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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. What the hell am I? All the king's horses, and all the king's men? I can never manage to get into Gyrene's chatroom. Oh, very well. I'll go see if I can get in.
  2. And I forgive you, Joe. All your sins washed away by my tears, shed for the fact that I welcome in even the worst and the stupidest. But they are not a single one 'the worst and the stupidest' until they are determined to be so by their own hand. I know we've had some complete fecking morons post here, Justicar. But, to our credit, we have independent verification of the fact that Kevin Federline has NEVER POSTED IN THE MBT!
  3. You can get the same effect by just eating a Bran Muffin. Lady Redneck </font>
  4. Don't know. Can't play it. Platform (Mac G4) too ancient. OS (Mac OS X - if we abandon any platform, it won't be the Mac) won't play it. Haven't heard anything good. Know many players, including Beta Testers. Haven't heard anything good. But I am waiting. I think the problem here is that CMSF isn't what The People were waiting for. It wasn't the Game they wanted. It isn't the Game they thought they were going to get. It was the Game that could be made, not the Game that was promised. But I still remember how amazing it was to play CMBO for the first time. And I am waiting. I am not yet ready to give up. I am waiting for the day that maketh all things clear and I am awaiting retribution for what America did to Tom Sawyer and I am waiting for the American Boy to take off Beauty's clothes and get on top of her and I am waiting for Alice in Wonderland to retransmit to me her total dream of innocence and I am waiting for Childe Roland to come to the final darkest tower` and I am waiting for Aphrodite to grow live arms at a final disarmament conference in a new rebirth of wonder I am waiting to get some intimations of immortality by recollecting my early childhood and I am waiting for the green mornings to come again youth's dumb green fields come back again and I am waiting for some strains of unpremeditated art to shake my typewriter and I am waiting to write the great indelible poem and I am waiting for the last long careless rapture and I am perpetually waiting for the fleeing lovers on the Grecian Urn to catch each other up at last and embrace and I am awaiting perpetually and forever a renaissance of wonder "I am Waiting" -Lawrence Ferlinghetti I am waiting, for Combat Mission to come back again. In a new renaissance of wonder.
  5. You can get the same effect by just eating a Bran Muffin. Lady Redneck </font>
  6. We also have moral fiber which allows us to be a little brighter then those who hold themselves upon high. </font>
  7. Being thoughtlessly pussy whipped doesn't mean you know how to treat a Lady. </font>
  8. Her name was Roxy, Treeburst. And she broke many a heart when she was revealed to be yourself. I believe a few people also cut off one of their hands in horror. Outerboarders, of course. Not the shiniest pennies in the fountain. Glad to see you are also still alive.
  9. "To prey on their fear. Move like an animal to feel the kill..." -Brock Sampson That's wonderful, Abbott. After all, the various prion and wasting diseases all concentrate in organ meats. By cooking you up a mess of offal, Lady Redneck is almost guaranteeing that within a few years there'll be a University medical team puzzling over why you're dying from a disease you could only normally have gotten from being sodomized by marmots. Welcome to Lady Redneck'! Here in the 'Pool, we know how to treat a lady. For the most part, we don't know much of anything else.
  10. Oh dear God! What exactly were you cruising the Web looking for when you discovered that particular site? Do we even want to know? Gods, your poor wife. I bet Rose would go to church and light a candle if you'd simply sit at your desk and look at porn...
  11. Speedy, let's be frank, shall we? This was tattooed on your arse at birth, wasn't it? And has basically been true in regards to most of humanity every day of your life since, am I not correct?
  12. Boo, if you had payed attention in botany class you would know that algae is not a fungus. </font>
  13. Remember, Lars, that each tree might contain a winsome dryad. Who would have nothing to do with you, you vicious, evil, randy feck. Dalem and I are going to grab up bags of leaves from our various neighbours, and dump even more leaves all over your sodding lawn, you silly bugger. It's that time of year, Lars. Time to sit up, night after night, jittery with your shotgun, to keep your friends from having fun at your expense.
  14. Yes, actually, Geier (gone, but not forgotten), lifted that one from the Blackadder. And the second quote, involing golf and frustration, was OGSF, if I recall correctly. Which I seldom do. And, Herr Oberst, it is good to see that you are still alive. I have it on good authority that everyone who has ever posted on the Peng Challenge Thread will, even after a long disappearance, post at least one more time before they die. Some people, the prophecy says, will get really into it, and post at least a half dozen times after they are dead. I'm waiting for Jim Boggs. I figure that bugger's got the power. And I miss him. To absent friends!
  15. Of course she does. Any woman who didn't have a soft spot for Dumbo wouldn't have married you, now would she? It was Disney World, you halfwit. I was there by demand of my family. I spent my time drunk at Epcot, where all the adults go to hang out drunk. And you should be so lucky as to be as beloved as I am by the gang of nieces and nephews I have. I sang them songs every night. And I imbued in them a deep-seated hatred for Australia. Every night they would say to me: 'Uncle Steve, why do we hate Australia?' And I would tell them. This often took so much time that they would often come and sit at my feet outside our rental units, and get the full story. They would leave me at night so filled with the hatred of Australia that, had there been an Australian there as they were going to bed, they would have swarmed over him like a pack of weasels and ripped him into fragments.
  16. Shush! You're harshing my buzz! When discoursing with Famine, one needs a clear head and the focus of a diamond cutter. I will speak with you anon.
  17. Ah, Joe, how much better it would be if you could say that you have things to see, people to do in the morning... Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I know that you are filled with dudgeon, and other things too bacteria laden to be properly composted. But I repeat to you: A Shrine must be visited by everyone, otherwise it simply becomes the Papac--er, that is, a Ruin. What will I do about them? I'll buy the bastards a beer. It's all about giving the people a show, Justicar Joe! What do you think? Now that the New Game is out, should I post a thread inviting them to step up, step up, see the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and post in the Peng Challenge Thread?! Should I zip about on the Outer Boards and mock and jeer, and invite in the next generation of idjits? Should I dare to eat a peach? May there not be minds out there that we have not reached? May there not be out there, unknown to us, and we unknown to them, a mind that will scintillate like a diamond, spread itself over the horizon like a rainbow? Seriously, Joe, if there's even the off chance that there's someone out there who isn't as thick as two short planks laid atop each other, shouldn't we be trying to entice them into the maw of the Peng Challenge Thread?! Mind, I know what you mean about the current lot, but look how far some of even the most idiotic have come! Some are even writing complete sentences! Well, not with punctuation, or anything. And they're about as creative as mud, but they're in there trying! I like to think that I am the Old One always willing to offer a hand-up to even the dullest penny in the fountain. Boo! As you love Peng, the Queen and Me, fetch my charger! And some gloves! I go, to raise up the masses!
  18. Yes, that and trimming my nether regions into interesting cartoon character shapes. </font>
  19. Oh come now, you can't be serious. Peng is ... well, Peng ... he deals with computers, he coaches GIRLS SOCCER, he ... well, he's Peng. Can you imagine Berli coaching GIRLS SOCCER? Can you imagine Berli being allowed anywhere NEAR Girls Soccer? It's not even a contest. Joe </font>
  20. Joe! You're alive! Now, let's get right down to it. In a stand up battle of Evil vs. Evil, who would win? Berli or Peng?
  21. The General Forum is boring, and I have very little to add to the CMSF discussions. That's not to say 'nothing', exactly, but 'nothing apropos' would certainly be accurate. I want to cause some trouble, annoy people, maybe get banned or something. But all I have is you lot. And you're all just lying there, dead drunk, somewhere, and not working with me at all. Bugger. Maybe time to go off and finally write that novel. What a pain.
  22. I heard that one too! Seems this German and this Canadian go into a bar, and they sit down with only a seat or so between them, and both of them order a Labatt's blue. And the Canadian looks over at the German, and he says 'We don't see many Germans ordering Labatt's'. And the German says, 'Well, we don't see many Canadians who aren't taking advantage of the strong Canadian dollar in order to hire mercenaries from Blackwater to kill Michael Dorosh. And then the Canadian says 'We would, but we're a people dedicated to the Rule of Law, and we're afraid they might not hold themselves to the strict Rules of Engagement laid down for actual soldiers'. And the German says: 'Ja, but as long as you forego Nazi regalia, it doesn't matter who bends over first to pick up the soap!' And then I always wake up.... Oh, crap. That's not a joke. It's that same recurring dream. Anyone else have a horror of dill pickles and Michael Dorosh?
  23. Do you know, in my own head, when I see 'OGSF', I always think: 'Ogre with Syphilis' I can't be the only one, surely? So, are you drinking, or are you not? I'm already eyeing the level of the bottle and starting to get a bit greedy with my supplies...
  24. Redbreast, 'pure pot still', Irish whisky. Are you drinkin', or no?
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