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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. I'd say Seanachai has already got us gaping and gawping as he dances down his own peculiar yellow brick road--as per usual... </font>
  2. Nidan has a Squire? What's next, a constitutional amendment to give tree squirrels the vote?
  3. My gods, man, even your attempts to sound like 'just folks' comes off like a fortune cookie attempting to belittle Confucious! You've gotta work on your presentation, man, or you're gonna end up the CM Forum version of the Tin Man! Do you really wanna be shuffling down the Yellow Brick 'partially mined under crossing fields of fire from two ATGs' Road, with your oil-can forgotten on the dashboard of a maintenance vehicle in the support company? Or do you want to shine, you daft bugger?! C'mon, JasonC! Yowza! Do a Lord Buckley, lad, and stomp upon the terra! Elevate us! Do a Groggish riff that will make us gape and gawp!
  4. It wouldn't work here, in any case. We are always attempting to move on. The Peng Challenge Thread is the Combat Mission Forum equivalent of Manifest Destiny. An Epic that has an ending has failed, by definition. Blasphemer! Peng looks like a secret, wrapped in a dirty great beard and flannel shirt, dipped in drainage ditch outside Enigma, PA, girt about with a dozen swarthy drunkards relieving themselves. He is unknowable, his plan ineffable, his smell...indescribable. For everything else, there's the General Forum.
  5. So bugger off, then, and post something approaching wit in the Peng Challenge Thread, you lackwitted bit of bovine mucus. No amount of 'Forum Technology' will ever be able to bail fast enough, or hard enough, to keep that patch of the place safe and dry. Hell, Matt's probably only seconds away from achieving a Forum sub-routine that will mimic the idea that anyone's still posting something approaching 'new' in the Master Goodale threads. I mean, how hard can it be? A bit like writing the text for the Forum equivalent of 'the Magic Eight Ball'. Dear Master Goodale. Did you know that I'm winning? Madmatt inverts the Forum's Cheery Waffle Magic Eight Ball Grrrrrrrrr! Maggot! You'll know if you're winning when molten TNT explodes out of your arse! Grrrrrrr! Hey, fill in the lackwit, I'm beating you! after a thorough shaking that causes small bubbles to form against the 'plastic window of revelation', Madmatt inverts the Threats of Stale Tripe Magic Eight Ball and reveals: Grrrrr! You're not beating me, I'm beating you! Grrrrr! vulgarity largely and generally alluded to You hoser lengthy round of abuse that conjures up the Mackenzie brothers on PCP, you better watch out for me! Ah, Soddball. How the mighty are fallen.
  6. Wo ist meine kleine lenakonrad? I pine for the Polish Challenge. I long for a setup that will open up for me a rebirth of wonder. I need a good retriever, not gun-shy, who can mouth the bird without damaging it, is even tempered in an East European sort of way, and can be relied upon to show mettle where a more skittish breed might run yapping. lenakonrad! Wo sind sie?
  7. Matt, when does the Peng Challenge Thread become sticky, then? You know, that really didn't come out sounding at all well. [ March 31, 2003, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. JasonC is starting to sound more and more like the I Ching. This disturbs me, a bit. Jason, say something absurdly colloquial and pop-culture oriented, before it's too late, and you complete the Hexagram of your life.
  9. Joe, it's so good to come in here and find you and Berli being your usual 'crusty, but lovable' selves. The only point I've ever raised about Bone Vulture is that, except for his rather sad and needy romance with Vanilla Ice, he's not particularly disruptive or annoying. I mean, the parade he makes of his personal fetish really hurts no one but himself. Oh, yes, the rest of us have to look at the mug of that deluded, middle-class suburban white boy attempting to project an aura of menace, but coming off as the one-man equivalent of the 'Village People' of the Rap world. But while this might be slightly annoying for the rest of us, consider the degradation Bone Vulture subjects himself to every time he posts another of those vulgar little personal valentines for all the world to see. It's like a cry for help that by its very nature fills everyone who hears it with loathing, and hardens their hearts against the very person who desperately needs their attention. But I've always felt Coventry was a fate best reserved for people who were abusive and destructive, or openly and actively disruptive, not merely peripherally annoying. Should this ultimate punishment be called on anyone who is simply clueless, or needy, or exceptionally stupid? Are the desperate mewlings of a Bone Vulture, with his depressing little romantic longings for Vanilla Ice, something that really merits Coventry? For remember, Joe, and Berli, and all you others: Once Coventry is called, the one it is called down upon can never hope to be anything more than - an OuterBoarder. Some would say (certainly Berli would), that it is better that a thousand innocents suffer than that one guilty man go free. Others might say that sometimes the only way to stop the disease is to kill the patient. But what I say, is: We must not put ourselves in the position of saying 'We had to destroy the Cesspool in order to save it'. Call Coventry if you will, Gentlemen. But does not Bone Vulture rather deserve our pity than our hatred? Should we not extend to him the (suitably gloved, as I'm sure the little rodent is crawling with vileness) hand of understanding, and give him another chance to prove himself of some worth to this community? For once Coventry is called, he becomes less than nothing. An Outerboarder who can never rise beyond that level. Not merely history, but evolution itself will have left him behind, and all hope of redemption fled. How speaks the 'Pool? [ March 31, 2003, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. Twice the age, and twice the man, Hiram. Stop protesting. Everyone here knows you long for me to have been your father. Hell, you probably rather fancy yourself in the role of Luke Skywalker. Tell me, do you ever make Moraine tape cinnabuns to her head?
  11. Ah, young Konrad. You might deduce from my comments above that I plan to make you my dog. Harbour no fears, lad. I like dogs. Now, be a good fellow and send me a setup. Not more than a 1000 points, please, and the rest shall be left up to your rather fantastical Polish imagination. An intriguing people, the Poles. Why, at the height of their history, the nation would embark on no action if even one member of their feudal nobility decided it was a bad idea. While they clearly never attained World Domination, it's hard to argue with that thorough-going a national conscience. Now, Konrad, fella me lad, let's see if I can teach you how to shake, and point out grouse in the bushes.
  12. Really? I thought it was the Australian version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. It did seem a bit unseasonal. [ March 29, 2003, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. Ah, Ladder Players. At least Nature refreshes us with the fact that animals won't mount their own mothers in order to establish their Alpha status. Good luck to all those ladder players with some actual character!
  14. regards the above statement with deep disquiet Sit, Konrad, sit! perches biscuit on the bridge of the nose Steady...steady...good boy! lenakonrad snaps his head back and swallows biscuit whole Isn't he a clever 'Pooler? Who's a clever 'Pooler? lenakonrad's a clever 'Pooler! Yes he is!
  15. Who's a good boy, lenakonrad, who's a good boy! You're a good boy, aren't you? Yes your are, yes you are! tosses biscuit
  16. Why, the last time I was called 'macho'... Actually, I don't think I've ever been called macho. A biker once called me 'sensitive and insightful'. And a bouncer in a south Florida redneck bar (one of the Crown Lounges, for you lot of bollocks who come from that area) told me that I was 'wonderfully empathic, with a keen grasp of human weakness and frailty'. But I simply can't remember being called 'macho'. A lot of it's the 'height' issue, of course. My height, besides preventing me from ever owning land in Russia as one of the feudal nobility, has led to a general lacuna of 'macho' type descriptions being directed my way. Still, at least I don't sit around drinking 'pink squirrels' and 'gin rickies' and other such slop as favoured by Lars (the Gary Shandling of Minnesota). Not to mention being twice the man of any of you lot, for that matter. The gods graced me with a keen and agile wit, not to mention an intellect that makes me simply tower over the lot of you. Truly, if brains were testosterone, I'd be Ivan Skavinsky Skavar, and you lot would be guarding a low rent harem somewhere for a third rate sheikh, who couldn't afford really 'manly' eunuchs. Ah, well, it's my great intellect that allows me to hold even you lot of slack pillocks in my heart. Aren't you grateful?
  17. inserts toothbrush into ear to begin scrubbing away at image in brain... Stop it, Joe. You'll scare the Squires.
  18. Er...what Berli said, although perhaps a bit more restrainedly... I have spoken with the lad Boggs...well, not actually 'spoken', of course. More like 'I spoke he thrust a few words in to the pauses for breath', and he has stated that he wishes to proceed forward into a bold, new world, free of the prejudices and vendettas of the past. So, on that note, let us welcome his return, and ask this very serious question: When did we get so many bloody Floridians on this Thread? Where did they come from? Are the Australians somehow to blame? I mean, they're both basically southern. I would like the Justicar to look into the possiblity that the sudden, pronounced, and essentially disturbing presence of so many Southerners on this Thread, especially Floridians, may somehow be linked to machinations by the Australians. Also, Joe, if the Thread should find it necessary to stage a repeat of the Civil War, would Australians have to count as 'southerners', or 'northerners'? They live, of course, in the southern hemisphere, but their ancestors were, in the main, from northwestern Europe. It's all very puzzling. [ March 26, 2003, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. Patience, people. He's a Finn. Doubtless he's still upset and ashamed about the fact that his grandfather had to fight the war with an actual rifle, rather than his bare hands and pinecones...
  20. For the love of Christ, WHO SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT?! My dear Boggs, since you no longer provide your email address in your profile, will you please email me so that all this might be resolved in something like a gentlemanly fashion. No one I've spoken with since your original post was anything but puzzled and disturbed by the whole thing, and I've received a number of emails from people asking me what the deal is, and expressing regret and uncertainty that you might leave the Thread, especially as no in sure what the HELL'S GOING ON! Your response to this would be most deeply appreciated. -The UberGnome
  21. Mr Boggs, I find this post puzzling. Please email me as to it's nature. Thank you.
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