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Posts posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. May be we have to see CM2 to see how T-34/85 performs. I can foresee there will be at least one thread comparing these two, if not, I shall start one! wink.gif

    Since I usually play combined-arms troops in most QB I buy only one Panther, if not, the computer usualy grant me 1 Panther. In many more than once, my Panther is a nightmare to Allied tanks, and have at least 2:1 exchange rate. Hetzer may be king of anti-tank role, sometimes I prefer getting a all-round Panther than a Hetzer plus a STuH/Sdfk-251/9.

    I would again stress that Panther is not "ubertank" and proper handlings is required to keep it survive long enough, which sometimes I fail to do...



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  2. Though it is a tag expensive, that MG34 is pretty good. However, I don't think I can get it to import to Hong Kong either.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Banshee:

    They have m1919 barrels in stock (50 and 80 dollars US depending if its .308 or .30/06), and demilled MG34's (800 US). I would love a demilled MG-34 but they wont ship them to California.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  3. Gaustav, I have check the site but I cannot find it. Can you be more specific? TIA.

    I think BTS money is best spent on hiring more people and make CM2 come faster -- I mean programmers but not marketing people. biggrin.gif



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  4. As a Hotmail user myself, I understand your frustration. First is to have your opfor zip the file first, which I am glad most of my fellow opfors are doing pretty well. OTOH, if you receive a text file, I always copy-and-paste the contents to a text editor (like UltraEdit or ViM) and save it.

    But text file is just a very minor problem with Hotmail....



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  5. BTS, okay this is some real meat.

    Will the manual updated with 1.1 to reflect the update changes on online play?

    If so, I think I am going to your order page asap.

    As I forget to "shoeshine", thanks a billion BTS for brining this one! wink.gif

    Again, is it the last patch for CMBO? BUMP!!!



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  6. Thanks Henri, I think we should start a new one, for the one right now is just a slaughter on my side. wink.gif

    BTW, check out my profile and you should see my ICQ#. But I don't open my ICQ regularly, maybe I should put it up in coming weekend and attend Matt's chatroom often.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri:

    Sure, we could continue out present pbem game on TCPIP and/or start a new one. Do you have ICQ? It makes it easy to contact people in real time. I don't have my number here, butif you send me an email, I can give it to you (or you can do a search on my email address with ICQ).We can also meet on Matt's chat room, which I check out regularly.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  7. Hey, you release the final patch when I am AT WORK!!! That is not fair! wink.gif

    Downloading it now...

    IIRC, this is the last patch for CMBO, isn't it?

    Hey Slapy, where can I get MacOS 9.1? Is it free?



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  8. Well, for British, Dialmer (sp?) AC works the same, if not better. However, as others mentioned, HT and infantry are the worst enemy for these AC. However, they are just like other AFVs, they are not invinciblie, their use and survival depend on how you handle them, with a little luck.

    IMO, anybody who think German panzers are "ubertanks" should read this thread.

    BTW, Henri, how bout a TCP game or 2 in the weekend?



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  9. Yep, I would like to see that too. biggrin.gif I think we should write to their Editors on that.

    Actually, yesterday I read from a local paper that the largest online games competition is held in France which lasts for 50 hours. From the photo, I can see they are playing Counter-Strike.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  10. 2 points to note so far.

    A) I think the terrians there are just not sand alone. There are small rubbles and stones scatter around. Moreover, they are brushes dotted sparingly in the desert.

    B) Many have pointed that most tanks modelled in CMBO are not in that time frame ('41-'43). But I think battle around Tunsia would be fine (Tigers vs Sherman) or I find acceptable to have hypothectical battles post '43 peroid.

    I really love to see this mod! As a "Desert Fox" fan, I always play WW2 desert warfare : fro W@W:OC, Steel Panthers, and TOAW...

    Looking forward to see your nice work soon.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  11. Well, I am not sure if this has been covered before, I think CAS (both sides) takes AFV as their pirority target, then troops on feet.

    I am playing a ASL-converted scenario with Scott Orr where my FJ keep getting pounded by his CAS and I have not AFV at that point.

    Airpower in CMBO, I think in WW2 in general, is not magic bullet ( or artillery to be exact biggrin.gif ) It worked pretty well in interdicting troops movements and supply transportations. In CAS role, planes like IL-2, Typhoon, Hs-129, P-47 are early forerunners in CAS department. Ground troops and AFVs do not have IFF ( it would be interesting if they do biggrin.gif ) so it is very common for cases of friendly fires, afaik, it still happens during the Gulf War.

    OTOH, it would be unfair to disregard the role of CAS in CMBO -- many more than once, they are the life-saver if they do their jobs right. It also limits your tactical options in case you realize the other side owns the sky.

    In short, as I quote from many others said, air power here in CMBO is a "double-edged sword".



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  12. Yes, test on!

    I suggest you try the scenario "South to Sword" and play German. You have a bunch of PzIV but Allied have....

    Near miss or near hit from CAS bombs usually damage tracks so immobilize a tank or if you are lucky, kill the TC. Most US CAS here represent P-47 which "only" have 8x .5 cal mg -- they are pretty lethal to most medium tanks or below. But if you face P-38 (iirc, it is not modelled here) or worse Typhoon, 20mm cannon can kill most tanks here in CMBO.

    From my limited experiences, CAS target any tank (including friendlies) in open, in trees and moving.

    Keep going with CM!

    "I like that enthueasium, Colonel." -- Wing Commander III - Heart of Tiger


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  13. Yes, keep your tanks moving is very important for survival.

    One point to note is, do not move where your infantry have not covered, most German squads, especially after Jan '45, have a fraust or 2, they are very bad for your health. Not to mention hidden PaK and schrek.

    From my little experiences, any Allied tank under 600m range is potentially dangerous to most German tank, even Tiger. Try to maneuver tanks to take flank shots and target a tank with at least 2 of yours. When the German AFV targets one of your tank, the other can hit it from the side. This way, even 75mm M4A1 can kill tanks from flank and increase the chance of survival.

    Hetzers are particuarlly nasty for I rarely kill or lose them from Allied AFV.

    Side note: there are more than once a side shot from a Straut KO'd Tiger I. frown.gif



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  14. IIRC, many age polls being conducted on this forum indicates that the average age would be around 36.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dog6880:

    what will they use the 20 year old's for dare i ask....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  15. 420,

    Not yet. One of the MG pillbox was near Lion Rock trail. Of course there was a number of bunkers in Fortess Hill. I remember I saw one other near Star Ferry when I was small, but it was removed now.

    I had a book which contains detailed maps, guides and photos on the remains of WW2 sites in Hong Kong. It is in one of the boxes home so I am sorry I cannot get it for you right now. I bought it in the Book Expo in 1999.

    If you read the paper, there is a small coastal defense museum in Shaukeiwan, but I have yet to visit it. It sounds attrative.


    CM affects my daily life very much just like many other good games I played. There has been mnay funny threads here about "Signs that you have played CM too much" back from the days of Beta Demo. biggrin.gif I don't drive so I have yet to get "hull down" nor I am mounting a HMG, LAW or ATGM on top of my car. (That's Dogbert way)

    Your sympthom by far is light which indicates you have not played CM long enough wink.gif Don't worry, you will be alright and CM wont' harm you wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif




    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

  16. Thanks for the info.

    I think I need more, not only infantry weapon, but others too.

    The problem is: many references are about the weapon itself but very little on the ammo, e.g. "US Infantry Weapon of WWII" talks a lot about the weapon used but the author(s) assume the readers have some understanding about ammo.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

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