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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Fortunately for your endangered Krautruppen, I am on vacation as of tomorrow and will be enjoying the sights, sounds and beers of Munich, Nuremberg and a lovely mountain chalet in the Austrian Alps for Christmas. I will be bothered by your impudent mewlings not a whit.

    Going against tradition this year I will not be sending you your much anticipated lump of coal. Not only do you not deserve it, but I know you would only waste it trying to heat your spotty arse up.

    Enjoy your driveway shovelling duties in the ice-hell of Akron.

  2. Gee... how am I ever going to be able to tell just where Stuka's men are in this scenario???

    Maybe by listening to the exploding inside walls as he stealthily moves towards my positions.

    No lie. Every couple of minutes or so there's a big BANG! and a corresponding cloud of smoke from an outlying building. Huh... that's either Stuka-Nuka-Puka-Pants being really subtle in his approach or granpa tried to program the VCR again.


    Fear my Engineers'O'Doom!

    Clearly you are unprepared for an advance through buildings otherwise you wouldn't be exposing your troops to observation in an attempt to counter my sneeeksy tactics.

    You are so screwed in this one. As in all others I might add.

  3. in another innocuous area, he decided to blow up a shrubbery.

    In the annuls of war crimes against vegetation, Boo's final solution against shrubbery appears to require a field gun of some large-ish calibre. There's none of my troops affected of course, except the squad horticulturalist, PFC Greenthumb who is quite upset by it all.

    Greenthumb is from Ohio needless to say and if any Booian shells fall in a corn field (Normandy being known for corn) there'll be hell to pay.

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