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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Alright, who taught Grammont the Secret Cesspool Handshake?! Hey, Steve, I just found out in the Cesspool last night that I have a special reserved guest room at Hakko's house. If you ever descend south of the Mason Dixon line, you can stay there if you like. Just tell Hakko I said it was okay. His kids might be in there crying and praying, but just ignore them.
  2. You're much too easy on him. Wait till you see what we do to him in the Cesspool...
  3. My favourite line was "In between you will take place in 50+ battles..." I wonder how I will manifest myself?
  4. Not good enough. Lie down on your belly, scrabble up handfuls of dirt and toss them upon your head. Then beg Steve to put his foot upon your neck.
  5. A huge sigh of relief went up around the world, knowing that no forest creatures had actually been harmed in the making of MrSkr's allegory. It's Sioux Falls, but one way of saying 'nowhere at all' is as good as another, I suppose. That bottle is waiting for both of us, MrSpkr. But please, we will be drinking something better than Boone's Farm. I have my standards, you know.
  6. hehe... you should see the email I just got from Username himself (thanks Tom!). Seems he wasn't too happy with my post. He can sure dish it out, but man... he can't take it. Steve</font>
  7. As a side note, and in the proper Holiday spirit, I want to point out to you lot that one of the best 'Christmas' movies ever done is 'We're No Angels', starring Humphrey Bogart, Peter Ustinov, and Aldo Ray. It is a movie rife with significance for you lot, given that it involves the touching Christmas Eve story of three murderers escaped from Devil's Island, intent on robbing and killing a naive and innocent family in order to make their final escape back to the Continent. They don't, of course, and their redemption is both inspiring, and utterly humourous. A classic line, and most fitting for this Thread, is when the wife of the family that the three Escapees have taken refuge with tells Humphrey Bogart: "You don't look like criminals." And he replies: "If crime showed in a man's face, there would be no mirrors." [ December 11, 2002, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. In certain circles payment is made gladly. Or so I am told. Ask Lars about this one.</font>
  9. An excellent point. No one fights a 'battle' at anything beyond 4 kilometers. At that range and beyond, you manuever to find people to fight; generally at ranges far, far below 2 kilometers. I'd be interested to read about how many tactical, or even 'operational' battles primarily involving infantry units, for example, took place beyond a couple of kilometers. I mean, what do you want the game to model? An overland hike, or people actually shooting at each other? GriffinCheng, what are you actually quoting? Some daft idjit without any feel for a tactical (or even Operational game, modeled at the level of actual 'fighting', as opposed to moving into 'position' to fight)? This whole thread is a bit vague on who's concerns are being addressed.
  10. I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium. Obviously this 'Reviewer' is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of poltical, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguish.
  11. Good Lord, what are you going to admit to next? Exchanging psychic messages with Eichmann?
  12. Who are you talking too? And don't you owe me some kind of turn? You know it's bad when I'm in a position to make a point of it.
  13. That was lovely, Hakko. Should you need heavy-duty balks or timbers to prop up odd-corners of your house, I've a list of our most suitable Squires and Juniour Knights that can be shipped to you instantly, and used indefinitely without ever, ever being missed by anyone. It would be nice to get some use out of them.
  14. I knew instantly that you would not, indeed, could not have said the things that he posted under your identity. Frankly, I can't believe anyone who isn't undergoing Electric Shock therapy and who isn't forced to call in to local State offices twice a day with their whereabouts could have posted what he did. Panzer Leader is Evolution's own little jest. And not one that anyone else in the gene pool can find humourous, as they stand next to him in water that's suddenly become suspiciously warm. While I'm glad that you had the good sense to marry him using an alias, I'm sad that some combination of alcohol and giddy disregard for your own future, or perhaps blunt-instrument trauma, induced you to tell him your name. It makes me sad. Do you have children? Please do an Old Gnome the favour of reassuring me that they were either by a previous husband, or the result of marital infidelity.
  15. Ah, this explains why she's actually being investigated and may even face legal difficulties. No sleazy, market-manipulating, insider-trading plunderer who'd enriched themselves to the detriment of their fellow countrymen would face anything worse under the present Administration than being appointed to serve on the next regulatory commission overseeing the prevention of financial crimes. Provided one still existed, of course. It seems quite likely that the only reason the current Administration even pretends to 'regulate' business malfeasance is to have committees and commissions to appoint the worst abusers to, in a sort of sordid, ironical, 'adding insult to injury' Republican joke on the people. How else to explain appointing Henry Kissinger to 'Uncover the Truth' about how 9/11 could occur, given that the man's entire public career involved lying, cover-ups, hypocricy, cynicism on a level to make the Borgias uncomfortable, and making sure the bodies were buried deep enough not to stink (literally). Rather like having someone fling piss all over you, and then presenting you with a bill for services rendered, itemizing labour, materials and tax. But, be that as it may, it does not change my quite real obligation to continue the Story of When Childe Marlow to the Final, Darkest Tower of Schloss Peng Came'. I shall endeavour to add installments over the next few days. The Holiday season is always so awkward.
  16. Anyone who'd sleep with Martha Stewart would sleep with Margaret Thatcher, and, most likely, Leona Helmsley. Also, it's just sick to post your disturbing 'hurt me, beat me, make me write bad checks' fascination with older, right-wing female martinets under your poor wife's sign-on. You sick, sick little puddle of poodle urine.
  17. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! MY EYES! GODS, THE HEADACHE!!! SHAW, YOU BUGGERING SWINE, DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! My brain had gone to 'translation' mode, and when the standard English hit, whole systems shut down in pain and confusion...
  18. Wonderful. Random Swedes voting. Geier, take control of your lot, would you? What's next, we let the Walloon's have a go at the Thread?
  19. Ignore that furry swine. Drink all the wine you wish in here, Fair Emma. But I have to say it. J.LO is an annoying, pretentious housepet with delusions of significance, yet another in a long line of 'frankensteinian divas' stitched together by biosculpt flesh engineers to strut and caper on stage, tossing around the face and bionic bodyparts in an effort to distract the audience from the fact that her music is as interesting as a gum jingle, and twice as easy to purge from your brain. In fact, the whole point of her 'music' is to make honest musicians feel ashamed of having participated in it, provided there's anything human still pissing about behind the synthesizers, drum machines, midi samplers, and electronic instruments of death beamed in from other planets. At that, however, the 'music' is still less plastic and pretentious than she is. What? You think I come in here only to insult you lot?
  20. You lying sod, admit it. You patched it and deleted the other file before your brain caught up with the implications. I'd say that, just in terms of the luck of who had a plotting turn and who had a movie turn, I probably only had to convert about 1/3 of my games personally. I'd say the day or so after the patch came out, the very next turns I received from most of my opponents came as the new version, and those who'd had to send movie turns pointed out that they'd upgraded and were ready to receive converted files. Of course, almost all my opponents come from the Peng Challenge Thread, and the people in there are extremely dedicated to Combat Mission, so the patch goes in before the game goes on, as it were. Also, although they are a rude, vulgar, and boorish group of lackwits, they are quite a gentlemanly (or ladylike...or occasionally both) group of opponents. You are looking for games in all the wrong places, Grog Dorosh. I told you you should have stayed with our lot. [ December 09, 2002, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Sorry, but I simply don't know what else you can call a piece of hardwood that's twice as wide and half as hard as Margaret Thatcher, other than a 'paddle'. Never a 'bat', Mace. I mean, as daft a sport as 'baseball' is, they use 'bats', and the cricket 'paddle' is nowhere near as narrow and precise as a 'bat'. You could easily make your way upstream in a canoe using a 'cricket paddle', while you'd probably make no headway at all with a 'baseball bat'. Of course it's not my intention to point out that, as lame as 'Baseball' is, that the average 'Cricket' team could be killed in minutes by their Colonial equivalents. Superiour weaponry, in the form of the 'baseball bat' would help, as well as the fact that 'Cricket' players are attempting to 'defend' a small pile of sticks, while the American baseball players are totally on the offensive. the only thing behind their batters is a member of the opposite team who they'd gladly beat to death with said bat if they thought they could get away with it. And, while 'baseball' is one of America's less 'athletic' sports, the average 'Cricket' player looks like an unhinged barn door, and committed to the slow, unimaginative, stolid play that can go for days at a time, and result in scores that put one more in mind of pinball machines than sports.
  22. tiborhead, I realize that I've probably done you a bit of an injustice, because, in general, your remarks were very courteously stated. I apologize for that, and to you specifically, but not for my general remarks. I'm simply so sick of the lot who wander into threads to bray about their 'right' to beat the same topic into the ground, and their 'right' to tell those who simply don't wish to suffer through another repitition of not only the same 'discussion', but also all the stupid baggage that attends on it, that I was unfair in my remarks to you specifically. I do believe that you're not looking at 'the complete picture' when it comes to the umpteenth repetition of a topic, and the pointlessness of why some of them are continued. But your remarks, in general, were quite polite and reasonable, and my response was unduly 'harsh' where it was responding to you specifically. Also, I liked the 'gravel' remark. One day I hope to have my remarks regarded so substantively.
  23. There is simply not enough alcohol in the Universe to guide me past threads like 'CMBB on the XBOX'. The same, seemingly 'reasonable' group of newcomers shows up and explains what BFC should do. Then several f'ing halfwits who can't tie their own shoelaces because the constant stream of urine down one leg has matted them beyond untangling shows up to shout 'Yeah, I've always said that!', no matter how stupid what's being discussed. Then some reasonable, and also some 'unreasonable' people show up to explain why what's being discussed may by 'interesting, but ultimately pointless/unlikely/or just plain stupid'. And then, invariably, someone shows up to say 'Do you know, if you don't want to discuss this topic that's been definitively proven to cause cancer in children under 18 months when they're exposed to it by being in the same country with the people who do want to discuss it, you should just shut up." Normally it would be a welcome moment of humour when those huffing about their 'right to freely discuss something' tell those who keep explaining to them how that horse is already dead, and flogging it won't help, to 'shut up' and let them try and resurrect it by the power of positive stupidity. But I digress. Is there anyone who doesn't want to beat AussieJeff about the head with a cricket 'paddle' until he stops annoying everyone with his utterly irritating mastery of the more pointless aspects of UBB coding? [ December 07, 2002, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  24. You know, I really don't get it. No disrespect intended, but if you are indeed so tired of seeing this discussion brought up over and over again (I may be ignorant in the actual number of times this topic has been raised, but surely it hasn't been beaten to death like some other topics) then why, in the name of your chosen supreme being, do you choose to participate in the discussion? Is it too much to pop in and say something along the lines of "Well, this has been discussed, bluh, bluh, bluh, and I don't think it's a good idea."? Or perhaps even more appropriate if it irks you so, just skip it entirely and check out another thread. You may not mean to, but you come off as quite the condescending elitist. I'm sure this is not your intention, but that's the way it appears to me, perhaps some others, and most certainly to SuperSulo.</font>
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