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Everything posted by Stenmur

  1. I found a good source of maps from my University Library. (I go to UNM University of New Mexico) There is a whole section on maps I got some 1:50000 scale maps of England for $0.75 a sqare foot. Although 1:50000 is a little small you can see some good detail. They also have 1:24000 maps of the local area so I am going to go back and get those too. Stenmur
  2. Does anyone know if there is a 3D Viewer for Combat Mission. I would like to just open the viewer and see any model at will. This would help me in designing textures because I won't have to load a game everytime I want to tweak a texture. If anyone has any other suggestions I would apprieciate it. Thanks Stenmur
  3. I know how to make a change in elevation and the 2.5 or 5 meter setting. But everytime I try to make a "cliff" I go to preview and it shows slope. I cannot seem to find any specific button or terrain type for a cliff. Please help. Thanks, Stenmur
  4. I am working on a scenerio that involves some cliffs but I cannot seem to make cliffs. How do I make them? Thanks Stenmur
  5. I use Adobe Photoshop 5.0 but I believe any program that will save Bitmaps should work. I have Metacreations Painter 5.0 also. But have not got around to learn it yet. I too am interested in a list or something that tells what each bitmap goes to. Also I noticed some had Hotpink parts I asume this is for transparency but not all bitmaps have them. If some one could elaborate I would apprieciate it. Also since everything is 3d were can I find the 3d models and/or a 3d model viewer. Stenmur
  6. Just yesterday I watched a documentary on PBS about WWII. Specifically on German Tanks. It was very interesting to watch real footage of the tanks in battle and to hear the history. I am no expert on the subject but am very interested in it. Anyway, it mostly talked about how in the beginning of the war Germany's Tanks were technologically below that of the other european countries (due to the treaty of Marsi (sp)) also there numbers were well below Frances and Englands. It talked about the Panzer I thru Panzer VI. How at first even though the german tanks were not as good they still won due to there tactics. And how in such a short time the germans created some of if not the most deadly tanks. (Although they did copy a lot from the russians) ***Spoiler*** Anyway, it was quite interesting because I had just finished a game of VoT as the Germans. I was getting my butt kicked because I lost my anti tank guns early on and only took out one of there tanks. I was able to hold them off at the town but they pretty much had me when, the distinctive rumble came, closer and closer until I could almost smell the diesel there was my Panther. within 3 mins 4 of there tanks were scrap. I won the scenerio all due to that one tank. Now, without my infantry I could never have won but in combination, wow. It just shows that in combination and the right tactics, you can still win. As I watched the documentary, A lot of things they said, I had just experienced in the game. There are many reports of Allied shells bouncing right off the Panzer armor and many a time did I get that particular sound from the game. They did say that the Tank made up the core of the unit and the infantry was used as support. And that is exactly how I won. So to ask "Tanks or Infanty?" I'll take both Thank You. Stenmur
  7. The first time I played VOT (Allies) I immobilized the panther with my arty. Blew the tread I guess. used smoke for the rest of the game so he could not see and got him in his right flank with a zook. I wish I could have saved the movie just for that. Stenmur
  8. "Whoa. Are Colin and I the only teenagers at this BBS? I'm 16. Seems like there are all old people here!!" Old, Who are you calling old. Just wait, one day you will be looking back going "Wow it was just yesterday I was graduating from High School" That will be when you get your 10 year reunion notice. Or at least that was what I thought. 28, Married, one 3 year old. I am not old, proficient (ya, that's the ticket) proficient. Well not as experienced as those (whisper) older people. Why am I whispering they can't hear anyway. But, oh well, maybe tomorrow when I get my 20 year reunion notice I'll be experienced by then. And with the way I crank the speakers to get the "Full" effect of those 105 shells I'll be deaf too. Stenmur [This message has been edited by Stenmur (edited 05-24-2000).]
  9. Greetings to all those out there. Father and Husband first. Although it sure does not seem like it. All those out there who work shift work (2300-0800) know what I am talking about. Electronics Tech on Flight Simulators. I really can't complain, I go to work, Fly around, try to do barrel rolls or loops or see how fast I can get it going without tearing the wings off. Oh, and occasionally have to fix the sim. Except when all the mush heads (software engineers, one of which I am going to school to become) need the sim. To any SCA people out there Greetings from the Outlands. Remember, Mines are only good if you remember where you left them. Stenmur
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