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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Actually, justice is almost as scarce a quantity in the Peng Challenge Thread as it is in the sodding Real World. And CMplayer, my little lad, we are both the pillocks here. Now, I'd be the first to say that a good challenge is just the thing to resolve a conflict of stupidity here in the Thread. But we all know that a 'game' can take weeks, if not months, to complete. Are we to leave the egregious, but possibly redeemable halfwit The Capt in limbo while you and Goanna battle over who shall lead him into the light? I think not. So, we shall attempt another solution. There shall be an exchange of 'Taunts' between you and Goanna on this matter. You, as the wounded party, shall hear his first effort on this matter, and have the right of response. Then he shall reply to your tasking, and you shall have the final word. The Olde Ones shall judge your exchange, and appoint such judges as are necessary to avoid any suggestion of favoritism. Goanna, you are called! Explain to CMplayer why he is worthless, and why you should be the one to administer the Boot of guidance to the silly arsed being known as the Capt.
  2. Now look here! I somehow missed out on senior Knight status, even though I've been here for some considerable time. Regardless, I'm now upset that suddenly these newby Knights have the same social standing as me. And while being associated with them is fine in that, in comparison, they really make me look good, I feel it against my dignity as the royal sheep shagg... I mean attendant. So, I have no choice but to make myself Not quite Senior knight, but far superior to the standard every day Knight. Elders, I beseech you to grant me this boon (it's embarrising being associated with this, this rabble. Sheesh) Mace Btw. I don't need to point out that I am one of those annointed to carry out the holy quest on behalf of BTS regarding that that will not be named (*cough* NDA *cough*). I thus should at least get recognition for that.</font>
  3. Baloney. Screwtop is good enough for the Slime Creatures. Michael</font>
  4. My almost certain knowledge of the wiles, ways, and 'if only our nation had some possibility of Rehab' language of Australia, Shaw, is that Goanna is indicating, here, that you should be sodomized by a kangaroo. Actually, and I'm conversant in most forms of gibberish currently in use by our various Commonwealth 'buddies', but this is almost incomprehensible. Well, except for the fact that Goanna wants to have the rights to putting the boot in on The Capt, and is flipping off CMplayer and giving him the raspberry in the process. First, let me begin by saying, Goanna, you marsupial transmission of substandard procreative fluid, that we of the Peng Challenge have always acknowledged you well. Are you not the Eldest Australian? We, meaning the Olde Ones, shall not merely acknowledge, but sanctify (and it's a right bitch getting Berli to acknowledge that term, lad) your absolute ****ing theft of The Capt as Squire. We do this because we're taken with the fact that he's a right useless piece of ****e, and only the intervention of a Serious Player within the Peng Challenge Thread (not to mention that you Aussie bastards are all pretty much lost souls, anyway, and anything you want to attempt to redeem can only do you credit), can properly bring him into the fold (Sit Down, Mace!) So, Goanna. He's yours. CMplayer, first explain how you became a Squire, and then how you became a Knight, and then stop whinging. We'll give you the next call on some really useless idjit. Now, explain to us why you Swedes have some sort of sordid festival that requires young women to set their own hair on fire during the Winter Solstice, and why you're worshipping Italians in the process. Take your time, lad.
  5. Be quiet. We all know what's wrong with the Swedes, you idjit. We were trying to be nice, and let it go. Geier sent me an absolutely lovely bit on 'The Nature of Sweden'. A very funny piece. Now go to your room, and read Pär Lagerkvist until you're fit company for the rest of the Thread. Pillock.
  6. Exactly. Not to mention that the .bmp standard is just about one of the most assinine graphics standards still being 'maintained', and wouldn't survive a moment if it wasn't a fixture of the 'cross Windows' standards. In short, in order to offer this sort of 'graphic' modification, BTS would have to endlessly duplicate different AFV 'skins', with the engine programmed to substitute them, on a piecemeal basis, and with the datafile size of the game growing to almost astronomical proportions as each 'aspect' of each AFV was modified to acknowledge 'some minor and unimportant' change in appearance. Perhaps BTS could 'standardize' changes to AFV appearance, so as to institute a system of 'damage' modules. Of course, that would most likely eliminate the ability of 'Modders' to give us unique or historical adaptations of the vehicles, or at least complicate them beyond belief. What you are thinking of is 'cool', but useless, as I said before. It would increase the size of the graphic files astronomically. It would require the engine to do all sorts of 'new calls' on graphics, slowing down play, or requiring a more powerful platform. And it would piss about with the very fine efforts of the many 'Modders' who give us any number of beautiful graphics of the various AFVs. For the very small return in visuals and 'information', such a modification would bear too heavy a price tag. So, I'm not a 'programmer' either, but I have an appreciation of what would actually be involved to institute the kind of off-beat cosmetic change you're talking about, and it's not only far beyond the capabilities of people like you and I, Sir Augustus, to institute, but it's a waste of time and resources to include, and would impose all sorts of limitations on the ability of 'Modders' to do what they do. If BTS modeled 'non-penetrating' hits, or 'ricochets' in terms of the graphic engine, how would this affect the activities of 'Modders'? Should BTS include, at immense time and application of resources, multiple AFV skins, for every possible 'non-penetrating hit', or even just some sort of standardized 'no-kill hit' , and then require every Modder to execute the same sort of 'no-kill' hit skin if the Mod is to match up with the requirements of the graphic engine? It's not remotely do-able, it's not going to be done, and it serves no purpose in the universe except the 'coolness' factor, and that comes with serious costs, even in terms of 'coolness'. In short, give it up.
  7. I have a bloody f'ing question on all this. When did CMPlayer become a Knight? And who sprinkled him with the Holy Urine of Approval? I mean, I vaguely remember someone taking the pseudo-Swede lackwit as a Squire, and I remember telling myself to remember to bold his bloody name, but I can't remember him being made Knight, and I can't remember who took him on as Squire in the first place. Could we, just for convenience sake, institute some sort of Welsh 'Naming' convention? I mean, could Knights and Squires append some sort of acknowledgement of their history? By example: Lars ap Shaw, or Noba ap Slapdragon ap Berli, or some other system by which 'descent' is acknowledged. I mean, we're starting to get bloody 'Houses' here. It's like a bloody Shakespearian play, but without the cliff notes (for myself, I usually have to call Persephone to get these things sorted out.) For myself, I'd like a quick reference as to who to praise, who to blame. Anyone else here notice how many sodding Squires Shaw's given the nod to, how many of the stupid bastards have worked out quite well, and how many of them have taken Squires of their own? The bloody Justicar is on his way to some sort of Dynasty. This just can't be right.
  8. This concept, of sending a case of good South African wine to a game manufacturer from a gratified customer, is one of the things that makes this Forum the priceless place it is. No one can deny what a priceless gem Combat Mission is for the wargaming community. This is the game that I and my friends used to daydream about when we were young. This is the game that has attracted an unbelievable following of enthusiasists, historians, wargamers, and, er, well, Grogs (the bastards). WineCape, you are to be commended for this gesture of generosity. Now, of course, it would be similarly appropriate to contribute, say, 4 bottles to each of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. We're not phillistines, you know. We like a good bottle of wine as much as the next person. Well, think about it.
  9. Playing this scenario against ciks (yes, I know, a non-Peng Challenger. I was rude to him; one must atone ) and it's a lovely map. Continuing kudos to Andreas, his fellow scenario designers (without whom so much of this would not have been necessary), and to all the Modders. You lot keep this game Great. Also, most of you, but most especially Andreas, are a bunch of prancing EuroDance refugees looking for a Michael Flatley to take you home again. There, I've said it, and I'm glad.
  10. While cool, this would be utterly pointless, and unbelievably difficult, I'm sure. Still, I don't believe there's anything wrong with this sort of 'if only' thread, as long as it doesn't deteriorate into some sort of 'fantasy dreamdate as programmed by BTS' sort of thing...
  11. Yes, I have. I've learned to thank all the gods each and every day, that they blessed me with wit and intelligence, and a Bloody Sense of Humour! Likewise, while they were Elevating Me Above All Other Humans, that they didn't turn me into a useless, arrogant, otherwise funny son-of-a-bitch WHO COULDN'T STAND A LITTLE INSTRUCTION! And each and every night, before I went off to sleep, I thought about what a piss poor stupid world it would be if even the Bards, Storytellers, Humourists, Satirists, and Comics were so fecking useless that they couldn't distinguish between their own ego and making a good joke. And then, of course, I send out a half dozen heartfelt apologies, a couple to the gods, and the rest to people I might have come down too hard on. Now, lad, my only question is: When are you going to apologize to the gods? [ May 28, 2002, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. The sun beats down on a hard, dry, endless bit of nothingness. Two figures are seated on logs, which occasionally, when the waves of heat writhe up in obscuring distortion, appear to be short lawn chairs. They are leaning forward, elbows on knees, studying something at their feet. One is a dark figure of pure flame, under the light of the sun, and the other is an unkempt, aging figure with a stick in it's hand. Berli Poke it again. the other leans forward and prods with the stick Seanachai Same as before. Berli Poke it again. Seanachai Lad, it's the same every time. It doesn't seem to like it, it hisses and spits, and it flips me off. Berli Poke it again. Seanachai Is there a point to this? Berli I enjoy it. Seanachai That's it?! Berli I don't ask that much. Seanachai That's true. leans forward and jab's with the stick. They both observe for a moment in silence. Berli No cursing, that time. Seanachai You're right. Berli Is the stick sharp enough? Seanachai You sharpened it yourself. I figured that meant gruesomely sharp. Berli Let me see it. the Stick is handed back and forth Berli That's sharp. Why does it keep jumping about? Seanachai Well, hell, probably because I keep jabbing it with this Stick! Berli No. I mean: why doesn't it just go away? How bloody stupid is it, that it just keeps letting you jab it with the Stick? Seanachai Ah, I see! Well, Berli, he wants to be here. Berli Why? Seanachai Oh, all the usual reasons, I'm sure. The camraderie, the humour, the taunting. The Challenge, in fact. I believe this one wanted to 'be King'. Berli 'King'? Seanachai Yes, I believe I remember seeing him posturing about becoming our 'King'. Berli We don't have 'kings'. Seanachai Well, no. Just the Olde Ones, and such. Totally different thing, of course. Berli So he thinks he's going to be our 'king'? Seanachai Well, probably not. It's one of those poses; like Slapdragon's 'Ronin Squire' pose, or Panzer Leader's 'I'm Not Insane' thing. Berli Poke him again. Seanachai sighs, then leans forward and jabs energetically with the stick. They both observe for a while in silence. Berli That was different. Seanachai By the gods, you're right! He was much more amusing that time! Berli Poke him again! Seanachai Maybe it's too soon? Berli Give me the stick, then. Seanachai Alright, alright! I'll give him a jab. I always did like 'Pippu the Sock Puppet'. Did you ever read those? Berli Shut up and poke him.
  13. I...I...ahhahahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHA! AHAHAHAHHHAAAAAAAAHHHAAAHHAAAHHAAA! Heheheheheh. Julie Andrews. Yeknod. The flowers. The Ears. It works on so many levels! Thank you, Persephone. I can go on, now. Alright, you boisterous lot of protruberances on the bum of a toad, I've almost got the computer back. and I'm starting to get caught up. Except on turns, of course, where everything yet hangs in the balance.
  14. I am out of touch. I am trying to get caught up on theThread, and I owe about 8 people turns. I apologize, and have only this to say: Never assume you've covered every base, thought out every possibility, and foreseen every disaster, before you actually backup all files, wipe your hard-drive, and restore. Life, like the Peng Challenge Thread, has a way of turning ugly and smirking at you...
  15. I always loved 'Pippuu the sock monkey', or whatever it was, but I do not care for this. Hmm, 'your brilliance'? You have shown no spectacular ability against many able and even humourous posters here, despite a certain facility with words and a sense of satire. As opposed to myself? Well, lad, you couldn't defeat me in a posting battle if you had a scout axe in either hand. What Peng does, and what you do, are two different things. I myself, not particularly given to profanity or an exuberance of expletives, still sometimes falter, and give myself over to bad language. You see, lad, you're not being held up to a 'double standard'. You are, in fact, being held up to a triple, or perhaps even quadruple standard. Now, people with nothing much to add to the Universe always want to deny all standards, and demand that all participation should be 'equal' in the eyes of the Powers That Be. When your best offering, of course, is constant references to bodily functions, women as the sentient equivalent of 'kleenex', and the glories of how often you can talk '****e' as evidence of 'satirical ability', well, a 'lowest common denominator' approach to posting is certainly in order. On another level of posting is the concept that even otherwise intelligent, humourous, and worthwhile individuals occasionally talk trash, or do so for 'humourous impact'. Now, the 'standard' by which all this gets judged is, and this is where we get in to all those triple and quadruple conditionals, the 'Standing' of the individual. And that 'Standing' lad, is based on a very simple thing. It's called 'Honour'. There is almost no one in the Peng Challenge Thread who has not gone overboard, at times, or been vulgar, at times, or who has not been unbelievably offensive, at times. But we do not, out of arrogance, maintain a standard of 'Screw You, I'll Be As Nasty As I Want To Be'. I cannot think of a single individual, in good standing in the Peng Challenge Thread who would not, if they went over the line, simply apologize, as opposed to pointing the finger at others. We do not, for example, take the attitude: "I'm going to be an arsehole until you force me to toe the line." Or, "So-and-So behaved like a stupid, sodding, useless pillock, and I demand the same right" Or, "Hey, I've found a really useless, vulgar post, and I think I can match or even beat it!" You see, lad, although everyone laughs about it, and makes fun of it, there's an actual concept behind the 'Knights of the Cesspool'. They are, everything considered, Knights. If you really believe you have the ability to jest, and to satirize, to mock and to taunt, without reverting to being disgusting, or stupid, then do so. But don't claim 'Being an Arsehole' as a gods given right, and support it by the lapses of others. Because beyond the standard that BTS quite rightly maintains, we'll hold you to a more significant one. It is called 'Honour'. Impress me. Make me want to reply. [ May 26, 2002, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. The lad is right. We offered the opportunity, such as it was, to come into a place of special acceptance, the Peng Challenge Thread, and give Slapdragon a right brutal kicking. We go almost no takers. I would guess that the message, here is: we're more than happy to accuse the annoying bastard known as 'Slapdragon' of every crime, of every prejudice, of every stupidity. But we're not willing to come into a place of humour and calumny, and make the effort of 'satire' to indict our enemy. This Forum has seen too much of petty 'Personality Clashes' lately. This is a forum of people with a lot to say, a very great deal to say. This is a forum that can tell me things that I've never imagined, nor understood. I've read an endless amount of ****e, lately, from people who jabber about 'strawmen arguments', 'red herrings', 'nationalistic bull****', and 'ego-tripping posts'. I don't care a rap. What I wish to see is this Forum made strong, again, without all these attempts to piss on each other's heads. Where I can be as assured of finding a thread on the minutiae of (teeth-gritting) 'Running with Machine Guns", as I can on 'Panther Armour Mantlet Thickness: Could You Brew Espresso On It?' Without endlesslessly scrolling through Slapdragon: Why He's the Enemy of all Right Thinking Folk. Let's face it. Slapdragon is only one man, and not even a particularly impressive authority, at that. That so many people should expend so much hatred of the man is...well, bloody ****ing silly. So much hatred, and so little time to be actually willing to satirize him. The Peng Challenge Thread has finally proven it's worth. We offered ourselves for the spectacle of belittling and abusing Slapdragon, and we got: Nothing. What we received were...excuses: "His friends; his partisans; we're not allowed to post, he's got BTS in his hands; no one would pay any attention, you guys in the Peng Challenge Thread are on his side..." So much ****e. Perhaps we could argue things as was done in the 'old days'. You know, where no one claimed that anyone was posting because of their own 'ego/nationality/political agenda'... Where the discussion meant more than proving any given poster 'wrong'. Ah, for the days of achieving some sort of 'truth'. I do not 'love' Slapdragon. Nor do I hate him. Well, actually, I do hate him, but only for himself. What's wrong with you little piddlers that you can't achieve the same?!
  17. An unkempt figure, wispy hair going to white, shuffles across an empty, but still somehow untidy, landscape. From either hand dangles a string bag full of bottles, and ice. Also, a bit of cheese. As he marches along, he mumbles to himself First when A' come to Glasgow toon the Hieland troops were a' before me and the prettiest maid in the toon that a' saw she lived in Glasgow, they called her Emma... Seanachai: Berli! Peng! I've got the whiskey! And some ice! Where the hell is everyone? He looks back over the body of the Thread... Seanachai: Ohmigod! Meeks! Brother Rat! Where've you been, you halfwit?! Er, Dalem, were you sitting on my bit of log? Turn around and let me see what you've been up to. Godalmighty. You get down there and use some serious elbow-grease on getting that stain out of my throne, lad! Bugger. There's no bloody question that the Olde Ones are completely useless. But not as useless as you lot without us. Oh, actually, you maintained the dignity of the Peng Challenge Thread (such as it is) beautifully, and you did your best to answer the Newcomers befittingly, but you still massively failed in the only way that makes the Olde Ones still relevant. You people can't respond to a taunt in a way befitting a mongrel dog. Until our job here is done, the Olde Ones will have to participate.
  18. You shall have your turn. Only two things, in all the past months of my own and other's stupidity, has hurt me: The absence of The French, and the disapearance of Peng. I feel revitalized. Mind, I'm going to have to go to bed soon, or lose consciousness.
  19. Bugger. I don't even know what 'yea' or 'nay' might mean, just now, but if The French says it must be so, then so it will be so. Me for bed, and check this thread upon the morrow.
  20. Vulgar, Stuka. Answer not humour with vulgarity, lest you lose your soul. The Trial of Slapdragon shall not take place. Those who hate and despise him (and who would not), were given the option of coming into the Kingdom of Jest, and, with laughter, arrogance, and satire, Make Their Case. They chose to do naught. They would rather nurse anger, bitterness, and hatred. What is Truth? I wash my hands of them. Satire answers any pompous ass. Invited into a forum where humour permits and answers for all, they stood seperate. I shall hate Slapdragon, quite thoroughly, and in my own way, and without reverting to sniping and calumny. I shall hate him, day by day, for the annoying ass he is: knowledgeable, opinionated, and often wrong. I shall not hate him merely for being Slapdragon. That I leave to those whose egos are more tender, and whose honour is more prominent. For myself, he's an annoying bastard. I come not to praise Slapdragon, but to bury him. On the other hand, I'd stand him a pint any day of the week. Arrogance such as Slappy displays is as common as hidden charges on a mechanic's bill. And We Are All, All, Arrogant Men...
  21. Just a quick thought, but what does 'gamey' play have to do with the overused, prejudicial, politically inane, intellectually bankrupt, catchall testament to 'halfwits unwilling to admit that anyone's political stance that differs from their own deserves any respect', have to do with the term 'PC' ? Seriously. Discuss 'gamey' play in terms of the game.
  22. On a log before a dying fire an unkempt, aging figure sits, musing. The stars shine down, immeasurably far removed. Under their light the land stretches out in all directions, empty, featureless, and dark. The figure leans forward to stir the dying fire with a length of stick, mumbling and singing to itself. "I've erred. No, I've sinned. How could it be? Too much faith, or too little? Too much arrogance, perhaps...perhaps that, yes. Peng is gone. It all fades. What are we without him? And now it all seems like a dream. But the 'Pool is strong! It is I who've grown weak. It will go on, but...perhaps I should not. Berli will see to them. Trust Evil for that, at least. Time to go into the mound, to fade into a memory...a little people...a lesser people...a myth. They're good lads, they'll do fine. Peng! Wait for me! I shall join you, lad. Maybe you were right. Our time here is finished." The stick, unattended, falls into the fire, which briefly flares up. The stars shine down upon the fire, the empty log, and the Wasteland.
  23. Actually, the concept that a thread can only be relevant if it achieves such status in my eyes is completely laughable. However, the original 'Bren Tripod' thread was still there for anyone to read who had any interest in the already done to death topic. The 'Redux' thread started over the exact same ground with very little new or of interest, and even more quickly deteriorated into the usual clash of personalities. As for 'cronies'; you surely can't seriously entertain the idea that I somehow control and direct these people, can you? In that thread, I only began satirizing the 'personality' clash and the inanity of the topic after several grogs and others who've nothing to do with either myself, nor the Peng Challenge Thread, had already begun the same. As for 'my own image', well, both those threads were already being worked over into the image that we've seen again and again, lately, which was niggling catfights on unsupported details, and personality conflicts (the same thing that killed the first 'Bren Tripod' thread, for that matter). The 'flipping tanks' thread was mildly more interesting, and was actually going somewhere. Until, of couse, the usual round of 'Hunt the Slapdragon' began. I again pointed that out, mocked it (and, admittedly, the topic, but it was a silly topic, although not one that should come to an end for all that), and, if you recall, posted that 'our work here is done, let's ride!'. Of course one Peng Challenge Thread is enough (oh, and 'Peng' isn't some sort of acronym, lad). Of course, it wasn't like that in the old days. Talk to some of the really early Board members, such as Berli from here, and they'll tell you that threads often wound out into bursts of silliness and off-topic satire, and just as often headed back on topic. Now, I may be a short man, but I don't think I'm small-minded, so I'm more than willing to offer you a heart-felt apology if you think that my 'participation' in those threads corrupted and destroyed your enjoyment of them. But, in my own defense, I actually did leave the 'Tank Flipping' thread to take it's own course after mocking the usual personality clash, and I still maintain that putting a bullet into the head of the sodding 'Bren Tripod Redux' thread was not only humane, but an act that should be applauded by all right thinking folk. But I think Berli and Dalem might be right about this Flamingknives fellow. He stands up on his hind-legs and speaks out, he does, indeed, seem to hate me (making him a natural for House Berlichtigen, certainly), and he sticks to the point. If you can get him to add some humour to the mix, he might indeed work out. Now, I've got to get back to the Trial of Slapdragon thing, which is going nowheres. When the hell does Joe get back? He's quite right, if anyone should prosecute Slappy it's the Justicar. And bailiffs. We're going to need lots and lots of bailiffs, to heave the witnesses out the door after they've defam...er, 'testified'. Boo Radley's freakishly large and thuggish looking, isn't he? Maybe we could start with him? Noba's already lined up for the defense, the Olde Ones shall sit in judgement...what does that remind me of? Oh, yes, we need a Grog judge! Bloody hell, why not Heidman? I mean, he doesn't like Slapdragon, but he's fair minded towards him. Not to mention it tickles me to have Jeff have to post in here again. You don't see him in the Peng Challenge Thread much!
  24. Actually, the concept that a thread can only be relevant if it achieves such status in my eyes is completely laughable. However, the original 'Bren Tripod' thread was still there for anyone to read who had any interest in the already done to death topic. The 'Redux' thread started over the exact same ground with very little new or of interest, and even more quickly deteriorated into the usual clash of personalities. As for 'cronies'; you surely can't seriously entertain the idea that I somehow control and direct these people, can you? In that thread, I only began satirizing the 'personality' clash and the inanity of the topic after several grogs and others who've nothing to do with either myself, nor the Peng Challenge Thread, had already begun the same. As for 'my own image', well, both those threads were already being worked over into the image that we've seen again and again, lately, which was niggling catfights on unsupported details, and personality conflicts (the same thing that killed the first 'Bren Tripod' thread, for that matter). The 'flipping tanks' thread was mildly more interesting, and was actually going somewhere. Until, of couse, the usual round of 'Hunt the Slapdragon' began. I again pointed that out, mocked it (and, admittedly, the topic, but it was a silly topic, although not one that should come to an end for all that), and, if you recall, posted that 'our work here is done, let's ride!'. Of course one Peng Challenge Thread is enough (oh, and 'Peng' isn't some sort of acronym, lad). Of course, it wasn't like that in the old days. Talk to some of the really early Board members, such as Berli from here, and they'll tell you that threads often wound out into bursts of silliness and off-topic satire, and just as often headed back on topic. Now, I may be a short man, but I don't think I'm small-minded, so I'm more than willing to offer you a heart-felt apology if you think that my 'participation' in those threads corrupted and destroyed your enjoyment of them. But, in my own defense, I actually did leave the 'Tank Flipping' thread to take it's own course after mocking the usual personality clash, and I still maintain that putting a bullet into the head of the sodding 'Bren Tripod Redux' thread was not only humane, but an act that should be applauded by all right thinking folk. But I think Berli and Dalem might be right about this Flamingknives fellow. He stands up on his hind-legs and speaks out, he does, indeed, seem to hate me (making him a natural for House Berlichtigen, certainly), and he sticks to the point. If you can get him to add some humour to the mix, he might indeed work out. Now, I've got to get back to the Trial of Slapdragon thing, which is going nowheres. When the hell does Joe get back? He's quite right, if anyone should prosecute Slappy it's the Justicar. And bailiffs. We're going to need lots and lots of bailiffs, to heave the witnesses out the door after they've defam...er, 'testified'. Boo Radley's freakishly large and thuggish looking, isn't he? Maybe we could start with him? Noba's already lined up for the defense, the Olde Ones shall sit in judgement...what does that remind me of? Oh, yes, we need a Grog judge! Bloody hell, why not Heidman? I mean, he doesn't like Slapdragon, but he's fair minded towards him. Not to mention it tickles me to have Jeff have to post in here again. You don't see him in the Peng Challenge Thread much!
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