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Everything posted by Hammer

  1. wow BUMP those BUMP are BUMP nice BUMP
  2. When I stumble into a to a PENG thread I read a few lines and realize I have stumbled into the wardroom (shipboard o-ganger hangout and mess) and quickly excuse myself and head back up the passagway to the Chiefs Quarters. But I have to remind myself that when I play CM Im actualy trying to be an officer! [ March 22, 2002, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Hammer ]
  3. Ahh, enlightenment And Wow! Two responses in less than an hour, what a community
  4. What is PENG. Nothing against smart guys and fancy talk but as I read through the PENG posts I failing to find what its all about. Except of course, literary expression . Now that Ive made a target of myself....
  5. Tom be sure and take a day or two off befor you start the next great mod . But seriously, this is a great addition to CM, Thanks S! </font>
  6. Thanks Longshot, I grabbed the new drives, cleanout the old, installed and now my text is good in XP!!! Also when you load the new drivers several files are missing some help files and a DLL, I found them in the windows/help and windows/system32 directories
  7. I noticed this also, those road look awsum, but seem out of scale when a tank is on them.
  8. rgr, in the mean time I’m going to reinstall CM and then CMMOS, I may have some old mods that are incompatible
  9. I originaly had a corrupt install file, I reDLed the file and the install is complete. Now my problem is I run the programs, per instructions and apply one of the available mods, and I dont see any changes, in the game. also I DL one of the building mods (from the CMMOS page) unzipped into the CMBO/BMP folder but the mod doesnot sho up in CMMOS. Did I screw that up?
  10. Thanks Gordon, Ill email you directly. And dont help Boris . He is too good of an opponent as it is! and we are having a good battle One problem might be that I am running on XP. [ January 31, 2002, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Hammer ]
  11. That file is probably enought, but the install is not working for me, as a I said above, all that happens is one of those DOS-like windows flashes, that I usualy see if I run a batch file. But as far as I can tell nothing happened. maybe it just installed it in the folder the file was in? Duh, I should have check that Ill do that when I get home, Im at work now. Thanks for the reply Gordon
  12. Hello, I Just DL CMMOS V3.01 and two rule sets from Combat Mission HQ. Its my first stab at CMMOS and I need some help. First, I cant find any instructions. So I just try and run it thinking there will be instructions in the file but all that happens is one of those DOS-like windows flashes, that I usualy see if I run a batch file. But as far as I can tell nothing happened. What do I need to do to use CMMOS V3.01? Or better yet, point me to the instructions :confused: please. I searched around and cant seem to find a website for CMMOS, Just a place to DL it. Thanks
  13. Is it possible to get CM to run in a window, instead of full screen? The reason is I run CM on a laptop with a second monitor and would like to be able to drag CM to the second monitor. I tried selecting the resolution of the second monitor duing setup, but CM still runs on the primary screen. Thanks
  14. Thanks, that makes sense. Thanks to both of you
  15. Hmm, thatt seems kind of redundant. The file was saved when I closed it the last time, whasnt it? Why would I need to "save" it again? I think Im missing something
  16. is it possible to upgrade original version PBEM file to work in 1.1?
  17. Thanks for the welcome and the help I tried searching before I posted but I searched for Artillery and morter, which is mispelled, silly me. but now I have the info I need, thanks again Nope Im not from CC2, I go by hammer because I like to think Im a blacksmith but I just play with it and Back in the USNF days I prefered to drop bombs on tanks(drop the Hammer) Im too old for that **** now
  18. I just played my first game of the demo, Im sold I was sucked in real bad. I have two questions how do I indirect fire (spot) morters, I seem to always need a clear los and is ther artilery and if so how do I call it in?
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