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Posts posted by Schugger

  1. Commissar

    Did your howitzer have a LOS to any unit which was hiding in the building? If this was not the case and that MG was firing at your gun the TAC AI's decision to overrule your area fire command and fire at something that is more of a threat to it, is plausible.

    If you had total battlefield control your gun eventually had shifted it's aim towards the spotter as he dials in the wrong coordinates...

  2. I don't know if this is of much help from you, but try to check your library for books from " Liliane and Fred Funcken ". They've made some excellently illustrated books for historical uniforms and equipment and anything of interest for a historical miniature painter. Their book collection covers anything from the early middle ages to the late 19th century. AFAIK, the authors come from Belgium so your searches may remain fruitless. If that is the case, drop me an e-mail and we may find a solution for this.

  3. Really a great topic to discuss.

    bebbetufs wrote:

    As you see I need help to justify to myself that I can keep playing my favourite game!

    I have to admit that I have been in the same dilemma occasionally. I haven't ( luckily ) experienced real combat action but have enough heard of it to conclude that it is anything but something to enjoy. So - no matter how you put it - enjoying to send " virtual" soldiers to their certain death in a "game" is morally questionable, IMO ( if this is a cute tactic in CM is another question ).

    I like this game not because of it's inherent slaughter of virtual soldiers, but because of the challenge of mind it has when you play with a human opponent. Well, there are many other games around which could produce a challenge of mind - like chess for example - but they're to abstract or scientific for me.

    I often asks myself why are so many people fascinated, many of them with very different backgrounds, by wargames?

    MadDog0606 wrote:

    I would perfer that a wargame (based on a hypothetical or real war) be as close to real has possible (all the blood, guts and burning flesh). This has nothing to do with morality or ethics on my part, but how I prefer my games to be dipicted (as real as you can get).

    Tastes and opinions differ greatly here, I think. For me CM simulates very well how fierce and brutal combat is, when platoons melt away in a matter of seconds when caught in a deadly crossfire, houses were blown apart by large caliber artillery, a squad takes a tank's HE shell right into the face from a tank at pointblank range, a squad stumbles over some routed infantry cowering in a piece of woods and they gut mowed down when they try to escape and refused to raise their arms, etc.,

    I surrendered a PBEM game because of this when I caught myself that I watched the movies with my hands before my eyes and pathetically issuing orders to move another platoon into this meat-grinder.

    A healthy experience that was. I will never make a quick judgement on any General who has hesitated to send his soldiers into what appeared later as a quick and easy road to victory.

    Enough ramble for now smile.gif

  4. Oh! German HTs, my favorites smile.gif .

    From the 250 variants I only take the Ausf. 9 with the 20mm Thud gun. Of course they could be killed with anything larger than a fly-swapper and burn through their ammunition very fast, but they are so cheap that you could by nearly two of them instead of one 8-wheeled 231/1 ACs.

    If you're lucky and get a flank shot at TD's you'll almost end up with a sure kill and they could take on M8 Greyhounds and Daimler ACs frontally with a good chance of winning due to their higher ROF which also results in high accuracy ( 90 percent hit probability and up ). Stay away from anything which mounts the dreaded .50 MG, that means allied HTs or your little bugger ends up looking like Swiss cheese ( Ok, TDs also mount a .50 MG but I take the deal if the opportunity arises ).

    The other HT I like is the 251/2 with the 81mm mortar simply for it's large ammo loadout compared to the "leg" equivalent.

    However, they could not use indirect fire unless targeting a TRP and they are as vulnerable as any other German HT, so use them with care.

    Make sure that you do not crest a hill when enemy armour has LOS to that position. Hold them back until you've located the enemy and then move it up to a position with a very limited LOS.

    I do not like the 251/9 with it's 75mm gun, I have to admit. I would prefer the 231/3 simply for it's better speed and frontal armour and not being open topped. Ammo loadout is nearly equal between this two vehicles and the 231 only costs 5 points more.

    It is important to keep your HTs constantly moving ( i.e.: constantly changing their position ) to avoid nasty indirect mortar fire which takes out your vehicles quite easily.

  5. I have to say that I do like those Piats in CM. They come very cheap at 12 points if you buy a British Rifle Company and - as they are included in any British squat - you've plenty of them.

    Their penetration power compared to Panzerschrecks which can go through any allied armour is a joke ( Yes Kingfish, I know that they're good enough to kill my Mark IVs wink.gif ), but they seem to be much harder to spot than Bazookas or Schrecks, which increases their survivability to some degree.

    Zooks or Schrecks are one-shot weapons for me:

    Just highlight the unit when it is going to fire and watch all those bright yellow lines appear just after the rocket has left the tube - suppression and subsequent kill of your AT unit is just a matter of seconds.

    One other aspect which makes the Piat my favorite over it's counterparts is their ability to be fired from buildings without self suppressing from the backblast or, in the worst case, setting the building on fire.

    Forget about these expensive one-shot weapons which also act like Kamikaze flamethrowers, only buy British hardware. Even their inaccuracy may be an advantage: if they do not hit their assigned target they may hit something else in a 50 yard diameter ( IIRC standard drill was that they closed their eyes before pulling the trigger ).

    BTW Kingfish, did my turn come through or has it been lost in the void again?

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    I dunno Schugger, how would I know my opponent ain't being gamey and using weighted dice. smile.gif


    To be honest Bruno, I've never wasted any thought about the cheating aspect when I came up with this house rule.

    I suspect that my opponents are 100% trustworthy even though I get spanked occasionally.

    All I can say is that it is quite thrilling to play with a variable scenario length and I recommend to try it out with someone you can trust.

    [This message has been edited by Schugger (edited 01-14-2001).]

  7. I've been on the recieving end of those damned Churchills for more times than I like to admit. However, you should be aware of their high ground pressure which results that they are prone to bogging down or immobilisation ( unless your name is Crocky and you re-equipped them with anti-grav-drives ).

    Despite these drawbacks the later Churchill variants are the Volvos in the line of CM's allied cars selection.

  8. Well, I like the idea too and it could be implemented without any additional programming, you just need a pair of ten-sided dice.

    I think I have posted this " house rule " before, but I'm unable to find it.

    Optional Rule; Variable Scenario End

    This scenario is set for a duration of 27 turns

    To make this a bit more unpredictable we have created an house rule during play testing for PBEM games that a battle may end sooner or later

    than listed.

    Simply roll a percent die ( two ten side dice, one shows the "tenths" the other the "units") starting in the order phase of turn 24.

    If the roll matches the result from the table below, the game ends and both sides have to prepare for a cease fire. It is important that the player

    who plots first in the order phase of a given turn rolls the dice and applies the result ( i.e cease fire or not) and informs his opponent of the result

    so he can act accordingly.


    Turn 24 10%

    Turn 25 15%

    Turn 26 20%

    Turn 27 25% ( normal game end )

    Turn 28 35%

    Turn 29 40%

    Turn 30 50%

    Well, it works only if playing against a human oppomemt and not against the AI.

  9. "World War Cups: England 2; Germany 0 "

    Well, that is what was written on the interior of a toilet door in the troop quarters Sennelager near Bielefeld. Difficult to mind your..ehh.. business when confronted with such a kind of dry humor.

    Concerning our recent record against the US national soccer team, you have to keep in mind that our troops were badly led by the notorious Hans Hubert Vogts. During a later change in command we suffered heavily under the leadership of the notorious Erich Ribbeck and Uli Stielike, where tactics were limited to "Bäll uffpumbe un' Hütsche uffstelle". Then, at "Operation Euro 2000" disaster stroke: in addition to usual absents of command initiative, the lacking of onerall battlefield coordination and serious supply problems due to bad weather conditions took it's toll on the Germans. The referees were bribed and also the rumor goes, that the Russians found a detailed plan just before the Operation was launched and sold it via dubious channels to the Secret Service. England was quick to respond and redirected all resources to thwart the German attack and beat them soundly with 1:0. However, in this process England - to fixed on beating it's arch rival - forgot to cover the flanks and Portugal took full advantage of this, by using the gamey tactic of map edge hugging, kicking them out of the tourney as well.

    Pulling the strings of that evil sheme was - of course - Saddam Hussein. US citizens saw the worlds greatest soccer teams loosing badly, making them belief that they have a soccer team that could beat any other in the world. So his secret plan finally reached fruition: he could secretly mess up the presidential elections, thereby creating a vacuum in power which makes the world`s only remaining superpower helpless when his minions start an hostile takeover of the Mac Donalds corporation and become finally the most powerful Kebab dealer in the world.

    And it all starts in a toilet, Sennelager/ Bielefeld...

  10. Still no joy with wooden bunkers ( using 1.1 beta ).

    I had five elite wooden bunkers under hide orders and targetting an ambush marker positioned deep in some woods against four M8 Greyhounds of regular experiance in open terrain at a range od approximately 450 meters.

    The Greyhounds were able to spot the bunkers and target them immediatly in the first order phase.

    Is it intended that wooden bunkers should be spotted so easily?

  11. I've witnessed my mortar teams abandoning their weapons, too ( way to often for my kind of taste ) but not yet seen a similar thing with any of my MG units. I'm quite sure that your opponent recieves VPs for your abandoned mortars and tanks, perhaps less if the crew makes it back to safety. Exact victory point calculaton in CM is still a miracle for me, so I can't tell if it is really worth the task to include a voluntary abandon option. I do not like to see a "recrew" ( or what ever it should be called option ), however. Assume you have skillfully outflanked an enemy tank, the crew demateriali...erm... abandons in this hopeless situation, hides in a nearby wood to reman their vehicle a couple of turns later to kick your butt. I still have a hard time to target a abandoned/ko'ed tank in operations ( to brew it up and make it unrecoverable ) if their is only a vague image of a helmet in sight.

    Simon Fox, you know it is hard to get rid of crab-louses like me once they get attached to something wink.gif

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