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Everything posted by jeffsmith

  1. at the Patton Museum the board that had the description of the Panther 2 Hull with the Panther I turret referred to a photo of a prototype that had a Panther I hull with the Panther 2 Turret I was never able to locate that photo
  2. A Hearty Thanx to Blackhorse, Matt, Rune & all the other CMers who made the Patton Museum Rendevous possible (& helped me get around Ft Knox and do some "Tank Climbing") during a simply incredible day Just got in the door: up at 430am, 4 hour drive from Ft Knox area to Columbus, OH: two plane trips and the commute home and it was absolutely all worth it !!!!! & as for CM:BB all I can say is... I sincerely expect that No-One will be dissapointed
  3. I did not mean demand as in "I want it now" I meant demand as in "Supply & Demand" Thats also why I put a smiley next to it So no-one Particluarly the fine folks at BTS/BFC would think it was a demand for action Merely trying to guage the need/desire for an OSX version of CM:BB If its not going to happen so be it I would boot into Win 3.1 if it meant playing BTS/BFC products [ August 03, 2002, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  4. I'll offer this up once again CM:BB / OSX Poll granted this poll is not scientific at all but if Mac users register their preference we all will get a better idea of the "demand" for an OSX compatible version of CM:BB
  5. Hi all, I will be there as well Seeing the USAF Museum in Dayton on Sunday Definitely the Trip of a Lifetime
  6. Oh Please Yes We can't be having threads like this again can we ? THE ULTIMATE NIGGLE
  7. [ August 01, 2002, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  8. OK considering the interest in CM:BB I put this at about 0908 hrs
  9. Here is a Poll I started back in April on CombatOpinion I think it is relevant now As a Mac user would you use an OSX version of CM:BB Yes, OSX and CM:BB are the perfect combination No, I still use OS9 (or earlier) and dont need it I'm a Windows user I get CM:BB anyway Please show your opinion in the OSX Poll keep the poll going by keeping this thread alive [ July 30, 2002, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  10. I am the Cold Distant Type I Prefer a Simple Handshake and the Chance to Fork Over my Money for CM:BB as a Sign of my Loyalty and Gratitude
  11. The issue of new Macs not being able to boot OS9 as soon as next year (as it relates to CM:BO/CM:BB) is not how it affects the installed base of Mac CMers We are aware that we will need to have an older machine But that anyone who buys one of those Macs as their only computer and then discovers CM probably wont be able to play BFC/BTS CM products until the engine rewrite As very small percentage of potential CM sales lost but a percentage nonetheless [ July 29, 2002, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  12. Don't Forget to Factor in the Cost of the Divorce
  13. The Third Thread in a Series The Standard Answer being something about a Search But... Try Here
  14. C'mon BDH a list like this for the Guys at BTS/BFC ??? I hardly think so... More like it would be Tiger I, King Tiger, T-34, Panther, the COMPLETE order of small arms for each army, Every Sherman model... Well you get my drift
  15. "Jaguar" OSX 10.2 should be out soon From what I've read it features a significant speed increase as well as adding features 10.2 Preview [ July 15, 2002, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  16. None Officially But you might want to check HERE !!!
  17. MS Patent Claims Time for "Rave 2 the Resurrection" [ July 14, 2002, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]
  18. Firewire Graphite iBook SE has 8megs of Vram Made sure of that when I bought it to have "CM to Go"
  19. Pardon me, but are we all "Flak Happy" here ? This is a third hand Rumor (heard from a friend, who heard it from a friend...) When someone who Actually Represents BTS/BFC makes a statement about the release date Then & only then will I take any note of it
  20. I'm sending my First Born & Life Savings Isn't Everyone?
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