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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. That was truly horrible...and yet, oddly compelling. Must we reconsider depopulating Ohio? [ January 13, 2003, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  2. It is nice to see that Geier is now regarding me as a serious contender. Nothing in our previous two games would otherwise have led him to such a pessimistic appraisal of his chances.
  3. I think you Canadians should stopping 'outing' each other. It's more courteous to wait until everyone's comfortable with their lives before they admit they're Canadian, Michael.
  4. Do you think that we're unmoved? Sometimes a short, sharp shock is the best solution to a larger problem... Tomorrow. I will deal with you tomorrow. Now, I must go to the Temple of the Knights Cesspooler, and pray for guidance...
  5. Oh, and Berli, what about Peng? Have you spoken with him? I know he's busy coughing up the jellied remains of his lungs, again, but there's no way the Ceremony could take place without all the Olde Ones. And what of the Justicar?
  6. Well, it still seems like we should discuss some means of hitting him with a taser if necessary...especially after the whole 'massive pepper spray, waiter bring me salad to go with this chemical attack' incident. So, who do we send to tell him he's been...er, 'elevated', and request his presence here for the investiture? And what if he should refuse? Or, even more likely, what if he doesn't comprehend what's being said to him?
  7. Chupacabra you sodding lackwit. You never finished our game. You never post in the Thread of threads. And now I find you're back in America. How I despise you.
  8. Ah, yes. Gustavus Adolphus. The bugger has a college named after him here. Good gods, you couldn't have read that much about me. I'm a quiet, retiring sort of non-Grog, as unnoticeable as all the little brown birds piping quietly to themselves in the bushes. It's a very nice thread you've got here, Squarehead fella. CMPlayer is a purported Swede, and known 'wolf fondler'. He's also been known to piss about in the Peng Challenge Thread. Welcome, Salkin.
  9. Yes, it may be a good move. What's our next step, though? Should we send some sort of Embassy of Seniour Knights, or something, to make the offer? Good idea about 'the Lady of the Lake'. I'd recommend the Fair Emma over Persephone for this duty, simply because Emma's capable of administering the 'Glasgow Kiss', if necessary, and he is...well, who he is. Also, shouldn't we establish what his powers, duties, limits, responsibilities, and 'who will wield the tranquilizer dart rifle if necessary' are, before we bring him forth?
  10. Seanachai, it both disturbs and delights me to know of your awareness of Ol' Tom of Finland's...... work. Too bad the images we could get Persephone to doctor are not postable. HILARIOUS stuff, that.</font>
  12. "Subjected thus, how can you say to me that I am a king?" Indeed, MrSpkr. Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair. [ January 10, 2003, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. Er, Dalem, if you and Tom O' Finland could take your negotiations on affection off to a quiet corner, the rest of us could return to business. R Leete, is that you, my long lost Squire? SLAP! YOU BLOODY SOD, WHERE IN BERLI'S NAME HAVE YOU BEEN? DO YOU THINK I ENJOY LISTENING TO THE BLOODY KNIGHTS AND SUCH SNIGGERING ABOUT HOW I HAVE MORE 'MISSING IN ACTION' SQUIRES THAN ANY OTHER PARTICIPANT ON THE THREAD?!! Gods know, there's even been talk of getting a court order for digging up the Olde One's firepit area to look for bones. Not to mention the comments made just loud enough for me to hear about the number of my 'current' Squire's whose visage adorns milk cartons and the backside of bulk mail advertising flyers. I suppose you have some explanation as to where you've been? And where the hell is Malakovski? [ January 10, 2003, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. Sounds like a deeply, deeply conflicted soul. Lars, this half-wit half-Finn sounds like a good candidate for your new Squire. Why not slam them together and see which one breaks first?
  15. SLAP! BE A MAN, HORUS! Now then, I simply can't imagine any circumstance under which I would 'beg' for mercy. Alright, I take that back. I believe I've actually begged Dalem not to versify. Which is, I suppose, very like begging for mercy. But beyond that, I can't imagine any circumstances.
  16. Well, it seems the previous Peng Challenge Thread has died a horrible death, and had to be deleted. I blame Colonel Deadmarsh. But there may be other vile powers at work. Never fear, we shall ferret them out. In any case, here are the rules in quick, and in brief, to prevent a horrible Interregnum. This is a Challenge Thread. But, oh, it is so much more! However, if you're new, it's enough for you to know that you should pick out some specific individual, and challenge them to a game. They will probably tell you to sod off, especially if you challenge them without the use of wit, elan, panache, humour, and other foreign words and concepts even more foreign to your verminous little self. Generally speaking, it's described as 'sounding off as though you have a pair'. However, spare us your burning need to sound off about your pair, as no one cares. Also, please keep your Real World hatreds and bigotries out of here, or you will not only be told to Sod Off!, you will be made to Sod Off! Probably out of more than the Peng Challenge Thread. Honour the Ladies of the 'Pool. The best way to do this is by not bothering them at all with your pestilential little self. Finally, include an email address and general location in your profile. We like to know who we're dealing with. By choice it wouldn't be you, but without this info it won't be you at all. There are all sorts of other traditions, rules, charters, powers, ranks, heirarchies, and general lunacy that will become clear to you as time goes on. Or not. We don't really care. Remember, Sodding Off is always an option. [ January 10, 2003, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. Hmm, I thought Dorosh might be in here demanding to fight Mountains, as he'd run out of windmills...
  18. Aren't Swedes just a type of Finn without the pathological need to kill Russians? And you should see the way we treat CMPlayer. Now there's an abused Swede. His own fault, of course, given his disturbing depravities.
  19. Only up to 20, and that's when he's wearing sandals. If he goes for 21, avert your eyes, or hope the zipper jams.
  20. Not soon enough to satisfy me, you unnaturally large freak of nature.
  21. I think this is an interesting point. The ladder and 'strategy' game players have chosen to play a game that has made a major effort to be a realistic combat simulation game. Now they are asking BFC to make it into something more acceptable to their style of play, and quite against its intent. We're hearing 'I play ladders, I require that this game conform to the needs of ladder games.' And what they've been told is 'the changes to the game you require are quite against the design intent, we do not wish to implement them.' I think BFC's reasons for this stance are more than adequate, and, while I think it's great that the opposition view has been presented, I do not find their arguments very compelling. Of course, I don't play ladder games, and the idea of turning CM into some sort of 'combat chess' emulator bores me to tears. Any decision to add some sort of 'toggle' modifying the chance to bog is, of course, in BFC's hands, and perhaps if enough people believe in it they would consider it. If it requires any significant effort or resources to make this change, then I personally don't see any point to it, and would certainly argue against such a diversion.
  22. Of course, after a couple of years listening to a variety of people imply, or tell them outright, that they made the game 'the wrong way', it's a wonder they reply with anything outside a stream of obscenitites. Wink, wink.
  23. Yes, but New Zealand isn't a real country, is it? I thought it was just an island experiment in producing sports teams from failed Australians.
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