feels so hurt to see what SFC2 right now, I would have to say that Taldren is not brave and smart enough to go where BTS has gone before -- indie.

    I am not shoeshining but there are a number of threads on their forum condemning the rush!!! Interplay Marketing department strikes again! If SFC2 comes this year, making everything work as is, it would definitely be a great game it should have been.

    DynaII is another story since it is the hosting company dropping everything in the last minute...and worse the server was still beta-testing.

    From what I have read Patch should be good one, not that which was again rushed for Xmas to keep some ppl zip. frown.gif We shall soon see....

    I don't understand but I have not been to Talonsoft's message board for quite a while but from what I have seen is Mr. Norm Koger is still answering questions on TOAW. I am not sure what ripping TOAW is all about.

    For other wargames, hum, let's see:

    We still have another indie HPS. John Tyler jumped to HPS and publishes "Panzer Campaigns" series. I am trying to learn the 3rd installment "Karkov '42" and well, it reminds you about "Eastern Front" a lot, but better. The scope is just limited to one area though.

    OTOH, we have Matrix Games togetehr with 2x3 for all the good old titles updated and new ones in the horizon. Are you waiting for the new "War in Pacific"?

    Another indie Sharpenal brings us "Steel Beasts" and "Combat Command 2".

    Well, SSG is still running and you have TAO 2 available to for free download and I have got the "Complete Carriers at War" for my Mac.

    Don't you know that Schwerpunkt is going to publish a game with scale like "War in Russia" called "Russo-German War '41-'44"?

    SSI stil does some goodies like anticipated "Harpoon 4".

    Well, don't forget "Combat Mission 2: Bigger and Badder" is coming shortly in a year's time (have your fingers crossed). wink.gif

    So I don't see any reasons why one should feel bored without any wargames. Or I begin to speak like an ad. smile.gif

    OTOH, FPS is not necessarily bad games. I am playing "No One Lives Forever". Stylish, funny, great wriitng and very immersive. Games like this together with "System Shock 1 & 2", "Thief 1 & 2", "Dues Ex", etc, are not just mindless shoot'em up games and requires you to think a lot while have a very compelling storylines. Have you tried at least one of these? wink.gif

    To prevent any possible devloution to whine and flames, go and enjoy good games then.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-26-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-26-2001).]

  15. Yep, but I think if one is on the receiving side, that would defnitely not "unimpressive". They are respectful. "Fire in the Hole!"

    BTW, I read somewhere that modern hand grenades do contain some nasties like "steel bearings" to increase the effects of fragments, similar to those in modern AAM. Is it true.

    How much difference in terms of explosion and damage effect between a hand grenade with a launched one? (say 40mm type used by US).



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  16. We play a "double-blind" PBEM on this ASL-converted scenario and he has the following comments. They come as is and please apologize if it is not properly arranged:

    ">I understand your feeling. The most important problem

    >for you is I am allowed to set up forces freely. If

    >not so, you will contact my skimmish rather early and

    >you will know the way to be.

    I'm not actually sure that that's the problem: if I'd seen your soldiers earlier, I still would have moved slowly. The problem I think is that, esp. in the hedgerow country, I have to _assume_ that your soldiers could be behind the next hedgerow, and so I move carefully.

    Let me give a historical example: in late 1944 the British forces in Northern France were moving at what was thought to be an astonishing rate, largely because they were encountering very little opposition. It turns out though that they were only moving something like 6-8 km a day (I forget the exact number), because they were moving like I did, with one unit going forward slowly (usually on foot) while covered by the others.


    >How bout a QB next?


    Maybe--I still like the scenarios though. smile.gif The problem with any scenario converted from Squad Leader is that in that game, you have a good idea where the enemy's forces are, even if you use concealment or even dummy counters. Therefore, the amount of time needed to advance is shorter. Let me

    look and see if I can find a scenario that looks fun.


    "Just something I wanted to add: many people who design scenarios don't understand how slowly real commanders advanced; they assumed real commanders stumbled forward blindly like they do in wargames. Rushing in may actually be better in the long run (the progress you make can keep the enemy from respositioning reserves and thereby save lives in the long run), but it's not something real commanders could convince their men to do. smile.gif


    ">BTW, could I post your comments on "Prelude to

    >Breakthru" to the "Scenario Forum"? I only get yours

    >from this week only. I will go ahead on your green



    You're welcome to. Let me add this though. Combat in hedgerow country takes even longer than normal combat. Historically, progress was very very slow, even slower than normal advances.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-24-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-24-2001).]

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