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Everything posted by Commissar

  1. Out of curiosity, is anyone already working on a non-politically correct mod for the CDV version of CMBB? I'd imagine the demand would be great for it.
  2. CC was amazing when it was released, particulary CC2. But the series wend downhill from there. By CC4, it took a nosedive. It's sad to see a good game series go bad.
  3. Now that's a good kid. Obviously, you are raising him right
  4. BFC mentioned many eons ago how the different varients of certain tanks would be modeled. For example, some IS-2 did not have the 12.7mm DShK MG while some latter ones did. Supposedly, you could choose varients with the gun or without. Unless BFC changed their minds, that probably explains why you don't see it in the pic. As for the IS-3, either the poster made a mistake or the IS-3 shares the IS-2 texture, which will most likely be remedied in a future patch, along with other models that share the same texture. BFC has already stated that some models do indeed share textures because they couldn't fit them all on the CD, but will make them available for download soon to correct the situation.
  5. Bless you. Your lack of life is the benefit of us all This reminds me of CMBO when I was downloading mods before I even had the game. [ September 20, 2002, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: Commissar ]
  6. It was a nice, long run. After two constant years of unforgettable groggy enjoyment, the time soon comes for me to take CMBO out of its hollowed place in my CD tray. A more interesting front, more interesting equipment, many improvements over CMBO, and the fact that playing either side will actually be interesting has made CMBB do what wasn't possible for the past two+ years--take the place of CMBO. Thanks for all the fun and I'll catch the Western Front again after the engine rewrite and after many more incredible improvements are implemented. In the meantime, I'll be fighting in the East. Thanks for two incredible wargames, BFC. Many of us old grogs have been waiting for them for a very long time.
  7. That's why a Soviet player doesn't allow himself to get into a long range duel against Tigers. He will most likely lose. You use the terrain as best you can to avoid fire and minimize exposure, get in close and hit them in the side or rear. Better yet, get IS-2/M44s, ISU-152s, or SU-100s to keep him busy by forcing them to expose their flank. A head on attack over open ground or a long range tank duel is a sure way to lose against well-trained Tiger crews. Although I must say, I am suprised the T-34/85s were not all stopped dead cold by one penetration by the old '88 even at long range.
  8. Mu ha ha ha. Gonna have some fun with the T-44 and IS-3. I really want to see that SturmTiger reduce a town. Thanks for the info. How long does an elite crew take to reload the SturmTiger? [ September 19, 2002, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Commissar ]
  9. There is something unholy about seeing German equipment with a red star on the side. Sort of freaky.
  10. ..I do. It's called the US Post Office. I've had Priority mails take a week or more to reach just the next state over. You'll just have to keep your fingers crossed.
  11. Can't say I'm surprised. But it is being shipped as promised so you really can't complain, although I'm sure someone will find a way. Somehow I get the feeling that I'll be getting "sick" the day after CMBB gets to me. I'll just have to take the day off and make myself better by playing it all day long.
  12. Ah, finally a decent chap. I won't even taunt you about those waffen-grenadiers
  13. First, the obvious: Shut down your computer and cold boot your machine. Start it up again and try to install. If the same error occurs, try installing it on a different computer. If it doesn't install there either, you may have a bum CD.
  14. THere have been numerous debates on the IS-3 on the forum. BFC has already stated that the IS-3 may be in because 1)they already had a texture for it since the CMBO days, so it would be easy to add 2)It's a neat tank 3)Something to balance out the SturmTiger(actually I'm not sure if BFC said #3, but the other two most definitely were stated). The only question is if BFC had the time to put it in, and so far nobody who has the game has said yay or nay.
  15. As I said before, I don't want to give away too detailed infos on what's in and what's not since I think it's a good idea to keep some surprises for you. Just one thing: BFC didn't disappoint me. And I was expecting, well, quite a lot... And the factories are 2 storey.</font>
  16. Well, looks like it is time to replace my hummel with the sturmtiger. I have a new big boom tank Not to mention the SU and ISU 152's. Those will be a hoot also!! Chad</font>
  17. Oh, I wouldn't get too jealous. I'd be more than willing to wait a few extra days to get Waffen-SS troops rather "Waffen-Grenadiers". Yes, yes I know that's nothing more than a name change, but still . . . . Enjoy the game you lucky bastard BTW, how much does the SturmTiger cost? I like playing 2000pts QB and would hate to have to waste half of that on one unit. [ September 19, 2002, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Commissar ]
  18. Sorry for being OT on this, but if Europeans are truly concerned about not promoting racism, they should be more concerned on how they treat minorities and immigrants in their country and not whether some games have Waffen-SS troops in it. Seems moronic to worry about games and not about discrimination of newcomers by their own people or by unethical politicians who exploit those attitudes. European governments seem awfully quick to jump at human rights abuses in other countries while turning a blind eye to their own abuses
  19. So they started shipping early. Another BFC maskirovka. THANK GOD!!
  20. Hence, the necessity to be open-minded and listen to many points of view from many different sources(which by the way is most definitely not the motto of this forum---at times) [ September 18, 2002, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Commissar ]
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