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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. Well, it is a rUNE scenario after all. I got guys with satchel charges out the wazoo so I can make a new door in a hedgerow pretty much anywhere I like, pop up, ventilate a few of the hapless mortar crews you've pressed into service and move on. PS. as the Germans you were expecting Rhino equipped tanks?? You might want to Wiki that, Sparky.
  2. At your age i'm sure you lose most things regardless of whether you think of Joe or not. Your marbles, the lid to your prune juice bottle, your bladder control...
  3. Perhaps Joe is waiting for the I-sketch to be released?
  4. Quite, aren't first turn artillery barrages just the epitomy of gaminess Boo? I mean, what sort of cad and bounder would resort to such sneaksy and low levels of gaminess, Boo? And what sort of numpty would moan about our dear departed Peng committing such a crime yet do the exact same thing themselves?...Boo?
  5. Oh, you're off allright. Would it kill you to take a bath?
  6. Oops! Seems Micheal is up early to change his bed linen! (as per normal). Why the Sisters of Mercy don't invest in rubber sheets is beyond me when you have the hygiene factor at the Port Townsend facility for the flacidly disabled to consider.
  7. 21 words and you had to edit them? Did you spell '2' wrong or sumfink?
  8. Saved from the bottom of page one!! Thank goodness for ME!
  9. No Speedy, you've always had that but leave it alone and go wash your hands.
  10. Off to show your your testimonials to the Cowboys again Joe? I thought the injunction prevented you from going within 500m of the stadium ever again?
  11. Rumour has it that Joe is very proud of his testimonials and often gets them out to show people.
  12. Poor Boo Radley, otherwise known as 'The little tin drum that could'.
  13. Why don't you pick something monkey-boy? Something that might play to your...*giggle*...'strengths'. Make sure it isn't one that Nidan1 has had a hand in creating.
  14. Oh gee whiz and willickers! Were they really fun? Like...darn 'tooting fun? (excuse my french)
  15. The only evidence you have of that is the incessant mewlings of Joe Xhia. You believe everything Joe tells you? Like "the check is in the mail" and "keep still, this won't hurt"?
  16. You have a little bit of drool hanging from the corner of your mouth...
  17. The game itself isn't as flawed as a scenario that has the name Nidan1 attached to its creation in any way. Of course I won, thats what I do. Mind, this game was so dumb, right from the get-go that I was going to let your humiliating defeat go unannounced here in the 'pool to save you some measure of embarrassment. However it seems you see fit to embarrassment yourself in public. So yes, another victory goes my way. A hollow victory though, seeing as you were my patsy.
  18. I doubt there is anyone here under the age of 40 but...I suppose...compared to you they would class as young and wet behind the ears. Tell me, what was it like when dinosaurs ruled the earth?
  19. and there ain't no mewling like an old and smelly mewler.
  20. He should also wear a Star of David t-shirt whilst mewling about Allah. That should inflame the pashtun senses no end .
  21. Who didn't close the front door? We've got another stray in the living room. If it fouls the carpet I'm gonna rub Emrys nose in it.
  22. And that road between the hedgerows isn't just painted Feldgrau, Sparky. You've got plenty of "Dear Frau Schmidt, I screwed up again" letters to write haven't you?
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