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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. So you're saying that Croda is the embodiment of the White Castle hangover?
  2. I'd like to be able to play in software mode, too, so that I don't always have to reboot. I've messed around a bit with SwitchRes for OSX (Jaguar) and still can't manage to make CMBB work under Classic.
  3. I just thought that it's the time of year that I ought to remind you how nice it can be in Southern California (the fires are over and now that it's cooling off the smog levels are down to almost breathable levels). Yesterday I went for a 60 mile bike ride in the mountains-- my friend kept complaining about how icy cold it was, but she was still just wearing shorts and a short sleeve jersey, and only putting on a sweatshirt for the descent. It was bright and sunny, and not too hot, like it tends to be in August and September. Later we went out with some friends for dinner. I wore shorts and a light jacket, and we ate at one of the outdoor tables at a greek restaurant that we walked to from one of the friends' house. Since I no longer live along the Rose Parade route, I won't put a message for you on the roof of the house to be seen on national TV, but you should watch the parade and think about how glad I am not to live in whatever winter wonderland you call home. I'd also like to note that I'm returning to the pool after an absence imposed by the measly 4 MB VRAM in my old computer. I finally have a machine that can run CMBB, so you should send me a setup and read up to the minute accounts of how nice the weather is here.
  4. I'll send you a CMBB version of Event Horizon-- I'm sure you'll love it...
  5. What set of drivers do you have for the Radeon? It could be that you have a slightly different set than the people who are having problems.
  6. That would be cool. Also, has it been demonstrated to work on the slightly older Powerbooks (the 667 and 800 with the Radeon 7500)? I haven't seen any complaints, so I would guess it does. I'm on the verge of upgrading from my old Wallstreet and would hate to not be able to play CMBB.
  7. You may also be able to force classic to stay at higher resolution by using a shareware utility called SwitchRes. I don't have the link handy, but you should be able to find it with a web search. There are different versions for OS9 and OSX. IIRC, I managed to force CMBO into any of my available resolutions (up to 1024x768) with switchres. You won't get transparency effects, since you're stuck in software rendering, but you can play without restarting. I've never managed to get CMBB to work under OSX/Classic, though, even with switchres to try to force it to stay in higer res.
  8. So has anybody got one of these and verified that CMBB runs on it yet?
  9. CMBO will run under Classic with ClassicRAVE disabled, but you only get software rendering in that mode. Even on my old G3/300 with 4 MB vram it's tolerable for small to medium scenarios. As far as I've been able to tell CMBB won't run under X with or without classic.
  10. I had some problems with this a while back when I was trying to start up a game with someone using netscape for mail. I did a bunch of experiments, and IIRC the simplest solution was to remove the ".txt" from the filename before attaching it to the Eudora message. CM doesn't care if it sees a ".txt" suffix or not, and Eudora tags things different if they're text than if they're binary. Zipping should also work, but takes an extra step.
  11. That's "Pismo", but you're right about it being a beach. A 333 MHz wouldn't be a Wallstreet.
  12. If the older machine is a Wallstreet (I think they were all 300MHz or less, and have an opaque black keyboard, and are slightly thicker than the later ones) you won't be able to get it to run. The Rage128 driver may be there just because the video driver package includes it, and it may not be doing much for you. I have a Wallstreet and despite many attempts to fake out both CMBB and the machine into thinking they were compatible, am unable to run CMBB. I'm drooling at both the newly release machines and the new prices on the machines being dropped...
  13. Ping is a Unix network utility about which a cute little book has been written: Ping Peng is a festering sore on your forehead that won't go away and continually threatens to kill you from septicemia.
  14. More importantly what the ***** is a Rob Murray?
  15. I've just been checking out the Apple site-- those machines are certainly droolworthy, but how did you confirm so fast that it will boot into OS9? CMBB won't run in classic so far as I know-- it seems you have to be booted into 9. The next question is whether to get one of the brand new 1 GHz ones or get remaining stock on the 800 MHz ones that have been marked down.
  16. AI doesn't cheat. Why: Because the way it's most likely programmed is that the Strat AI sits in for the other player, and passes to the Turn Resolver/TacAI a set of orders just like a player would. Once the orders go to the Resolver/TacAI, the turn resolution code can't tell whether the orders were entered by Hiram, the StratAI, Fionn, or Charles (playing as the StratAI via hidden network code). It wouldn't make much sense for Charles to have programmed it any other way. Data suggest that AI probably doesn't cheat, but there are a few variables that never get isolated out that wash things out. (The Strat AI is slightly better than you think). Why:There's more going on in the game engine than people realize, and controlling out all the factors will be hard. People keep posting about the expected outcome, but we haven't seen a distribution of outcomes. If it were sharply peaked at the expected outcome we wouldn't be having any of this discussion, because the game would be nearly deterministic. It is most likely quite broad and will be take a while for the data to converge. That's why the game is fun and has a lot of replayability. It appears that Treeburst is starting to see the two numbers approach each other. The catch is that he shouldn't stop once they appear to converge, but continue taking data to see that they don't inexplicably diverge again. There is only one Peng thread, and don't start thinking you're going to go that way until you get to at least 10^4 posts. (as for the Global Morale issue-- you probably need about 10 times as many points in isolated buffer units as you have in tanks facing off in order to keep the impact of GM low. Otherwise you can still see some pretty large changes in GM )
  17. I've been trying unsuccessfully to run CMBB on my Wallstreet (G3/300). The results of my attempts in OS 9 and 10 are in this thread . I managed to get it to run, but with the unusable graphics, in 8.6 and 10.1, but don't think I ever had even that much luck in 9.
  18. I thought their mothers didn't allow them to run with pitchforks. If the conscripted farmers can run with pitchforks then BF.C has made an egregious historical error. BTS please fix, or do somefink!
  19. CMBB doesn't appear to work under OSX, though CMBO does if you disable the Classic Rave extension when you start Classic. Here's one of the more complete threads on attempts to get CMBB to run with OSX OSX
  20. Here's a couple links in the tech support forum that may help figure out your problem: Cinema Display/driver problems OSX problems with some information about OS9 and older machines, too.
  21. They both use the same application ID (CtMO) so SwitchRes can't tell them apart. I actually selected CMBB when I set up SwitchRes and it changed how it's labelled to Combat Mission 1.12 on its own. When you run it in OSX you get software 3D rendering instead of taking advantage of the hardware rendering of whatever graphics chip is on your graphics card.
  22. Here's my settings, they are the same for CMBO and CMBB (SwitchRes can't tell the difference): Display Set: cmbb resolution:800x600 in thousands of colors everything else at default values. Application settings for cmbb Use Display Set cmbb don't let it change the resolution One thing that's a little weird about SwitchRes is that if the "apply" button is active, you should click it, otherwise your settings won't take, and you need to reapply after any sort of change. It's caught me a couple times where I just close the settings dialog for the app or the set and forget to reapply. I'd be interested to see if anyone can get CMBB to render properly in OSX, since I have such an ancient machine that it may be part of my problem. The ancient (~3 years old) laptop works fine for most of my needs, except it won't play CMBB...
  23. That's correct. CMBO runs correctly all the way through playing turns. CMBB runs up to the point of loading 3D graphics and then continues to behave functionally (i.e. I can select units, pan and zoom, cause the popup menus to pop up, etc.) but the graphics are so munged that you can't really tell what you're looking at, and the text in the popups is mostly unreadable or not there. I'm running X.1 with 9.2.2. I usually run 9.2.2 (I bought X just to get 9) but have been playing around with it and CMBB for the past couple days since it seems like my best chance to get CMBB to run on my obsolete machine. In 9.2.2, CMBB just crashes out to the finder when it gets to the 3D graphics load. If I force CMBO to higher resolutions (800x600, 1024x768) it, too, crashes out in 9.2.2, but works ok in those resolutions with 8.6 and X.1.
  24. Just a quick note to confirm that I managed to run CMBO inside OSX with 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 resolution on a lowly PB G3/300. I used SwitchRes X to force the resolution setting. It seems to work fine in OS X.1; in fact it seems better behaved than the 9.2.2 version. I launched classic from the Classic system control in "System Preferences" with the "open extensions manager" option selected, and then I disabled Classic Rave. After classic finished launching, I launched CMBO and it ran just fine in the resolution ordered by SwitchRes. Colors should be set to thousands, but it behaved when set to millions, too. I can get CMBB to launch in this way at 800x600, and 1024x768, as well as get through all the 2D screens just fine, but then gives garbage colors beginning at the "Loading 3D graphics" dialog, and displays the map in garbage colors, too. SwitchRes is available at www.madrau.com. There are two versions-- one for OS8.x through 9.2.2, and one for OSX. Use the OSX version for OSX, even if you're using it to control resolutions in Classic. [ September 04, 2002, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: chrisl ]
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