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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Stop projecting your own sad, sorry anguish over your loss of your childhood dress-up clothes. On this point, I would never argue with someone who clearly not only understands it, but feels it down to the bone. Noba...can I just say, at this point, that you look very...pretty? Bah! I only wrap around the last drink. It's a guarantee it won't fall over, no matter how drunk I might be/become. I'd give you an open shot, but the chances are all too good that if you lifted one foot off the ground, you'd plunge head first into the pavement, and then lie there, dazed, and calling my freaking name. Plaintively.
  2. Oh, and Berli's a feck. Every time I see him on iChat, he's 'busy'. Swine. I can't even determine that iChat is still working.
  3. Do you realize these idjits have supported us without reservation in every single freaking war since WWII? As much as they have the Pommies? It's like... almost magically half-witted. Everyone should have a friend that's an Aussie. They're like, otherworldly, man. And I don't even think it's the whole 'drunk' thing. I know a lot of drunks.
  4. But he's me Aussie buddy! But, if you insist, I'll have another Rum and Other and really put the boot in...
  5. In your case, much overated. Give it a break, we'll love you for it. Noba. </font>
  6. In your case, much overated. Give it a break, we'll love you for it. Noba. </font>
  7. Have you ever seen those incredibly stupid 'Orbit Gum' commercials? The ones where this Brit chick talks about cleaning up a dirty mouth? And then smiles, and we get the CGI twinkle? I don't know...maybe it's the accent...maybe it's the perky way she stands there... But I would so do her. In ways that would make de Sade want to chew some Orbit gum. And it shames me.
  8. At bloody fecking last! Joe Shaw! Bring me: A SAMPO!
  9. Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed. </font>
  10. It is at times like these that I choose to use the term 'lickspittle' when addressing you. It is a good term, albeit not if it's applied to you. In the whole realm of things that one could ask for from this game, you chose this? This is all you wanted, for yourself, or any of us that can't even play the game? Michael, you're a lickspittle. You need to get right with the Forum, Michael. You need to examine why you feel that constant need to wipe your face...
  11. If you string together a complete sentence you'll have exceeded my expectations. </font>
  13. It is nothing more...it is nothing less...I expected nothing either more nor less... OH SCREW THIS ****E! SHAW, ANSWER THE GODDAMN QUESTION! Oh, feck. I can't remember what my question was, anymore. I think I'm going to do something...different. We're about due for a restart of the Thread. I think we should be somewhere else. Not that 'Joe, Look at Me, It Only Took Six Weeks To Answer Your Last Request' would care about it all. Oh, no. He'd never email me to-- AH! A MINK! A MINK! YOU LITTLE BASTARD, YOU'RE NOT TAKING ME OUT!
  14. That's...I think...Shaw, you... Okay, that's so goddamn weird an excuse that I'm going to go with it. I mean, what kind of mind would actually run with that? "I can't cope with the righteous wrath of my Overlords because I can't get a photo of freaking MrSpkr without a hat." I have pissed better gibberish than that after drinking worse. I feel like my goddamn head is going to explode. My righteous demands are, supposedly, disdained because... MRSPKR! SEND THE CREATURE SHAW A DECENT FECKING PHOTO! SOMETHING WITHOUT A HAT. Hold up some of your money in it. We want one with your loved ones in it.
  15. It is 2:25 AM, locally, and even my brilliant, passionate and erudite usage of language cannot describe how much I hate most of you bastards. Well. not tonight. This morning. Whatever. But I will be able to sleep well, knowing that, once I am well-rested, my brilliant, passionate and erudite usage of language will be more than adequate for describing how much I hate you bastards.
  17. No problems, mate. We know people at the Border. Getting your goddamn guns back across is going to be the least of your freaking problems. Grip your ankles, cough, and tell the World you love the Olde Ones. But you know, it would be damn humourous to get together with you at Dalem's place.
  18. Sent. I call this setup Up Ya... seems appropriate. </font>
  19. Shaw, I am not a happy man. You have repeatedly disdained me. You have held me at nought. You have ignored my righteous requests. You have belittled me to those beneath me. You have encouraged others to regard me as inconsequential. You have failed to render unto Seanachai that which is the Olde One's. We both know that there is nothing that can be done about your slights and arrogance. One needs only look at the Papacy to understand the truth of what I am saying. You, and your Office, have become Godzilla. I can demand an accounting. I can call for reviews. I can descend upon a lightning bolt, or rise up from the sea on a clam shell. I can piss on a soft toy kangaroo and wear it on my head like a fecking hat, for all that it matters. It has always been my lot to be The Nice One. Of course, that's a relative term. I haven't got a lot of goddamn competition, when you get right down to it. But over the last...hell, SEVEN years, I have sat, day after day, in the Wasteland. And I have watched. And I have waited. And I have posted. You are all mine. I've never had a damn love affair that lasted as long as my posting on this Thread. Man. That is SO depressing. You'll excuse me, but I must away. The urine from the soft toy kangaroo hat is giving me an earache.
  20. Hey, Grog Dorosh! Do you think we could get away with a poll in the General Forum about which of us should be more hated? I'm envisioning a Subject line like: 'At Last! The Either/Or Poll that Allows You To Go Four Ways, and Hate People You Don't Really Care About' And then we give them the choice of who they Hate more, you or I, and who they Like more, you or I. C'mon, they can't lock that one down! Not if WE invite it!
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