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Posts posted by Schugger

  1. Aha, Stan & Olly are at it again


    When you do start another game with Freyland I suggest you buy a thousand points worth of AA units, for Doc has shown a unique talent of pulling extra Jabos out of his ass when you least expect it.

    Cunning suggestion, but as I've recently joined a druidic circle, I'm capable to change the weather conditions as I see fit. Then Freyland can land his Jabos where he had pulled them out...

    I owe you the completion of the X-mas at Hemrouille game. Should you have the last file, upgrade it to 1.04 and I will gladly let you finish killing off my men with your unopposed tanks.

    You really mean I should continue to finish off your meagre remnants of US defenders with my formidable force consisting of approximately 15 combat ready infantry ( low on ammo ), one HMG unit, one Panther and two Mark IVs all without HE ammunition and with my ace-in-the-hole Mark IV which has full ammo supply but quite unfortunatly also a damaged gun? You must be really desperate to see your infantry platoon killed which is hiding in a single scattered trees tile that noone can miss a shot at them - except me.

    Shame on me, Jonathan, but I haven't any turns of that slugfeast on my HD anymore. If you haven't either our virtual soldiers are forever locked in this stalemate battle.

    It was really going to be the first battle in CM without any survivers with noone able to collect the victory price ( Hemrouilles famous x-mas roast ).

    [This message has been edited by Schugger (edited 12-13-2000).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freyland:

    Hey, why do you think I went into Pediatrics? (Juuuuusssst kidding, folks... no need to go check little Nathan's bedroom)


    Arghhh! "It" lives! "It" is back to eat our souls and celebrate even more bloody PBEM rituals / at least I hope so smile.gif ).

    Doc, I feel the urgent need for some medical treatment in form of a PBEM ( or whipping if you prefer ). Soooo, if you have a cure for my increasing Egomania it would be much appreciated.

    BTW, is it the same Fighter Bomber Kingfish is reffering to in http://battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/009718.html or have you done it again, you silly daemon wink.gif ?

  3. Well..erm..I really don't now what to say and how, as my belly is still aching from the laughing fit. Is it really the eternity of 19 days you are waiting since your order was confirmed? That is quite a blow, hard as Leberwurst - at least.

    However, help is close at hand: Use the mighty search function on this board and enter the words " Postman Conspiracy " or something like this and you will be prompted to ancient tomes of woe posted around May or June. At this time the world was still cold and dark as no CM disc shows the path to the golden age of wargaming and lesser beings have to be satisfied with worshipping the Gold or (* shudder* ) Beta gods. Read the old scripts located in the archives and you shall see what people suffered in this dark times, the age of legends. Don't lose your faith, brother, as you will be enlightened soon.

  4. Is it just me or does anyone else here develop a Déjà-Vu experience.

    In the "Infantry and buildings" discussion similar arguments were presented ( TAC AI should move Heinis out of the harms way).

    While I argumented to make infantry more clever in this thread, I wouldn't like to see the TAC AI moving my tanks.

    Germanboy, I'm somewhat shocked that you appear to be a smelly tank nut wink.gif

    [This message has been edited by Schugger (edited 11-06-2000).]

  5. BeWary:

    I've only found out that direct mortar fire is imprecise if you target AFVs with them. Perhaps they do fear to be spotted and retaliation from the big guns mounted on their targets.


    In the example you gave, you simply used the right tactic, while your opponent made the mistake of exposing his tank to you long enough to enable you to move your mortars up to engage it.

    To request that the TAC AI takes over the control over your AFVs when threatened my mortar fire may raise some problems:

    Apart from the coding thing ( from which I have no clue) you may find that the TAC AI moves your tank in a very disadvantageous position.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by groundpounder:


    Your right about the dl time being good for something. I usually grab a beer and a schnapps in preparation for playing the scenarios I am downloading! biggrin.gif


    I sincerely hope that I do not need to worry for you, groundpounder wink.gif

    Sometimes the download times for P..ehh.. Mods is long enough to get one mindlessly drunk, especially with the acceleration combo of beer and Schnaps.

    However, downloading something on 56k modems is a perfect excuse to invite some friends and throw yet another party and "Dang!" there is your social life.

    Seriously, there is a tool which I found to be very helpful. It was mentioned by some guys here on the forum, but I've lost the thread and could not say " Thank you!".

    Grab it here


  7. Thanks for the quick response as well as for the interesting link, M. Hofbauer ( though it is quite hard for me To follow technical grog stuff there).

    Well, if you say that the FP for LMGs is reduced at ranges of up to 40 meters for the reasons you posted above, I do not understand why this is only the case for the VG squad. If I understood the reasoning correctly, then all LMGs ( for this example) should have a reduced FP value which is not the case.

    Anyway, your post was greatly appreciated.



  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

    ... and I'm also longing for CM3.



    Glad I'm not the only one smile.gif

    As much as I like to see how CM2 appears; I'm very excited about CM3. The flat deserts of North Africa and the mountain regions of Italy and the balcans. A whole bunch of new nationalities and the fragile tanks with small main guns which crumble if someone says "Booh!".

    I know, I'm going to love it smile.gif

  9. I'm currently playing one of WBW's great scenarios when I stumbled over something:

    The Volksgrenadier Heavy SMG Squad's LMG 42 (two of them) have a FP value of 40 at a range of 40 meters and a FP of 78 at 100 meters. By comparison, Motorized Squads which have also two LMGs 42 do have a FP of 100 at 40 meters and 90 at 100 meters.

    So I scratched my head and did the Search thing and came up with:


    Fine, so I stopped searching further and made a test with one VG hvy SMG squad against an US Rifle squad at exactly 40 meters to check the firepower values.

    The result was exactly 256 FP ( 212 for the six MP 40s and 40 for the two LMGs) and it increases to 281 when I made the target order ( I think because the HQ has a +1 combat bonus).

    So I want to ask if this is intentional or is this a bug?

    In the latter case, I think it is a small one as I think the result is basically the same if you hit someone with a FP of 256 or 316 ( pulp).

  10. Despite the "Who posts first" contest ( which I will loose anytime) you are of course all wrong.

    As it is now, you can only become a member if you can quote the first 666 posts of the original Peng thread or to explain at least five time the Indirect Fire rules for onboard mortars without being caught by the Spelling Police and and prosecuted for crimes against the syntax. biggrin.gif

  11. Glad you made it finally through, Mr Clark. smile.gif

    The 56k Modem users ( I'm one of them too) do have some distinct advantages over those people with high-beam-particle-accelerator-schießmichtot-cable modems - we can, to some extend, partake in social life when we dl something. wink.gif

    So you see, WBW and Madmatt, the long loading time on that site does have it's advantages.

    BTW, Madmatt was gentle enough to post a header at that side where he clearly says that it takes a wile to upload.


    Then god watched two historians having an argument. So he abandoned all hopes for mankind, turned his back to it and wept bitterly.

  12. The idea of variable scenario duration struck me a while ago and there was a thread about it in the CM Scenario board.

    As I do not like to say the magic search word and I'm also to lazy to post the URL, I present the optional rule of my scenario here again.Optional Rule; Variable Scenario End


    This scenario is set for a duration of 27 turns

    To make this a bit more unpredictable we have created a house rule during play testing for PBEM games that a battle may end sooner or later

    than listed.

    Simply roll a percent die ( two ten side dice, one shows the "tenths" the other the "units") starting in the order phase of turn 24.

    If the roll matches the result from the table below, the game ends and both sides have to prepare for a cease fire. It is important that the player

    who plots first in the order phase of a given turn rolls the dice and applies the result ( i.e., cease fire or not) and informs his opponent of the result

    so he can act accordingly.


    Turn 24 10%

    Turn 25 15%

    Turn 26 20%

    Turn 27 25%

    Turn 28 35%

    Turn 29 40%

    Turn 30 50%

    If you want to play with this rule the player who makes the setup has to change the scenario parameters from 27 to 30 turns.

    Any comments are greatly appreciated. Mails please to Schuggerbaby@t-online.de

    Good hunting


    Credits for the testers

    Doc "Arty" Freyland for his extensive AAR

    "Dirty" Harry for PBEMing it with me

    "AA" Anthony Cooper for his final tips

    [This message has been edited by Schugger (edited 10-24-2000).]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by machineman:

    You also may find it interesting if in a biggish German city to look for postcards or pictures of what it looked like right after the war. I lived in Koln for a winter, it seems a modern, nice, bustling place, with life seemingly based around festivals, forest, and funny little glasses of beer, yet a postcard you can get shows just what it looked like after all the bombing was done, the cathedral standing but otherwise pretty much completely blasted and flattened, like a moonscape. Another kind of battlefield.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    On postcards? I never checked this or saw any which show that. I saw some pictures showing the destruction of the town in city museums, but actually you can still see some ruins if you wander through the town.

  14. Schwuppdiwupp!

    It is sunday and I have waaay to much time at my hands, so I made some testings with mortars against tanks.

    I set up various german tanks, namly a Pz IV, StugIII, a Wespe, Panther A and a Tiger late, took away all their ammo and let them dig in ( hehe, nix moving).

    Against that formidable armour force I set up three 2" mortars, three 60mm mortars, a 75mm and a 80mm mortar in some woods at a distance of approximatly 300 meters away from their targets.

    Direkt fire with the mortars was a disaster; all their shots went wide and they were gunned down with tank MG fire.

    Indirect fire prooved to be very accurate, after two spotting rounds were fired, all shots landed very close and I scored so many hits, that the " top hit - no serious damage" marker was shown through the whole turn.

    The 2" mortars had no problem dispatching the Wespe - first hit equals first kill. All other tanks ( except the Tiger) were taken out by "top weak spot hits", no matter which calibre the mortar were. I made this testing for three times with nearly the same results.

    My conclusion to this is, that direct mortar fire against tanks seems not to be very effective as they do not hold their target.

    Indirect fire, though accurate, is not very deadly ( unless a weak spot hit is scored).

    As it takes a mortar team approximatly 15 to 20 seconds ( they were all regulars in my testings) to zero in on their targets, there is enough time to move your tanks out of the harms way. So if you order an exposed tank to move to a different position at the start of a turn ( when your opponent makes his indirect firing orders), your tanks are not only safe from the mortar threat but your opponent wastes also a great bunch of his mortar shells as the mortars stick to their area target order for the whole turn.

    Well, I know that my few testing runs will not proove any point but at least the tactic of moving your armour works fine for me so far.

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Interesting opinion Maximus, but the point here is whether it should happen.


    I had no idea that mortars could be so effective in destoying tanks before I read this thread.

    In all games I've made so far I'd never killed a tank with a mortar, the reason behind this is maybe that I rarly tried to use them in this role, but I also could not remember one of my tanks taken out by a mortar.

    Only against HTs were my mortars of some success, ehh... or enemy mortars were of some success against my HTs.

    Concerning the tanks in ambush positions:

    Well, if your tank can be fired at ( wether directly or indirectly) your ambush is spoiled anyway as your opponent is now aware of your tank lurking there.

    I don't know how tanks should react to mortar fire in CM, but if the TacAI moves them out of the harms way ( possibly in the way of a big enemy gun) players would not be satisfied by this solution too.

    I would like to see Foobar's test results and make some of my own and post them in this thread.


    Then god watched two historians having an argument. So he abandoned all hopes for mankind, turned his back to it and wept bitterly.

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