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Posts posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. I stand corrected, thanks.

    My younger brother has PS2 on his own and there are quite a few exciting titles out there like Gundam. However, the graphics are not as good as it has been, so, wait.

    IMHO, sims and wargames are still best on PC/Mac!



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  2. Is it possible for somebody to take up his site and carry on, at least for the sake of restoring all maps and scenarioes? May be somebody can get him or herself a public web hosting account and maintain?


    Originally posted by MikeT:

    Firefly, I can openly say that in the message to me the Col said that his school time was more valuable to him.

    At no time did he say he recieved a cease and desist letter or instruction from anyone.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  3. Sir and Madam,

    For all of your kind inquiry about the scenarioes "inspired by that 'famous board game'", I am sorry I mixed them up with other creations, so please be patient as I take time to sort them out.

    Since it is quite murdeous to everybody, I am to put them all in one place so that you can download in a piece. If anybody who have PBEM v.3, please send that to me @ "griffinchengcm@yahoo.com", too cause I want to include that in my "collection".

    Thank you very much for your kind attention.




    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  4. I understand your concern. But I cannot speak for BTS ppl but these are what I get from tracking this all along:

    1. First the engine is already here so far less considerable development time.

    2. Steve & Charles Co. mentioned many times before here there will be a great number of features to be added in CM2, among them the most noticable will be improved city fightings (infamous Stalingard Rat War). Not to mention a larger map and much more terrian variety. Also a much larger of TO&E from much more nations, that you have mentioned.

    3. Lastly, and most importantly, "Fall 2001" is a projected eta. No defnite word is up in the air. Fionn at CGO CMBO forum mentioned that they are just running the loooong list of ideas and deceide what are implemented. AFAIK, horse-mounted troops is total out of question.

    IMHO, better BTS make it right, I can wait.

    Keep your hopes up and keep playing CMBO fttb.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  5. Just an idea flashed into my mind during all the boring work : how about furry/wooly skin mod for AFV? Oh, make the summer and winter skins different. I think it works best with Kitty's Hamster face mod! Any WIP on this?



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  6. I think I have every single scenario and operations, with the possible exception of PBEM Pack v.3, if anybody still wants it, drop me a email. It may not be the most u2d though.

    Fight on people with the spirit of ASL2CM!!!



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  7. [Conspiracy Theory] Is that anything to do with "killing off" competition by shutting down some of their support sites.

    I can't imagine since Colonel is not making a ASL port directly to PC!!! I think his site was benefitial to both CMBO and ASL!

    Too bad, the site is history.

    [silience for 5 minutes]....

    Fortunately, some of the scenarioes are available somewhere else, including CMHQ.

    Scenario & Ops makers! I hereby announce we all go for guerrila warfare and put our converted scenarioes around the Ring!!! Harsbo killed one ASL2CM site but there are thousands of ASL2CM carrying on!



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  8. Yes Old Ctow, I think the Japanese don't play much on their PC, may be except H-Games (sorry if it sounds offensive).

    If you don't know already, even Sega is out on console hardware business, but they still remain in software.

    BTW, they have a tank-sim (which is light imo) called "Panzer Front" and the sequel called "Panzer Front bis" is going to be released on PS2 (or for US ppl, PSX2).

    Japan is an interesting country. They are heavily influensed by US clutures but it is quite difficult to to business with them. smile.gif



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  9. When I order my 3rd copy of CMBO (for the sake of 1.1 CD+Manual), I see an additional link to a Japanese site. It looks like a online store and it has CMBO on sale!

    From the minimal Japanese I could understand, it seems the introduction of that site is far better than the CMBO site we all know and forget. biggrin.gif

    BTW, the site says "price to be determined" and well, it sounds like there is a little change in the business model (personally I hate that word) in Battlefront.com.

    All shots are taken from the finished product and a number of scenarioes we all know (too) well.

    Frankly, all of in-game text are English.

    Just curious (and that kills the cat -- presumably your King Tiger )



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  10. Hey jd,

    Ya, since people read about Fionn's Alpha AAR back in late 1999, ie since last Century, many were dying to get their hands on this goodie. One week or two, guys, you can make it thru. In the mean time, I suggest get down and play some more Gold Demo. Or if you have not yet read this historical-significant AAR, go right now to Combat Missions HQ and read it thru.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  11. Hi, let me share my little xp with u.

    Mine took two months, at least! Since BTS uses USPS, it can drive you go postal (pun intended).

    I made the first order (which comes with 1.0), wait 2 months or so and it did not show up. Then I made the 2nd order (with 1.03 on disk) and it arrived in 2 weeks. I think BTS had made some errors about the first order and Steve was very kind and send what I ordered in the 1st one absolutely free. Guess what? Both 1st order and replacement order arrived at the same time!!! I then sent back the replacment order back to BTS.

    Patience is a virtue.


    P.S. I think I am gonna order version 1.1 CD+manaul.


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 02-08-2001).]

  12. Well, radio on commander tanks also catches a lot of attention. I remember reading "Red Storm Riding" by Larry Bond + Tom Clancy, a good read anyway, the M1 TC tells his gunner to aim the tank with radio -- cause it is the commander tank.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  13. The thread on T34 series is definitely interesting read.

    BTW, it was welled documented that most German tanks in WW2 are equipped with radio.

    I am wonder, how did a tank platoon leader command other tanks when his fellow co-workers do not have radioes?

    I read from somewhere that the platoon leader actually run around shouting out orders to other TC during WW1. Is this the case here too?



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  14. Following my previous post, there are a number of "other" weapons in CMBO which prove to be pretty good tank kiler.

    Motar -- especially open topped or thin-topped afv like Hertzer. There are many threads disucssing the power (or overpower) of this little killers. I have yet to see one heavies like Jadgtiger or Jadgpanther killed by motar.

    OBA -- large artilleries kill, but far fewer casess. However, if it is a scenario which is not double-blind, a well placed fo is very dangerous. Ask the veterans who have played "Valley of Trouble" can tell.

    Ahh! Nearly forget about the mighty close air support!

    Still the most effective weapon to kill a tank is another tank.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 02-07-2001).]

  15. Let's get back to the original question.

    In CMBO, infantry are pretty defendless against AFV, even your squads are armed from AT weapon like panzerfraust and rifle grenade.

    From my little experiences, the factors are taken in account:

    1. Is the afv supported by infantry? i.e. the afv has friendly foot soldiers (not passengers) within los and firing range.

    2. Is the afv buttoned? Buttoned tanks are a little more vunerable to unbottoned ones since buttoned tanks have less field of view.

    3. Is the afv immoblized? Static target is almost as good as dead.

    4. Is the afv moving? If it is at "fast" speed, it is very likely to run into ambushes. However, moving vechicles are harder to kill in non-ambush situation.

    5. Does the attacking infantry stay well covered? Ambushes have better chance of getting a kill first. Also, infantry in covered terrian like tall pines and buildings provides very good covers for tank killings.

    6. What is the overall moral? Lower moral means less initative to attack an afv.

    7. What is the quality of the infantry? Higher quality means highly likelihood of using AT weapon, if any.

    8. Is the afv turretless or open topped? Turretless and/or open top vechicles are very vunerable.

    9. What is the direction of the attack? If the infantry attacks in directions other than head-on, it is more likely to success especially against turretless afv.

    10. What is the range? Grenades only work at very close range (< 10m), panzerfrausts have different effective ranges based on time peroids. schrecks and zooks have less than stellar accuraccies at ranges > 100m, at most of the time. But you may have read stories about first shot kills at amazing ranges.

    11. Is the infantry within HQ c&C? If the hq has moral and combat modifiers definitely boosts combat, in general.

    It is really nasty when a afv shooting infantries at stand-off ranges (ie. > 200m) and the other side has no proper counter weapon at disposal. Either think about alternative tactics.


    P.S. Flipper, my advise is next time, use proper puncutations in your message, for it is kinda hard to read.


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

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