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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Yes. He needs watching, does Panzer Leader. Sometimes, it's all I can do to make him act human...
  2. I never doubted your heart, I only questioned your head. There was no intent of casting you as a 'villain', because I know that you are not one. A little thought, is all. Now, romp, play, and besport yourself as you will. This is, after all, the Peng Challenge Thread. And as for the Gilmore Girls...I don't know her name, but the older sister? The one with the oval face, and slightly frowny, thought-filled good looks, with the long brown hair? She's totally hot. Damn near a goddess. Although I have never actually watched the show. But one can't help but notice a woman like that when you're cruising though the channels...
  3. This is not, of course, a serious Thread. It is, however, a Thread that can still register a tragedy and not go on about a TV program in the same breath. No American would have accepted this sort of behaviour after 9/11. I know that there was no intentional slight, that it was simply unthinking behaviour. And that this is not the Thread for debating issues. But just a tad of respect, heartfelt, when it should come from the heart, is not out of place. I will not do any further preaching, and apologize for being heavy-handed, but some things deserve more than a 'yeah, yeah, and what about...'.
  4. Gods bless all the ships at sea... And all the Aussies in Bali.
  5. Oh wonderful. Now this is in my brain. I'm off to shower...for a few days.
  6. Oh, well done, Hiram! Using Latin was a very clever ploy! Everyone is avoiding the place like the plague. Even the regular suspects. We've had how many threads started by the ever annoying Panzer Leader? And the Thread survived each and every one. If the Thread survives your latest venture into shunned Mediterranean languages, what will you try next? Etruscan?
  7. I object to Soddball posting satirically. This will simply increase the confusion of those who are not sure that we are different people, and will lead to an increase in the number of times that the fact that we are completely different people will have to be stated in locked down pointless threads. I also object to Soddball being English, as the English are over-modeled on this Board in their ability to use satire. In the interests of clarity, fairness, and everything non-English, I demand that Soddball be banned from the Forum and forced to make a new home in Australia in a modern day reenactment of 'Transportation'. Also, it strikes me that we are all being quite rude to the chap who began this thread. I feel he should blame Soddball, and join with me in my demands to have him transported.
  8. Well, shave my head and call me Peng!! Me and Senility in agreement?!?!?!? :eek: I must be drunk tonight.</font>
  9. You are becoming tiresome. Quick, do something clever (well, clever for you) to distract me from my growing desire to pronounce sanctions against you.
  10. And thus was the evil spell cast by the cruel Southern Law Officer finally shattered, and the half-witted Aussie, Noba, rose to his fee and stared around him in wonderment. "I am reborn!" The unutterably silly toad declaimed to the 'Pool. "What brave new world is this, that has such creatures in it? And what in bloody hell am I standing in?" And all raised up their voices in chorus: Noba, Knight of the 'Pool! Noba has been released from durance vile! And a passerby (so deeply lost that homicide would have been a kindness) asked: Why do the people carry on so? And was told: "Oh, another Australians been raised to a status above his merit. Stick around, next they make him wear a toilet seat around his neck ."
  11. Shut your pie hole, Seanachai. It was one Hell of a lot better than most of the ****e you post for sing songs</font>
  12. Done, oh Dark and Malignant Power! Malakovski! Front and center, lad! Beat the wet snot out of Berli's new Squire, Nestor. For Nestor, despite a thoroughly deplorable view of Russian literature, is now Squire to an old, and extremely dishonourable house. As are you. It is only fitting that you make like a duo missing the third stooge, and entertain us all.
  13. Trying...trying... Tell that limey, Pondscum, that 'Totenkopf' is fine...send me the setup...so...tired...
  14. Oh deary, deary me. That was just...avert your eyes, everyone. It was like watching someone vomit onto their own shoes. (thinking quickly in hopes of finding a means of distracting everyone from the hideous spectacle of a man engineering his own compleat and utter humiliation) Er, who's for a jolly sing-song, then, wot?! Oh, come now my children and to you I will sing a song about buggery a very rude thing you can bugger all creatures that lope, slink or crawwwwllll but, the Hedgehog can never be buggered at all!
  15. Although I'm sure that the whole question of 'brittle infantry', 'are MGs too effective', and, in fact, the whole discussion of whether attacking has become 'too hard' will merit and receive much more discussion, one of the things I've been hearing said here is that people are losing too many attacks in QBs that rely on mostly, or all, random setups. It is simply wrong-headed to think that setting most conditions to random will result in anything like a balanced game, or even one in which one side or the other even has a chance. The main thrust of the game and the engine is to model 'Real World' conditions, not 'balance conditions for play'. If you want balanced play, you will have to act to achieve balanced play. If you set most everything to 'random', you will get random. And random, just like the Real World, can be extremely cruel. Now, people can debate through the next three generations how well the game models 'Real World' conditions, but throwing the gates of chaos open by setting most everythig to random, and then expecting it to spit out a well-balanced, playable, and 'fair' scenario every time, or even most of the time, goes beyond being unrealistic. It is also no basis on which to debate how well the engine is modeling the whole 'attack/defense' question.
  16. Seanachai, you vile cur! Take a look back at your post. It is a reply to MY post, not Pansy Eater's! </font>
  17. And he wonders why we had him neutered. Perfect solution achieved a generation too late, sadly. And I believe at one point that he told me he has chidlren, so another chance to elevate humanity lost. Oh, well, hopefully he married outside his own family, and the wife may bring some uncrippled DNA into the equation...</font>
  18. Aha, you Tommy! I can only imagine what your life amongst us has been like...living by stealth, learning to like coffee, cheering half-heartedly when friends dragged you to see "Patriot". Perhaps I should share my essay with you concerning England in film? A setup it shall be. Perhaps I should simply re-target and set out on a Quest to Crush All the Commonwealth. But then again, who doesn't love Canadians? In their place, of course... Oh, what season in 1941 do you wish to play? Summber, Fall, or Winter? [ October 14, 2002, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. Gods. There's so many horrible things that could be done with this line that I shall, like a gentleman, simply walk away shaking my head. The poor woman. The poor, poor woman.
  20. If you're still drunk you can send me a setup, you horrible little man.</font>
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