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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. And he wonders why we had him neutered. Perfect solution achieved a generation too late, sadly. And I believe at one point that he told me he has chidlren, so another chance to elevate humanity lost. Oh, well, hopefully he married outside his own family, and the wife may bring some uncrippled DNA into the equation... [ October 14, 2002, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  2. A dead and rotting god? You insect. One wonders what powers the mind of a creature so far gone in lying in its own excrement that sores have blistered all over its own carcass, as to make it call another a 'rotting god'. Leeo, your post makes me think of the noises that an incontinent cow might make after an excessively heavy meal of ripe alfalfa. Since when, you thimble-end measure of puddled weasel's piss, has Peng been deified? When Peng is raised up to some utterly worthless approximation of 'Godhood', chittering little vermin like yourself will be the first invited in to dance around him in a circle and adore him. Until then, your efforts would be better spent in in explaining to the Thread why 'cloudy urine does not necessarily indicate you're sick, it might simply mean you've spent too many late nights drinking from Ohioans'...
  3. And beyond that, because you're just a little halfwit doing young Shirley Temple sing-alongs in a style guaranteed to bring up the meals of all right thinking folk. Are you still so limp and at odds with your Therapist that you won't accept my Challenge, and play a PBEM against me? Why hasn't your wife smothered you with a pillow, yet? Did she marry you to escape from Croatia, or somefink?
  4. We don't wish to hear your lower abdominal functions, thankyou. Noba.</font>
  5. Pillock. You should be so blessed as to hear the hearty strains of the 'Pipes washing away your innummerable sins...
  6. Alright, I have been attempting to use this 'ICQ' crap, and it is the lamest piece of non-intuitive, apparently 'non-functioning', stupid piece o' crap I've ever encountered in my whole technological pufff...
  7. Persephone! You are here as well?! I feel a song coming on!
  8. Emma! La bebe fantastique! Er, that is, How fare you tonight, good Lady?
  9. I'm finding myself strangely conflicted. Over the course of the last few weeks, between the whole 'CDV' flap, and posting on threads like 'No Campaign' and others, I'm starting to question my whole Quest to Crush All Australians. I find myself wondering if my quest should not, in fact, be one to Crush All Englishmen. I cannot call to mind one post lately by an Aussie that was snide, stupidly prissy, smarmy, belittling or arrogantly unreasonable. I cannot call to mind a single example of them sniffing and looking down their noses and trashing Combat Mission, BFC, or the Forum because 'they knew what was right, and everyone else could get stuffed'. There is a paucity of them behaving like their agreeing to participate on the Forum was like a visitation from an Envoy of the Crown. Aussies come off as 'Just Folks', in other words. But no, I forget myself. A man is judged by his enemies. To have opponents deserving of his efforts, worthy of his hatred, and yet the sort you could raise of pint with before shooting them in the groin... That is the sort that a man wants as his enemies. The sort of poncing, snotty, 'Eugh, I don't think BFC is doing enough for me' sort of Lord Raglan wannabes I keep seeing on the Outer Boards lately... Well, I'm getting old. They are not England either. We must not judge. Fussy, annoying bastards...
  10. Well, if you consider the circumstances - a small nation beat the Soviets (yes, the ones that ended up in Berlin ) , thus securing our independence ( and survival ), then wonder no more about why the concept of überFinns is so dear to us...</font>
  11. Oh mini-combat, you complete me! I have no clue. Oh, Foobar, Roborat showed up on the Thread of threads looking for you. Seems he want to tussle again. Come home, lad. We miss you. [ October 12, 2002, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. You will now sit down and write a 2 page, single-spaced, heart-felt letter of apology to Harry Belafonte. When completed, you will eat it. When you've passed it back into the light of day, you will eat it again. Thereafter, your penance will be considered complete, and you will have undergone the same suffering you subjected the rest of us to. [ October 12, 2002, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. Hope, Hakko? Hope is for the other sort. Such as you and I rest our participation on either certainty or despair. If he fails to achieve, I'll drown him like a deformed pup for whom life will only be a misery. But I'm not a cruel man. Should it become necessary, I'll hold his head under in a vat of good ale until he stops moving. Optimistic? You've become weak. It saddens me that I've found yet another indolent fool who, drooling the lotus off of one lip, slurringly attempts to declaim 'Kubla Khan'. From whence, good Hakko, did you descend to your present state of enervation? What more manly and soldierly clime gave you birth, only to see you deteriorate into a cat-owning eunuch son of the South? Ah, now here you interest me! For one can learn much, even from the limp and degenerate dregs of a failed culture, in the realm of cuisine and tippling. What would you serve with racoon? The sodding little bastards are everywhere here, and I'm looking for some good recipes for their preparation, and the proper beverage to accompany. I will send you a scenario. It does not need, of course, to be 'double-blind'. It will suffice if I have never seen it before. I don't anticipate needing to 'surprise' you. We here in the North remain constantly alert and responsive to danger. You 'southerners' are the ones who need every 'heads up' you can get, because of the weakness your very environment instills in you. Think, Ethan, think. Remember, lad, what it was like when you lived in an environment that didn't turn your very life into the parody of a Jimmy Buffet song? [ October 12, 2002, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. Sorry, the copy you received in error should be immediately returned to me. Please contact me by email to find out how to get it to me.
  15. The sodding Finns were defeated?! Why isn't that properly modeled on the Forum, then?! Can't turn around anywhere without falling over one of them talking about how their relatives did for the Russians, or the Germans, or any Forum member who gave them a hard time...
  16. Horses? Bah! You can't get good cheese out of a horse! Take pride in those black and white cows, lad!
  17. This happens, it is true, and my apologies to the lad or lassie as well if such be the case. My own cousin is shockingly dyslexic, and has had to struggle with it all his life. I know that there are other posters here with a similar and/or other disabilities, and it's good to think on such things when considering a reply. A reply to one should be a reply to all, and as Coffin 'Enry has shown us here, we can pass this info on to other Board members when any poster with circumstances beyond their control posts in fashion to cause disdain. However, I imagine I'll always have a tendency to get 'medieval' on someone's arse when it comes to those posting as though language and communication skills take a back-seat to being lazy, inane, and aggressively stupid. I thank Coffin 'Enry for the reminder to keep this in perspective.
  18. I cannot see such pain without wishing to alleviate it. Please send me a postal money order for $100 (U.S.). Upon receipt, I will go to the Peng Challenge Thread and mock and deride you. No further value will be returned for your investment. This will make you feel far more than a 'bit' cheated. You will feel incredibly cheated, and this will displace any lingering feelings of being slightly cheated you might yet retain. You can even post how incredibly, brutally, and even legally cheated you feel for having sent me these monies, and what you got for doing so, and I have every confidence that the number of people that will swarm to support you in this feeling will bring tears to your eyes. Do not feel any need to thank me. Thanks will only screw with my eventual canonization for sainthood. Contact me if you need a postal address for sending the money order.
  19. The German lad from cow-land is right! Or he would be except for the fact that the sentence that leads off this thread is in perfectly acceptable English, but so vilely spelled that the only explanation is an almost preternatural reliance on phonetics. And not even an acceptable approach to phonetics. If ESL is the explanation, than a simple indication of nationality, location, or some such in the profile is always a quick fix. I always check these when I encounter a post that makes me wonder. [ October 12, 2002, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  20. I found this part of the website visited especially disturbing: Peng 1.0.0 Prophetie [15.11.2001] Peng client works with Kde, and Gnome. Display trouble with Gnome, didn't allow us to release Peng Prophetie 1. Now, we can. After many tests, we found the problem. It was caused by the window manager Sawfish v0.3x who had problems with window resizement. Gnome users will have to update Sawfish to v1 (or newer) to use Peng correctly.
  21. I no longer remember why I once though nuclear war and the destruction of humanity would be a bad thing...
  22. 'Course he did, Macey. That's why Stuka's now Australia's answer to Faust. Except Faust was literate, a moral philosopher and intellectual, and Stuka's an Australian. So Berli's contract with him involves the subclause that if Stuka's soul, like the Australian Dollar, should ever amount to anything exchangeable for a hard currency, then Berli's got it tied up. Otherwise, it's just another bad investment on the part of Hell. Fortunately, Hell uses current American accounting methods, which have already inflated the price of Stuka's soul by a number of intriguing and unethical methods (any system that can assign any level of value to something that makes dog-vomit look valuable is both intriguing and unethical), to the point where Berli stands to use it as leverage to make a clean sweep of all the souls of the Aussie Cesspoolers, and use them to fund a 'first right of consideration' deal for the soul of a joy-girl from Manila. Any sane individual would look at the ability to turn the souls of some dozen Aussies into the means of acquiring the soul of one worn out Phillipines street-walker as value on the investment. [ October 10, 2002, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  23. Yes indeed, I always stand ready to Crush Another Australian, as all here know full well. And Berli says he's queasy about your soul, because 'it's all sticky' as he put it. Keeps rubbing his hands on his pants leg and wrinkling his nose.
  24. D'jou get the game yet, you Australian definition of Menage a Trois?
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