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Posts posted by Blackhorse

  1. That's not what the article says at all. Did you read it? Additionally, it's from 2004.

    Anyway, who gives a **** if the Russians aren't impressed by it?

    Do they understand the concept? Do you? The STRYKER replaces boots. It is a vehicle to transport LIGHT INFANTRY on the battlefield.

    Anyone that argue that the STRYKER is sacrificing protection, doesn't understand the most basic of basic concepts regarding the STRYKER family of vehicles..

  2. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Not as worried about the vehicle commands (because I have not encountered the problem!), but irritated that my stryker vehicles will not use their javelin ATGMs against enemy Bradley IFVs. The machine guns are ineffective, and yet they sit and die rather than use the one weapon upon which I was counting upon to neutralize the enemy!


    In retrospect, they deserved to die.


    Strykers aren't equipped with Javelins as a weapon system...They are equipped with Javelins for use by the infantry that ride in the back of the Stryker.

    Javelins are for use by dismounted infantry.

  3. Love the Demo! This game is great. Runs like silk with all setting maxed at 1440X900 on my Laptop.

    I'm giddy with joy!


    Dell Inspiron M1710 Laptop

    Intel Core 2 Duo T7600 @ 2.33GHZ

    2.00GB RAM

    NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 w/512MB RAM

    Screen: 1440 x 900

  4. Dude,

    Are you, like, writing poetry or something?

    Originally posted by Desert Dave:

    It's how we refer to "green-horns"

    (... out here in the outlaw West)

    Just blew in

    On a careless wind

    From somewhere back East.

    But, that seems awful cold

    And, fickle.

    Like that icicle hanging from 'em nose

    Of yer old shenanigan pal, Loki. ;)

    What is "straighter," I have to ask,


    Hubert decides who or what

    Is in,

    Who or what... is out?

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Do you think Im arguing about this because I like to mess up the game or get it better?

    You, as EVERYONE else in here

    SURELY wishes the game to be better.

    Thank you.


    Truly. :cool:


    What exactly?

    Is... "better."

    IF Hubert decides to adopt yer


    Letter by letter? :rolleyes:

    I don't get it.

    Sure you do, Moon Enthused,

    And... you have... always. :cool: </font>

  5. Originally posted by TankDawg:



    who the hell is Blackhorse?

    Didn't he used to post here all the time and start at least 4 games with TankDawg that were never to be finished? ;)

    Hi Sir. Looks like you got a promotion. congrats! that is great!

    Hey hey Jeff! How is life on the left coast? How is the Bn?

    Things here are great. Lots of TDY, albeit, none to Lewis just yet.

    Hope things are well with you.


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