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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


    Yes you are, how astute of you to notice.



    Best I can do with this one, Joe, is to chalk it up to my on-going assumption that sometimes you are responding to me, and sometimes to the voices in your head.


    As to those who listen to me, THEY are all members of the CessPool ... YOU are not.



    Though if forced to utter "nothing but the truth" (obviously at gun point, under Oath would simply not be sufficient) I may have to admit that this makes me feel clean. For now, anyway.


    With a great deal of luck, a carefully placed bribe or two and catching some downtrodden Knight on a bad day with a bellyful of cheap liquor (which does not, I admit, limit the pool of choices greatly) you MIGHT be proposed as Serf to the CessPool. I would not oppose that move. It is even possible that you might, by carefully reviewing the posts of your betters (just about anyone here ... with the obvious exception of the Australians), improve to the point where the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread would reluctantly approve of your elevation to Squire. Smart money, at this point, is HEAVILY against that likelihood.



    I'm with you, Joe. Er, well, I was, up until your outpouring of Justicare wisdom got drowned out in the sound of your own voice droning ON and ON and ON about some sort of something or other.



    Joe, what aisle can I find Chlorox Cleanup in? I'm not feeling as clean as I used to.

  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


    Well lads, we gave him the chance didn't we. Not our fault that he threw it back in our faces. It appears all the more likely that this one simply won't do.



    Joe, I'd like to take this moment to offer some heartfelt concern regarding a couple of your previous posts. Now you and I don't know each other from Adam and Eve, so maybe you do this all the time and it's no big deal. But I notice a particular tendency on your part not only to state an opinion, but to offer it with the term "we".

    In the case of the above quote, you even refer to others ("well, lads, we") as if someone else is actually LISTENING to you.

    Question for you, Joe. When someone walks up to you in the real world (that's when you're away from your computer, Joe... like when you leave your house... say if you receive a summons or something) and asks you a direct question, do you respond with the term we think fill in blank with mindless drivel? Or worse yet, do you refer to yourself when you answer? As in, Joe P'Shaw says fill in blank with more mindless drivel.

    Just wondering.

    I don't know you much, Joe. But already I find myself worrying about you. How odd.


  3. Originally posted by dalem:


    A rough estimate would be somewhere on the order of really, really old. Kinda like the old version of Dave at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey - you know, the part where everything's stark white and quiet and if you're the only guy who isn't stoned you're wondering why everyone else thinks the ending makes any kind of sense at all?


    As regards the ice giving way underneath me completely, I may be safe then.

    Still, I fear that sound I hear may be the cracks forming on the surface.



    Can anyone loan dalem a capitol D?

  4. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


    Allow me to offer you this clue... You don't want to see ME in tights. Oh no. No, no, no.

    Perhaps we can simplify this boring procedure with the simple expedient of quoting a portion of your own words ...

    You don't want to see ME ...

    See there? Had you stopped at that point you'd have had the right of it and none of the tiresome remainder would have been necessary.

    However, your reference to your age does, I admit, have me intrigued. There are far too few of us who are, ahem, mature enough to guide the course of the CessPool and while you ARE a Scum Sucking Newbie it is just possible that you are a MATURE Scum Sucking Newbie and that may, MAY I say, make all the difference. So enlighten us, are you "of an age" as they say or are you yet another bothersome young whippersnapper {not that there's anything wrong with that.)


    p.s Pay no attention to ParSaver, he's an SSN as well and, therefore, has no clue.


    Hmmm. I must admit that this last (and I pray, final... heh, I should be SO lucky) post from this Joe P'Shaw stirs mixed emotions in me.

    Am I of an age as they say? I like to think that I'm only as old as I feel, and therefore still a young man. But alas, as regards the online gaming community, I am forced to admit that, well...

    Let me put it another way. You've heard the saying "older than dirt", right? (C'mon, Joe P'Shaw, even you must get outside of that silicon prison you call "my own little world" once in a while.) As regards the age of the average online gamer, I'm not just "older than dirt". No, unfortunately there are things way down deep in the bowels of the earth, FAR older than those things young enough to actually contact dirt...

    On a brighter note, I will say that I feel quite free of the abject senility that appears to have infested your mind, Joe. I quote:

    "mature enough to guide the course of the CessPool"

    I may indeed be a Scum Sucking Newbie in this post. But my intuition tells me that a brief show of hands may indicate, Joe P'Shaw, that the only guiding you are doing involves a little blue vest with a big white button on it that says "Welcome to Wal-Mart".


  5. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


    ... mass snippage of drivel amounting largely to white noise....

    In that case we would be forced to ask ... why the hell are you here then?


    Ah yes, the eternal questions. They have both vexed and enticed mankind since the dawn of time (or so I hear).

    Where did I come from from? Why am I here? Where am I going?

    Alas I can offer no suitable answer to these questions for myself. However, I shall endeavor, based upon my admittedly limited experience with you, Joe, to venture a few guesses which may enlighten you regarding these perplexing quandries which, had you the inclination (or the ability) to ponder yourself would surely cause you grief.

    Where did you come from?... Obviously not the product of a normal union within a nuturing household. It pains me to dwell upon it. I shall tarry on that thought no longer and shall not speak the words "zoo" or "laboratory" aloud. Oops. Now I've gone and done it. Sorry, Joe.

    Why are you here?... Where else would you go where they'd let you stay?

    Where are you going?... See previous question.

    Originally posted by dalem:


    Don't mind Joe. He's old.


    It may be prudent at this junction to ask how old you think "old" is.

    I may be on very thin ice here myself.

    Originally posted by Farslayer:


    So we have Papa Khann, non-SSN...

    Papa of "those cheeky little chaps in tights", ergo, Papa Smurf.

    Khann... hmm... sounds alot like a Chakka Khan wanna-be...


    There's a story there, and unfortunately you are close to discovering the truth of it.

    Now for all of your sakes, and for the love of the Maker, let's NOT GO THERE.


  6. Originally posted by Joe Shaw


    LIttle worry of THAT happening lad, in the first place you're not only an SSN but a REALLY new SSN. Fourth, you a Technical Writer and we all know how unutterably dull they are ... witness your posts here. Hard line drive to left field, you're from ManyAppleLess and we're over our quota from that area {shudder} and first (I know I said first before but I was just kidding then) I see nothing in your posts to indicate even a speck of wit or humor or style that might lead a Knight to take you to Squire. Even your challenge was boring and, worst of all, addressed to an Olde One.

    In short, I take great pride in being the first to offer you a hearty and heartfelt ... SOD OFFFFFF!



    Yes, I am from ManyAppleLess, as you put it, and I am a Technical Writer. Impressive bit of detective work there, pal, since I made reference to the former in my post and the latter is displayed in my profile.

    And in addition to being boring and witless, Technical Writers can also COUNT.

    You were not the first to offer the obligatory *SOD OFFFFFF*. That honor was snapped up by AussieJeff.

    Further more, we can READ. A moderately useful skill which, should you choose to acquired it someday, would allow you to discern the difference between asking to be a Squire (which I did not), and commenting on the likely motivations of someone who was/is a Squire (which I did).

    Now back to your picture books, laddie.

    Originally posted by MrSpkr:


    You obviously don't know dalem. He's desperate -- he lives in Minnesota.

    'Nuff said.



    Well so do I. Which qualifies me to say that even Minnesotans are not THAT desperate.


  7. Originally posted by dalem:


    I hear my next squire grunting & hissing around here.....


    If memory serves, Squires are those cheeky little chaps in tights that carry around all the heavy stuff for their Knight masters.

    One imagines Squires put up with this in the hope that one day they would get to wear some of the cooler articles of shiny stuff themselves. Plus, this globe we all scurry about on was a bit less civilised back then (or so I hear) and the poor chaps may have been hungry. A job is, after all, a job.

    However, I feel it prudent to point out to you, dalem, that you should be careful what you wish for. One day it might just come true and THEN where would you be?

    Allow me to offer you this clue... You don't want to see ME in tights. Oh no. No, no, no.


  8. Originally posted by AussieJeff:


    Some enlightenment?? No problem .....

    Try this ... SOD OFF!!

    or how's about this ...


    Consider yerself enlightened....

    AJ BScE

    (Berli School of EEviltm)


    Eh, what's this? Did someone say something (of import, that is)?

    For a moment there I thought I heard something, but whatever it was seemed to be buried in surface clutter. It came through mostly as an annoying series of buzzes and clicks. White noise, more or less.


  9. Originally posted by Seanachi:


    Jesus wept.

    I had actually, already, and without seeing this post just gone over and gotten heavy-handed in the 'give us a date' thread.

    I don't want to live anymore...


    Greetings. I'm a newcomer to this thread, but not to the CM forums. In the past I've breezed through the "Pengs" once or twice, mostly while trying to pinpoint the source of an unpleasant aroma.

    So why do I stop long enough to post this time? Heck if I know. I guess I just wanted to share these few words with Seanachi, whose posts I have always found entertaining. That is, when I've been able to summon enough endurance and consume enough caffeine to finish reading them....

    Seanachi, don't throw your life away so quickly. Life is valuable. Indeed, life is sacred (or so I hear). And more importantly, I haven't had an opportunity to play a game of CM against you yet.

    So assuming you haven't made a pilgrimmage to the Lake Street bridge and aren't currently standing perched atop it, dangling your toes precariously over the edge and contemplating flinging yourself into the swirling brown waters below (or for that matter, if you are)... please consider postponing your suicidal ramblings long enough to scoop up the gauntlet I've just thrown at your feet (just be careful not to lose your balance when you bend over up there).

    I propose a small to medium sized engagement with computer generated forces, so that whoever loses can blame it on the crap the AI doled out to them to use for the battle.



    If a challenge in this black hole of a post normally requires adherence to any forms or rituals that I have omitted due to my inexperience, please forgive my ignorance and attempt to enlighten me.

  10. I'm an old miniatures gamer. Have a 15mm Mongol Conquest army painted that I've played a lot of DBM (miniatures ruleset) with.

    Obviously, the Mongols were ruled by Khanns.

    The Papa part comes from the first time I showed up at the weekly gathering with the Mongols. One of the regulars in our group realized that if he got drunk enough, he could sing the beginning of that old Chaka Khan song, only inserting the words "Papa Khann" instead.

    End of story.


  11. I have LinkSys equipment (both NICs and Switch) as well.

    Matt, you wrote:


    ...can you connect to other games OUTSIDE your home lan?


    I assume you are asking if he/we can play CM TCP/IP over the Net? In my case, yes, without any difficulties at all. It's just when trying to establish a CM connection on the LAN that everything grinds to a halt.

    Schrullenhaft, you wrote:


    This would probably affect your workgroup functionality, but it may be worth trying if you haven't tried it already.

    Go to Control Panel > Network > select the TCP/IP protocol for your NIC > Properties button > NetBIOS tab > uncheck the "...enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP" setting. It's possible that the overhead of having NetBIOS in the TCP/IP packets may cause some sort of problems (an uneducated guess).


    Unfortunately, I have one Intel processor running Win95 and one Athlon processor running Win98. This combines to produce enough problems that the ONLY way to get it all to work together on a LAN is to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP. (At least, that's the only way I could get it to work.)

    What I don't understand is why it worked (for me, anyway) with the Beta Demo, but not v1.1.



    [This message has been edited by Papa Khann (edited 02-01-2001).]

  12. <hr>

    Originally posted by Papa Khann:


    While I value #3 because it makes the game more enjoyable and I do want BTS to put some effort there, I don't agree that it measures up to the importance of items #1 and #2.

    Just my two cents.



    This is my point. You are not BTS's only customer...


    I'm not!?!


    ...Neither is David Aitken or Elijah Meeks or any other loudmouth. CM is successful because of a proper mix of all these elements, not in spite of it.

    For the sake of simplicity, we will say that BTS has 30 time units to spend on CM2 (Or II or whatever). All that I'm saying is, they should spend it evenly, 10-10-10, not 14-15-1 or whatever other lopsided view has been proposed so far.


    As far as proposing lopsided views go, you should read Steve's replies to the concerns of users over graphics issues in the other recent posts. No one (including me, btw) is proposing "14-15-1". But it ain't going to be (nor should it be) 10-10-10 either.

    Just another loudmouth, I guess.


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