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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Just for the record...I win...AGAIN!


    Poor Buzzsaw, even playing one of his liege RuNe's gamey, hacked, evil scenarios he still tasted the bitter spice of defeat. One bright spark for the lad was that he was playing ME, hence defeat was unavoidable yet the honour of basking in the glow of my aura will be a memory he will long cherish.

    Now cue Emrys with some piss-weak fau-taunt....over to you Michael.

  2. I am monumentally retarded beyond all recognition and I want to apologise for my existence before the good members of the cesspool who actually play the game.

    I in fact don't play the game as i'm not allowed things that get me into a 'state' and make nurse angry then it's the kerosene bath and raping with the broom handle which I don't generally like as a rule.

    I prefer to dress as a little girl and sit at the communal computer and press keys with my good thumb while pretending to know what I am talking about (I also make up my own sig lines).

    I live in awe of Joe Shaw who I truly admire for his snappy dress sense and charm with the ladies. I did kiss a lady once but then I was told your grandmother didn't count so back to square one I went.

    I enjoy reading the posts of Boo Radley whose erudite linguistic twists leave me drooling more than usual as I try to figure out what the big words mean. I never can figure it out but just knowing Boo said them is enough for me.

    So, once again, sorry for being me. Feel free to kick me in the fork at your convenience. It will hurt but any form of attention is better than none I always say.

    PS. I also smell


    I think you had a grammar error in your post too.

  3. I hope you are enjoying the halftrack turkey shoot that is going on right now. I am not.

    As luck would have it I am rather enjoying it.

    Blame RuNe for bringing a 1/2 dozen H/T's full of troops in as reinforcements for you in an open field. No doubt poor runE hadn't counted on my Uber military genius to have that field covered and inhabited by the whole damn US army at this point in the game.

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