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Posts posted by Schugger

  1. I try to move captured units off map ( i.e. towards the edge of my setup zone. You'll get the extra VPs for them if doing so and you didn't need to guard them throughout the game.

    There was a thread about captured units a while ago ( forgive my laziness to dig it out) and some guys found out that you can.. ehhh.. use them otherwise.

  2. Ui! It seems like there are different versions of the song around ( but they differ only slightly).

    I do not remember exactly where I digged it out, but I think it was in the songbook of the Bundeswehr ( yes, they still sing it).


    Ob es stürmt ob es schneit ob die Sonne uns lacht,

    ob heiter der Himmel ob finster die Nacht,

    verstaubt sind die Gesichter doch froh ist unser Sinn, ja unser Sinn

    Es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin..

    Es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

    Mit donnerndem Motor so schnell wie der Blitz,

    dem Feinde entgegen im Panzer geschützt,

    voraus den Kameraden, im Kampfe stets allein, ja stets allein

    So stoßen wir tief in die feindlichen Reihen,

    So stoßen wir tief in die feindlichen Reihen,

    Und hat uns verlassen das treulose Glück,

    und kehren wir nie in die Heimat zurück,

    trifft uns die Todeskugel, ruft uns das Schicksal ab, das Schicksal ab

    Dann wird unser Panzer ein stählernes Grab,

    Dann wird unser Panzer ein stählernes Grab,

    The song you find at CMHQ ( I bet it is the same one like that in "The battle of the Bulge" movie) only has the first stanza (?).

    Supertanker's Babblefish translation made an exellent work, but I will try it once more ( don't shoot me smile.gif )

    Wether it storms or snows or the sun laughs at us

    Weather bright is the sky or dark is the night

    The faces covered thick with dust

    but cheerful `s our mind, yes our mind

    Our tank roars along with the thunderstorm

    Our tank roars along with the thunderstorm

    With thundering engines as fast as a lightning flash

    Upon the enemy, protected by our tank

    Ahead of our comrades, in the battle always alone, yes always alone

    So we thrust deep into the enemy line

    So we thrust deep into the enemy line

    And when we are deserted by the faithless lady luck

    And we are going to never come back

    We are hit by the bullet of death

    Fate has called us off, has called us off

    Our tank will become our steely grave

    Our tank will become our steely grave

  3. During some testing I found out that it does exactly work like KwazyDog told:

    If you have a good chance to kill a target ( for example 76mm gun against a Panther at 500 meters), no tungsten round was ever used.

    Same range, same gun but a Jagdpanther as target and the first shot was always (!) a tungsten round. Not even a spotiing round was fired.

    That makes a KT more vulnerable to a 76mm gun than a Panther ( if you still have those precious rounds).

  4. Hi Frag and all

    Frag, so you too have problems with your sharpshooter being spotted seemingly to easy in the game.

    There have been many threads in the last two weeks which covered how to use them effectivly and I can only recommend to check them out, but basically it is:

    a) distance to the closest enemy unit

    B) a position which offers good cover

    I don't know if a sniper is harder to spot than a sharpshooter, assuming both have the same equipment.

    Perhaps a sharpshooter with an higher experiance level will perform better.

    Croda, if you're tempted to make such a scenario where lots of infantry attack a position with fewer infantry and lots of sharpshooters I can't wait to lay my hands on it.

  5. Thanks for the information, Olle.

    For the indirekt fire usage:

    Well, I usually play QB on medium maps and the depth is somewhat around 1000 meters, deduct the two setup zones and add two or three turns in the game ( when the forces run towards their objectives) and the most part of the enemy force is in your minimum range zone.

    Granted, this is only a problem for QBs, but there are some other points which make IF for IGs not a so useful option:

    First, you need an additional HQ unit which could be more useful elsewhere.

    Second, IF is somewhat unprecise compared to DF

    Third, it is more difficult to redeploy an IG ( the sIG in particular) then mortar units, so if you're forced to move them to give DF support, you will loose precious time and make the things vulnerable to enemy fire while moving.

    Well, that is why I prefer to use the big guns in a direct fire support role, but this is of course a matter of personal taste.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by frag:

    Guys, I have to disagree here. Snipers made a BIG difference during the fight of Stallingrad. Near the end of the conflict, entire German platoon refuses to fight, afraid to see their head explode from a bullet coming from nowhere.

    What I'm trying to say here is that you can't reproduce the fight of Stallingrad without them. Study Stalligrad war and you will agree with me on that ... pretty sure about it! Hitler himself worried about this point. If Big Time Software want to reproduce Stallingrad campaign, they will have to insert sniper in the game…because they had a terrible impact in this conflict.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Why not?

    Just make an urban scenario where one side has a couple of sharpshooters and one or two infantry platoons against an attacker with an only infantry force.

    Sharpshooters in CM are excellent to surpress infantry units, bur as there are many other lecker targets around it is just a waste of resources to use them in this way.

  7. Yes, I have.

    I do not think that it is unrealistic for crews to abandon their gunless tanks if they found themselfes after a battle in the No-Mans-Land (i.e. contested terrain).

    You might be more luckier if you try to move your gun damaged tanks to your rear area, before a day in an operation is finished.

    Also, check the supply level for your side in the operation as it determines how likely a damaged vehicle become repaired in between battles.

  8. It seems like that most people do not want to make buildings stronger and I find their stability/fragility realistically representated in the game. You can destroy a heavy building in one turn but you need to concentrate a lot of firepower to do that.

    I don't have any idea how difficult it is to make the infantry's TAC AI a bit more smarter, but on several occassions I've watched my infantry acting very unwise.

    One example is artillery fire ( on the recieving end of the barrage, of course). Sometimes you can see the spotting round and you can order your threatened squads to withdraw from their position in your next order phase. This was exactly what i tried to do in my last PBEM where I had located a british rifle platoon in woods ( not a good position because of the treebursts). So I ordered the platoon to withdraw backwards in open terrain and it was out of the woods when the shells landed. A few of them landed near my retreated infantry ( not causing any casualities) and they started to run back into the same wood again. Needless to say that the platoon looks like Spaghetti Bolognese after the barrage.

    One other example is the positioning of infantry behind stone walls. I find it extremly difficult to hold a position there under fire and often they brake away to take cover somewhere else.

    Well, stone walls might not give the best sort of cover but it should offer more protection like scattered trees.

    Perhaps the infantry's behavior in a situations like this has got something to do with the "Located in" bar in the status screen. It shows "located in: Open terrain" ( usually the worst sort of cover) and not for example behind stone wall.

  9. I have to say that I'm also not very happy about the building issue in CM. One minute is a very long time and even the heaviest building can be destroyed in that course of one turn if the fire is heavy enough. I'm not unhuppy of the graphical representation or the devastating effects for infantry located in a collapsing building, I just think the problem is that the Infantry does not realize that the roof is going to fall on their nuts.

    A possible solution is maybe that the TacAI decides to withdraw the Infantry from the building when it's condition changes to heavy damage. After all, a routed squad is better then an eleminated one.

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