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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. I've forced my mac into higher resolution (with SwitchRes) and had CMBO software-render up to 1024x768. I sometimes use it for maps, but you lose things like transparency for fog and building walls. I can sort of force the CMBB demo into software rendering, but it doesn't do the textures properly and gives me all stripy rainbow colors and is basically unplayable. The ability to force software rendering is probably the most reasonable thing that BFC could do to support OSX. I can play CMBO with OSX (where it's software rendered) but I can't play the CMBB demo with X.
  2. I've had no luck yet with 9.2. I get the same result in 8.6 and 10.1 (with classic rave disabled): I can get the game launched, then get through the 2D screens fine, but when it goes into 3D mode the colors are all random (and only a small number of colors). In 9.2.2, when it goes to the loading 3D graphics, it just bails out back to the finder. It's probably related to the RageLTPro or its drivers, rather than the 4 MB, if you can get it to work with 4MB (are you sure you don't have 8MB?). I had some problems in 8 with CMBO if I used the latest ATI drivers, but if I used the stock ones that came on the install disk it worked fine.
  3. I've been trying for a couple days now to get CMBB to work (if sluggishly) on a Wallstreet (PB G3 Series/300MHz, 192MB RAM, 4 MB VRAM, ATI RageLTPro, OS8.6, 9.2.2, or X.1) I realize that I only have half the necessary VRAM, but I'm willing to put up with software rendering and/or downsampled textures for a while until I get a new machine. I've tried using SwitchRes (in all three OS versions) to force the resolution to 800x600 or 1024x768 when CMBB starts. It will start and then go all the way through loading 3D graphics, but will then display as if it didn't load any of the textures, and is showing striped rainbow test patterns across most of the terrain, and similar junk across the units. I can at least identify the infantry and tanks, but terrain is hopeless. It's so difficult that I may have discovered a mode more difficult than the Ironman view #1 only set of rules. Anybody manage to succeed in running on a similar system or have any good ideas? I'll probably get a new machine a few months, but would like to be able to at least play small scenarios before then.
  4. I managed to get it to sort of run inside X by downloading SwitchRes and creating a set that forces the resolution to 800x600 and colors to thousands when CMBB tries to run. This works for CMBO, but for CMBB the textures don't get loaded right, and I get what looks like 16 colors smeared all over the place. I can sort of ID units, but terrain is impossible. If you have a more recent graphics card you may not have this problem. Still trying to get CMBB to run on a Wallstreet with only 4 MB of VRAM...
  5. I have to use SwitchRes to force it to 800x600-- if I don't use SwitchRes then it tells me I need to be able to display at least 800x600, because it tries to switch to 640x480 to use hardware rendering. I'm expecting to have to use software rendering until I upgrade machines. I did get it to launch into 1024x768, but then it looks like it only does 16 colors (or some other bizarre color map) and I can't tell what anything is. Maybe it's time to get a new machine...
  6. It crashes out into the finder for me (PB G3/300 w/ 192 MB RAM, 4MB VRAM) when it goes to load the 3D graphics. I'm trying to figure out a way to keep it from doing that...
  7. I managed to start the download with no problems about a half hour after it went live. I'm still only about 60% finished, creeping along at 2.7K/sec. I'm using Netscape 4.76 or so.
  8. Gas and Water are often included in rent in Mpls. Which isn't to say that he hasn't stopped bathing or heating his home, just that it's because he spends too much time glued to CMBO.
  9. He doesn't claim to have started the Peng thread, he actually did. I was there, though I didn't enter until later in the thread. I slew the original thread some 3000+ posts in. If you're really hard up for game cash, I'd be happy to start (and contribute to) a scholarship fund to feed your addiction (CMBB, not alcohol. For that one you'll have to beg on the corner of Hennepin and Lake like everyone else).
  10. You owe me a return file in that micromess that we started 8 months ago and are on turn one of. I won't mention that I only sent my setup back to you a few days ago.
  11. They would, except that they don't, and null results don't keep the bills paid. The fine tuning is mostly in the analysis software, and they don't all use cleaning fluid. SuperK (before all the bulbs broke) used water, and Soudan uses iron.
  12. btw, I can't recall any of my physics lecturers dressing like that in my final year at Uni. The field has obviously changed a lot since then. </font>
  13. I think I actually look better in fishnets than stockings and garters... But this reminds me that I have to point out to Mace that no matter how much his morals decay in the presence of sheep, there is still no evidence that protons decay. If you poke around a bit you'll see all the proton decay experiments have been more or less converted to neutrino observatories. They all saw Supernova 1987A very clearly, and they've all been doing neutrino oscillation experiments(that's oscillation not osculation so get your collective minds out of the gutter).
  14. They do, after some extraodinary massively humongous amount of time, don't they? Mace</font>
  15. I think a pool-boy might be more appropriate for your lackey in the MBT.
  16. OK, Peng, the file is on the way. I have to say that it looks like a truly vile scenario. I have something like 15,000 points worth of stuff (mostly assault boats, mind you) jammed into that tiny little map. I would have liked to move them out of the way, so that they don't gamily draw fire, but they're locked into place. I can't wait to see what you got-- probably a bunch of unarmed jeeps.
  17. Ok, I have the same problem. that's why I started poking around in here again. I'll actually get off my sorry butt and return that stupid microscenario you sent me when I still owned your name and you were a gates-slut. Now prepare to die a lot.
  18. You are clearly a ringer. Possibly even a bell ringer whose native language is French, though you aren't really quite orthogonal enough to reality to pass for a frog. Pawbroon is a good example-- if you turn your head inside out, cross your eyes, and stick a fork in your head his posts will start to make sense. It's like that with most of the French. It probably has something to do with having a written language that is utterly uncorrelated to your spoken one. You could pass for Peng after a twelve-step program, an unhealthy dose of Prozac, and a bit of surgery. And maybe a wig.
  19. I give it a 2 out of 10, and only because he tried some large words. They were poorly used, frequently misspelled, and the sentence structure is weak. For a next effort, try actually stringing the $0.20 words together with better flow and rhythm. The big words are inconsistent with the structure and the rest of the style.
  20. Now there's a great example of a meme that ought to be spread around the world, assuming it can be translated into anything understandable to any sort of human. It immediately brings to mind the frog in a bucket, despite however long it's been (it seems like years) since OGSFABCDmcNugget first used it. To address the more mundane matters of the pool, someone ought to dig up a copy of Peng pre-pool anti-smiley post (yes, there was a time before the cesspool, and Peng existed even then) and make that little Focker write a paper on it, and get it published in the International Journal of People Who Wear Too Much Black and Still have Post-Modern Angst, Long After the Rest of Us at Least Started Pretending to have Lives. Only then ought he be let back in for long enough to be told to Sod off. (edited to note that I managed to get post number 2^8) (edited again to note that not only did I get #2^8 in this incarnation of the pool, but I also got post 2^7 a few minutes before in the silly Steve Jobs is conspiring to keep a small number of people from playing CMBB thread) (and also to note that I'm easily amused) [ August 15, 2002, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  21. As an ex Lisa user, I can say "get some time up" </font>
  22. I noticed a while ago that you weren't pushing the ROM downgrade theories. I also already have 9.2.2, which I got with my OS 10.1 CD. They also won't be that hard to find into the reasonable future at places like E-bay.
  23. Before I pre-order the new Peng challenge, I want a public statement from the Olde Ones on whether it will run properly in OS X. Steve Jobs (bolded as an honorary member (where's Bauhaus when you need to tell him to sit?)) has publicly stated that he's going to come to my house, sneak in, wipe OS9 irretrievably from my hard drive, pull the ROMs out of my computer and replace them with some sort of demon-possessed non-OS9-booting-ober-mac'n-stumpin-furrier ROM chips from Berli's basement. I can only hope that he upgrades my video at the same time, and maybe throws in a new LCD, since the current one is getting a little ratty. I also heard that he's in cahoots with Santa Claus and is going to have Santa and his elves (not bolded, because they're pretty much serfs to Santa modify all existing macs so that they can't run CMBB after christmas, or maybe even Halloween. I know that Peng has pretty much ignored OSX, and if he or one of the other Olde ones doesn't come out with a statement I won't be able to run the MBT on my mac anymore! Seanachai Please Fix or Do Somefink!! btw, I also figured out who Roxy is: She's Meeks' Sister (or Meeks, since we know they're the same person, or maybe even a hermaphrodite). e) Meeks was gone, now he suddenly is back and posting on the outerboard. 137) Roxy wasn't here, and now she is, pretty much at the same time as Meeks reappeared on the outerboard. 1.38x10^-16) Meeks had (has?) multiple personalities, including that of a multitude of small furry creatures. (1/sqrt(2))(|0>+|1>) Roxy has multiple personalities, and is probably hairy. You'll have to ask argie (bolded because he's nuts and I don't want him tracking me down for not bolding his name) for the rest of the details.
  24. The thread that refused to die... Pretty soon it will develop a life of its own, like the cesspool. Anyway, as a long time mac (since the 128) and CM (since the beta demo) user, I'm not particularly worried about being about being able to run CMBB. I expect to upgrade some time in the next year, and I also expect to be able to find a pretty nice Mac laptop that will boot into OS9 and run CMBB with hardware rendered graphics. It may be that I'll have to buy a model that's about to be discontinued, but I will very surprised if Apple can come up with an effective way to keep me from booting into 9 on a machine that can do it when I buy it. Additionally, the PR disaster of disabling boot into 9 for people with legacy hardware far outweighs any advantage Apple might get from doing so. I also think it likely that BTS will address running CMBB in Classic sometime after release, but given the schedule that they are on, and the size of the company, it's unreasonable to expect them to address it sooner. They could make a statement now, but Charles probably hasn't had enough time to dig through OSX enough to commit to a particular way to address it, and historically BTS seems to avoid making statements they can't back up. And when they do make statements they're very good about coming through. They're that way about release dates, and about features that will (or won't) appear in the game. They've produced a high quality, reasonably-priced game, and have customer service way beyond what you get from nearly anyone else. If they haven't come out and made a statement that would satisfy some people in this thread it's probably because they haven't had time to sort out what they will actually be able to implement. Now it's back into the cesspool for me...
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