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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Base Outerboarder casts covetous eyes upon the fair and true maiden! :eek: :eek: DjB </font>
  2. Shows what you know. Those are the only troops I bought; I simply let the rest of the points go to waste. I realized that if I couldn't defeat you with those units then there was no point in further purchases, as it simply meant the QB map and conditions were so ridiculous as to be a waste of my time. I am looking forward to your pithy expressions of dismay when you realize you've spent the entire 100 or so turns you've alloted yourself in advancing against a map that you'd emtpied of all opposition on turn 3. I figure it will be like watching several hours of synchronized swimming competition, shorn of any element of grace or elegance. Serves you right for lying about that Tiger being an Elefant, you weasel. Remember, bad boys who tell stories spend eternity in an internet chat room with Hiram. [ May 20, 2003, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. From the topic line I thought I'd come in here and find something like Dorosh going on in an orgiastic frenzy about a new uniform colour mod, but instead it's simply a bunch of Puritan Supremacists discussing whether Germans are, in fact, white people.
  4. Leave this place of Maya, the illusion of the world, and journey to the place I have prepared for you. The New Way
  5. Many have asked: What is Peng? How can one reply when the answer is within yourself? Turn inward. Look not to Rules, nor heirarchies. Speak out within the Void that is yourself as though you have a pair. Follow the echoes to the understanding that no one cares about your pair, least of all yourself. There are no pairs. Everything is One. And it is to One that your question: What is Peng? should be addressed. Choose a Seeker, and ask them of Peng. That is the Challenge, lads and lasses. It is not to find Peng. It is to seek Him. Seek him by the Eightfold Path of Taunting, Banter, Wittiscisms, Invention, Artifice, Story and Boast. Oh, and Jolly Sing-songs. Never forget the sing-songs. Finally, concern yourselves not with the things of this world. Neither fame, nor victory, nor the good reputed of others lasts. Only Peng is Eternal, and through the devotion of Combat Mission you proceed on your way to Him. Oh, and suffer no mockery of the Ladies of the Pool, nor neglect the observances due the Olde Ones. Or the spiritual pain you will suffer will be but a foretaste of the f'ing good kicking that'll be administerd to you, as we all put the boot in until you begin to leak essential fluids from many unusual places.
  6. Dear me, dear me. I hope you haven't all started without me, on this 'Fair Emma Asks for the Bells to Ring Out' thread... You did, didn't you? You've all been posting in here like crazed weasels while I've been trying to get things together. You bastards. Ah, well, then let me just approach the mike, and say, in a voice fraught with seriousness: If God created anything better than the Fair Emma, the bugger kept it in heaven. That's nice, isn't it? That's what it's all about, eh? People showing up here, completely worthless know-nothing piles o' dog ****e, about as significant as shingles and liver flukes in the scheme of human endeavour, and finding out that someone like Emma exists. Makes it all worthwhile, somehow, eh? Oh, of course, they go back to their puerile, worthless little lives filled with posting their absolutely idiotic political, religious and personal bigotries on the General Forum, filled with loathing for everyone who might disagree with them, but, do you know, I like to think they go away with a difference. As they knuckle their way back to spraying urine on those who disagree with them, jumping on top of fallen logs and waving sticks over their heads while making a noise that indicates that they'd rather fight than breed, I like to think that their dim, anthropoidal brains have caught a glimpse of something fine. Something that takes them out of themselves. Something that whispers in their ear: "zip it up, lad, and stop spraying spittle about". And then, just before I go to sleep at night, I like to think about all the innumerable idjits that show up on the General Forum to scratch themselves in a self-satisfied and arrogant way. And I like to think about them nodding off, secure in their position at the top of what they dimly perceive as 'the International Food Chain'. And then I like to imagine the Fair Emma goin' to town, Yeah, Baby, puttin' the boot in, dancin' like thistledown, pointin' and laughin' as idjits clutch their most dearly held opinions while assuming the fetal position in a ballet of Wagnerian significance. I like Emma threads. I like most of you, too, of course. But rather more in the way that Epidemioligists like being gainfully employed. My dream is to achieve fame and acclaim, and a well earned retirement by eradicating all of you. Except for Emma. I like Emma. Most of the rest of you are still awaiting a proper taxonomical classification.
  7. First the return of Morse, now Iskander is posting again. Can the frogs and locusts be far behind?
  8. All you've ever pulled with me is draws. Endless, endless draws. Unless you're thinking of that abortion of Lawyer's that he set up to determine if artillery that was all but unsupported can stop an SS Panzer Division. The correct answer of course is 'no', at least in terms of stopping them from over-running a lightly held crossroads. Lawyer's approach was that an early, primitive form of 'shock and awe' could stop innumerable Tigers and Panthers. It didn't matter, of course that the entire Allied holding force was crowded into one small area about the size of a dinner plate at the center of the West end of the map. The Germans could sit back at 1000 meters and trash the whole place with the assurance that even thrown stones were going to hit something and damage it. Oddly enough, even JD was able to hit most of the fish in the barrel.
  9. Odd. That's exactly what I thought when I read his post. Pondscum, all real Minnesotans know that the first thing you do is prop open the fridge. You're as thick as two short planks laid atop each other.
  10. I was hard on Dundroy, and no one's offering me a reward. Shaw you stooge, the line forms behind me.
  11. Except, of course, for the button that would simply shut off the monitor. Every time a Brit posts something like this, you find yourself understanding how even the most inane combination of circumstances could convince 600 of them to charge to their death against emplaced artillery. "How shall we ever open the magical door," pondered the wizard. "Aha! The knob!" he crowed in triumph, after several hours of intense thought.
  12. Indeed. The only child for whom she'd registered a 'do not revive for any reason, no matter how minor the ailment or physical damage' order. lenakonrad, you are being too quick to assume that we are incapable of deciphering your message of Universal Love/Eternal Damnation. Simply slow the stream of images until our non-Polish minds are able to perceive the pattern that will make all things clear. We are more than willing to cleanse the doors of our perception...
  13. Yes indeed, lad, and its behaviour has so embarrased your Ego and Super-Ego that they've written to your folks for train money home just to get away from you. We do not regard the Peng Challenge Thread as an 'infamous' place. A place where infamy dares to speak its name, certainly, and a famous place where only the yapping small dogs of no particular intellect attempt to stand out by acting out, but not an 'infamous' place. The most commonly made mistake is to come in and hurl your own feces around like a dervish with no interest in achieving a higher state of consciousness. These people are regarded as 'poseurs'. For one thing, hastily and indiscriminately flung feces all too often end up in the beer of someone who's made a far greater contribution to the Peng Challenge Thread than you have. It is this that serves as the basis for our rule: Pick out an individual, and challenge them to a game by means of taunting, abuse, and good natured impugning of their very existence. It's not that we don't want to experience every shade of your soul, nor explore the rich schema of your imagination, nor even forego the vivid textures of your being. In fact, that's exactly what we do want. What we don't want is halfwits coming in here and hopping around with their pants around their ankles while explaining in post after post that they're actually the Weather Vane of the Future, and that we should be suitably awed by the fact that even the wind wants to blow them. Really, lad. You want to challenge Peng? I challenged Peng. It's what led to all this. And what was the result? A Thread where people like you show up and behave like the really, really annoying and pretentious peasant-wannabe-warriour from 'The Seven Samurai'. Oh, and the fact that every weekend, regular as clockwork, I receive the most brutal, vicious, and psychotic emails from MrPeng telling me about how much he hates me, and what he'll do to me if he ever gets his hands on me. So it hasn't been a complete waste of time. However, if you want to piss on the same stump as the alpha wolves, rend bark as high as the big bears, or even just not yap like a sodding toy poodle, then consider the Path of Manifest Taunting, and pull together whatever shot-glass full of wit the gods endowed you with, and toss it down in a toast to someone here as your Challenge towards getting a game, mocking your betters, and announcing your presence with a spray of urine that makes the collected idiocy of the Peng Challenge Thread say: "Damn! Did you see what that useless little bastard just did to my shoes? Hey, I can see myself in the shine!"
  14. ROIGHT, THEN! I'm a fair man, simple in my wants, and democratic in my approach to the fact that a bag full of lemmings contributes as much to humanity as any single poster here, or any three posters on the General Forum. So let me simply state that the next arsehole that posts a picture that makes me scroll back and forth endlessly simply to verify that idiocy isn't in short supply, will find that I can, if required, forego being the Nice One, and be a right nasty bastard instead. Pictures have gotten out of hand. This has nothing to do with the Peng Challenge Thread. This affects the Board in general. Traditionally, threads that have excessive picture hosting tend to crash, cause overflows, and generally make UBB unhappy. Practice restraint. Now, please lay off lenakonrad. I do not believe the Dutch Pole is attempting to be disruptive. I am almost certain that we are seeing a new attempt at non-verbal communication from a sentience that is simply to 'other' for us too be completely comfortable with them. Either that, or the bugger is so bloody whacked that he's channeling Nixon reading Carlos Castaneda books in hell. Either way, there may be a message there that might be important for humanity to try and grasp. Unlikely as that may seem. So, please cut the Pole a bit of slack while older, wiser, and more enlightened minds attempt to decipher his message. Minds, for example, that may have once climbed up into the mountains of Big Sur while on LSD. This despite the fact that said minds may have had an almost pathological fear of heights. And that, contrary to expectations, the LSD did notsmooth out the fear response. Seriously, as soon as we find a mind that meets these criteria, lenakonrad's message of doom and/or hope will be revealed to the World. Or rather, to the Peng Challenge Thread, which is a bit like the world, in that it is a nasty, brutish place filled with egocentric lost souls, but differs in that none of them, so far as we can tell, actually hold public office or can commit a nation to war. Seriously, people, the Olde Onesof the Peng Challenge Thread are attempting to decipher the pictograms of the lenakonrad, but it's more than a bit like attempting to decipher the Book of Revelations as barked by Lassie. Now, I have further things to say to this exalted...that is, I have more to tell you lot of gibbering pillocks, but I've found that much more than half a Thread page is beyond the attention span of a lot of the 'raised on Ritalin' descendants of cocker spaniels, so I'll wrap this first communique up and move onto the next point. [ May 10, 2003, 02:42 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  15. Hmm ,so what about Polish ?Did they don't fit in picture? the poor relatives ,ha? Shame on you ,Seanachai ,shame(I'm deeply dissapointed). </font>
  16. Rob, I know we've had our differences, but I'm glad to hear this, and wish your Mom and your family all the best. My sister is a cancer survivor, with a depressed immune system, and she gets pneumonia every couple of months the way the rest of us get colds. My Dad died of lung cancer, and I just remember him sitting there with the oxygen bottles always at his side, tubes going into his lungs to reinflate them, and I get a lift from the knowledge that anyone can breath without struggling and fear. My apologies to you if I've ever been a bit hard on you. It's just that I'm not a very nice person.
  17. I love this Thread. I've played Australians, Germans, Brits, The French, Canadians, Swedes, and more American idjits than a strong man could shake a stick at on a really, really nice day. I love this Forum. I've learned an immense amount of things about WWII that everyone I know simply doesn't want to hear about anymore. I love this Board, on which customers actually have a say, and where the owners show up to be just as opinionated and annoying as anyone they sell product to. Where the most knowledgeable and bizarre rub elbows with the worst and the stupidest. Where, in fact, we are all Just Folks. Mind, I hate you lot with the burning agony of a magnesium suppository.
  18. Of course, I take some comfort from the fact that Texans are now scrambling to reveal that they aren't Texan. I feel like the Pied Piper of the Peng Challenge Thread.
  19. MrSpkr You disgust me. Or rather, you would if I didn't understand the pressures that produced you. I can only imagine what it was like for a sensitive, shy, and all-but liberal child to grow up in a State famous for over-compensating for the greatest case of sexual dysfunction in the Union. Everything is 'bigger' in Texas. This seems to be a serious and on-going concern. And Texas is loud. Texas won't shut up. Or even just speak in normal tones. Texas is more 'rough and tumble'. Texas wants you to understand that Texans are full of piss and vinegar. They never stop talking about it. Texas is like a State with 'small man syndrome'. If you go anywhere in the other 49 States of the Union, and look for a place that resembles Texas? You're in a Gay bar. Texas is no place for a shy, desperately-longing-for-acceptance, bookish young man to grow up. But that's what happened to you, isn't it, MrSpkr? I can only imagine the pressure that turned Texas in-bred coal into the diamond hard and judgemental presence that we know as the Inquisitor General of the Peng Challenge Thread. But, MrSpkr, I know how lonely you are. I know how it galls you that your only compatriot is Joe Shaw. I know that you wake up, night after night, frightening the wife and children, shouting "I'm a Texan, Daddy! I'm a real Texan! I love you Daddy! Please don't make me go to Law School!" I understand that for a sensitive child, held up to a standard of behaviour and conduct that would qualify as 'abuse' in more civilized States, being a Lawyer must have seemed like the only means of actually 'being a Texan'. But, MrSpkr, you don't have to be a prisoner of your past. You don't have to wake up weeping and shaking, nor suffer the humiliation of your wife changing the urine-stained sheets daily any more. Here in the Liberal and Enlightened North, we have prepared a place for you. We have arranged Sponsor families that will take you in, help you to come to grips with your desire to be aimlessly stupid and aggressive about it, and do all in their power to lead you out of the shame and humiliation that 'Texas' has instilled in you. We love you, MrSpkr. And not in that 'drunk and don't remember much of anything after we preformed the abomination with the heifer, and then Jimbo said, let's go out on the bluff and..." sort of way. We love you for who you are. Or we would, of course, except for the fact that you're a nasty, vicious bastard that's kicked my arse too many times lately, and the only thing keeping me from finding out where you live and killing your pets is that you live in Texas, and no right thinking person would ever go there, even for revenge. You bastard. Now, if the assembled waste of genetic material that are currently posting in the Peng Challenge Thread would take note of this post, and work to emulate it, we wouldn't hear half as much useless, annoying whinging about how 'the Thread sucks'. Know your enemies, lads. Understand them. Show no fear of seriously putting the boot in. And never, ever forget the fact that really great Hatred is almost indistinguishable from Love. I mean, obsession is obsession, right? Who cares if it's positive or negative, as long as you get the boot in and win the setup?
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