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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Alright, alright, I've picked a handful of the flowers that grow from the graves of your dead soldiers. I think they're called Toss-me-aways or some such. Anyway, I've got that and a bucket of cold borsht. Can we make due with that?</font>
  2. Welcome. Enjoy. Ignore the Lawless, and go not to the Peng Challenge Thread.
  3. SILENCE, YOU IDIOT! WE'RE INVESTING A KING! You don't post for weeks, doubtless because your day-release program frowns on you using the tools that led to your original arrest, and then you show up here in a solemn f'ing moment and blather on. Now, be a good Squire, and GO FIND ME A GODDAMN FANCY PLUMED HAT!
  4. Ah! Good, one of my own Squires. Get your goddamn boots of, and do it now. You heard me. Now, laddy buck! Bugger. The hat. Where are we going to get a decent plumed hat?!
  5. Footwear, and a hat. We need some kind of toff hat for the king, and some good footwear. Christ, you people! I can't do this all on me own! Let's see some 'Coronation Spirit' here! Did I mention that Berli is offering a free, 'Get Out of Hell For Vicious Acts That Don't Result in Death' card?
  6. Good point...er, your jacket, or suit coat, or whatever you law types call it. It's very nice. Hand it over, our King needs a coat! Bugger, at this rate, coming up with 'clothing noble and fairest' is going to take all sodding night. Especially this shirt from that Outer Board lad. I think he's got lice...
  7. Don't be stupid, Michael. None of them know that they shoud call him Mister Peng. [ January 16, 2003, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. Yes! Exactly! A coronation picture! Shut up, you Kiwi lout! [ January 16, 2003, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. Well, we haven't seen many big dogs bark at this rabbit, but I'd have to say, Vadr (spelt, but not bolded...yet) that there was nothing gamey about what you did. Although we haven't heard from your opponent, it sounds to me like he's either mis-read, or chosen to mis-read, the idea of a 'flag rush'. A normal 'flag rush' would be conducted with only moments left in the game, and by units that simply could not hope to hold objective if the game was to last any longer. I would say that 3 AFVs have a relatively good chance of holding a VL until the supporting units move up, provided no one killed them in the interim. The fact that he can't kill them doesn't make what you did 'gamey'. Of course, any knowledge of 'point limits', unit 'point values', etc. automatically leads to a player's ability to calculate potentials that would never exist on a real battlefield. However, it's true for both sides. Now, if your opponent is claiming that you should have behaved as though an entire Corps was waiting for you there, we'd have to ask if he can prove he's always played that way. Which would still beg the question of local units acting on their local orders to the best of their abilities. Certainly no unit ever returned to HQ saying: We did a quick count up of knocked out units, sighted units, and from our knowledge that it was a 1500 point game, figured the enemy had nothing that could overwhelm or dislodge us. Equally, not many commanders went back and said: Although we had knocked out a great deal of the enemy's AT assets, and resistance seemed weak, our infantry was lagging behind, and we decided not to use our perfectly able tanks to take the objective for fear that the enemy was holding several battalions of tanks and AT guns in reserve, completely unperceived.
  10. Shut up, you idjit! Didn't I say that we'll have a formal reading of the Rules after the coronation?!
  11. Right, I've had enough out of you, you Kiwi bugger! Get yer trousers off, His Majesty is after needing them for the ceremony. Hop to it, or we'll give your place to the Aussies!
  12. Quiet, you! Wait a minute. That's a nice shirt you've got on, you Outer Board ragamuffin. Get it off, we need it for the ceremony. Do it now, you bugger!
  13. ROIGHT! I'M NOT HAVING WITH THIS. NO SCHISM HERE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Go here: The Coronation Moderators, please lock this one up. I know that Mike will see the importance of doing so.
  14. NO BLOODY SCHISMS ON MY WATCH, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Here: The Coronation Moderators, please to be locking this one up. I Know it's what Lars wants.
  15. Here, I'm not having with this. This is where we're going to be next, thank you lot very much. The Coronation
  16. Roight, then! We're about to have a coronation here in the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mother Beautiful Thread, wot some call 'The Cesspool'. All are welcome in for this most solemn moment. Least we hope it's going to be solemn, with candles, and singing, and all sorts of oaths given and taken, and generally just as highbrow as hell. So, everyone file into the pews (yeah, yeah, I know they're folding chairs, but in a ceremony like this they're called 'pews'), and sit quiet unless yer spoken to or we need something out of your useless selves. We'll have a normal, straight-forward reading of the usual rules after the ceremony. Now then. Alright, you lot! Listen up, as it’s time for the Coronation of Madman Meeks, who’s after being our new King, and all. And we’re going to bloody well do this roight and proper, and not look like a bunch of silly buggers. So Berli, Peng and I’ve gone out, and we’ve found this very proper coronation ritual as has served well the Kings of Englande, which is a small country somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. I think Scotland sits on it, or somefink. So, everyone to your places, and shut yer yaps until the ceremony’s finished. First the prince who is to be crowned, the day before his coronation, shall be appareled and clothed with the most noble and fairest of clothing. And so he shall ride from Tower of London to his palace at Westminster, thoughout the city of London, riding with him the temporal lords and the common folk of the same city, [accompanied] by other very noble people. Roight, then. Who’s wearing something presentable, and has clean underwear on?
  17. What an interesting response. I've noticed before, but assumed originally that I was wrong, that our Mr. Murray is apparently not a person you can have a joke with. How refreshing to find that my original impression was dead on. Who needs a hug, Robbie, eh? Who needs a hug?! Robbie needs a hug! I will treasure the fact, Robbie, that you called me an asshole. Now, if you could see your way clear, once the amphetamines and alcohol have worn off, to putting it into a letter, card, or postcard, I'd be happy to direct you to the proper place to find my mail address...
  18. Is anyone else worried about the fact that the heavy mod users are starting to sound like women 'accessorizing' an outfit?
  19. Wow, gone for a week or more, then home for 3 days, then on the road again. Did your wife find this job for you? You know, lads, I don't think we truly appreciate how much the Justicar does for us all in terms of riding herd on the SSNs, trumpeting the traditions, observing the niceties, etc. Somehow, when he gives them a hard time, there's so much less ill-feeling. Probably because they all hate him from the get-go, and their relationship is all nicely defined from the start.
  20. Well, lad, even the nicest pedestal gets a little confining occasionally, and you find you need to nip down and spray some grafitti on the side of it. And the offensive remark mentioning thingies was specifically aimed at degrading Ohio, so there's hardly any harm done at all... [ January 15, 2003, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Ah, I think that I can make all things clear. Shut the hell up, and listen to the UberGnome. No one is implying 'you take those Uber Austro-Hungarian Hapsburg troops' out of a desire to win. Well, we would, but you sods have been losing for centuries, and Fascist Germany was the last best time you lot ever had as a military power. You think Lars was giving you ****e as some sort of 'Cherry Nation Picking UberMenschen Exploding Annoyance'. Nothing could be further from the truth. I've met Lars. I (shudder) feel I know Lars. If you met the stupid sod, he'd buy you dinner, and actually lie to you about how big the glass of beer he was buying you. He would buy you a glass of beer twice as large as what he told you. Doubtless with the hope that you'd be so drunk, you'd be arrested on your way home, but on top of that, after you'd been arrested for driving home drunk on the beers he'd bought you, the generous but dumb son-of-a-bitch would actually show up to bail you out of jail (mind, his cousins have given him a lot of practice). And 'Pissboy' is indeed a Cesspool taunt/title of almost long-standing. I never liked it that much, but in circumstances like this, it's purpose is revealed. Do you know how many cock-posturing idiots we get in here with every incarnation of the Thread? Do you know how many strut out like a rooster, having contributed nothing but their belief they should belong, and act like people who've actually made an effort to post should fall down and lick the sides of their feet? Do you know how much absolutely pointless, dull, mentally damaging drivel we all absorb every year by posting in the Peng Challenge Thread? How much useless fecking ****e gets rained down as the 'height of humour'? How many posters who discharge their own waste products as an example of their sense of fun expect to be treated as though they've just brought the Commandments down from the Mount? In a word, lad, do you know how horrible, sometimes, it is to be a Member of the Peng Challenge Thread, and take an interest in seeing it continue? In CMBO I played the Brits by choice. My sodding family has been so battered, broken, ripped, and screwed by England that it doesn't even bear thinking about. Beyond that Land's Pride that any of us must feel, there's the knowledge that only by putting ourselves in the place of our Enemy will we achieve a true appreciation of what our folk faced, and an understanding of why their sacrifice was enough. I don't read you as a bad lad. But if you're here to tell us that you cannot view the other side as anything more than 'alien others' who you will not, and cannot have any sympathy for, then I think you've come to the wrong place. Certainly we, as gamers, can have our preferences, and take pride in and have sympathy for our own folk. But if you're telling us that you will not, and cannot, play the 'other side'... Then you perpetuate the very prejudices that used untold thousands as the means of nationalistic and political prejudice, and sent millions to their deaths in battle against others, or in the Camps. Pride is one thing. Prejudice is another. We're sympathetic of pride. We've no truck for prejudice. We hate, and respect, everyone equally. Can you do the same?
  22. Lovely. Like trying to be proud of a genital rash that almost, but not really, makes it look like you've had the name of your first ever girl friend tatooed on your thingy.
  23. Peng is playing you? Now we know why he's about to be hospitalized with anti-biotic resistant pneumonia again.
  24. Let it be so. I've read 2 pages of the limpest swill I've seen since Freshman Comp when the stupid children were weeded out for remedial help. Most of it sounds more like a goddamn recording of CB radio traffic in Nebraska at midnight on a Tuesday, than the banter and badinage expected within the Cesspool. Hell, vulgarity is starting to look damn near preferable. At this rate we'll have to remove the prohibition from rambling on about thingies and bodily functions just to get the commentary up to the level of simply being stupid and tedious. And I'm not even caught up, yet. Berli, we are agreed. Let us Summon Him Forth. Do you want to send a deputation, or should I just go over and whack the bastard with the Brick a few times to get his attention? An Embassy is so much jazzier, though. [ January 13, 2003, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
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