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Posts posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. Hey, my pre-filled URL led me wrongly to the old board so I left most of the actions until last nite, thanks SuperTed. smile.gif

    And as of 0630GMT today, I am witnessing MadMatt modifying the look-n-feel of the Forum and well, it is quite okay now.

    Also, there is a lot of friendly features and less cookies to cater with. Nice!

    But I am not sure if it is the new UBB or not for the "Search Functions" pose me 2 problems:

    1. Search by "member number" instead of "username". This is kinda problematic cause how should I know and remember the memboer number of say, Jason Calwey? Arrgh!

    2. In the old Search, I can read a search result and use "back" button to see the search results. Now, you have to "refresh" or "reload" (well, depending on which browser you are using) the search result screen which indeed is to search all over again.


  2. Hello Jinxx! Welcome aboard! I am aka "SFC_Griffin" out there.

    I think nobody treats you like a "newbie"! :D And I think I treat newbies well. ;) BTW, you style of subject is too hard to miss. :D

    First off, I like SFC and SFC2 very much, despite of the bugs, and I don't play D2 at all. tongue.gif

    I understand the difficults Taldren facing in SFC series, that is a licensed product anyway and in tightly control by a big publisher, unlike CMBO. ;)

    Somehow I think if SFC is implmented as turn-based, WEGO system, many complaints about the fleet control and fighter/PF AI problems goes away completely.

    This is just a thought. smile.gif

    Anyway, afaik, CM2 will stick with Eastern Front battles only. CMBO is still an independent product, but CM2 will be the largest (in terms of equipment list and terrian types) of all planned series. Anyway, we have already seen a lot of potential for mods and TCs. If you do not aware, there is already a TC called "Desert Fox Deserts" prepared by a group of good men which protrays a number of battle happened in North Africa from 1940-1943. Even though most equipment in CMBO is far "advanced" to be used, it is fun and highly playable. Their URL is at Desert Fox Desert Rat (Yes, this is an ad! Sue me! tongue.gif )


    P.S. I suggest you try TCP/IP play, if you haven't, it is great!

  3. Two more recommendations:

    "The Road to Stalingrad : Stalin's War With Germany (Erickson, John, Stalin's War With Germany, V. 1.)"


    "The Road to Berlin : Stalin's War With Germany (Erickson, John, Stalin's War With Germany, V. 2.)"




    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    Get the CMSOD at Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/

  4. Soviets trained dogs to attack German armor by feed their dogs under tanks. Before the dogs went to attacked, they were starved and each had a mine strapped on the back. The dogs were sent to rushed towards the German tanks where they though food could be found. When a mine contacted the bottom of a tank, well you know what happen next.

    However, since the dogs got used to the smell of Russina tanks, they tended to go back under the Russian tanks and worse, the Germans later were order to shoot any dogs on sight.


    P.S. I think there was a thread about mine dogs but I gotta do a search. smile.gif


    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    Get the CMSOD at Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/

  5. Jason, that why I open up a section on your posts. Good one.

    Another off-topic post:

    To add a few, many "armies" in KMT Army during that time were embraced warlords who co-operate with KMT (or Nationalist Party) during the Re-unification Campaign. Rivialry among the sections were pretty strong, even during the Civil War later.

    But the Japanese did not limit themselves to costal area. They had extended to mid-Zheung Jiang area in 1941 but was stopped, and this is not short way in a "river valley".

    And the troops garrisoned in Manchuria or Noth-Eastern provinences saw very little combat until the end of WW2 when the Soviets declared war on Japan, freeing up from fighting the Nazi Germans.

    I would point out that the Chinese was able to pull some local counter-offensive in 1941 with some success. However, the Japnaese took back the area later.

    Also, the prolong war started in 1931 drew too much resources from Japanese and also due to US sansaction, especially petrol, so the Japanese had to start war in Indochina to gain access to oil and gas to keep their war going.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    Get the CMSOD at Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 04-04-2001).]

  6. Let me add some:

    In early years of Japanese invasion (1931-1941), most of the battlefields were located in plains, where tanks were very effective -- even Chinese armies equipped with German 37mm PaK. But their lines were already extended too long : almost, if not longer, the size of the Eastern Front from north to south.

    But after the Chinese armies retreated into rugged, mountainous area, the Japanese began to suffer much tougher battles. Moreover, they began the invasons into Indo-China and Pacific.

    Hope it helps.



    "When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

    "Can't get enough Tank?"

    Get the CMSOD at Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/

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