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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. R Leete mead...ggghhhhhhh! Good stuff. You fellows are in for a treat. Of course, he could boost the alcohol content up a bit. I'm not sure how you go about doing that with mead, but certainly pouring a pint of everclear into would probably work. For most of you lot a magnum of mead fortified with a pint of everclear would be just like mother's milk, I imagine.
  2. That was obvious, Michael. What's disturbing is that you have so much time to be using your bunghole as a manufacturing plant.
  3. The QB generator doesn't do a good job with rivers and bridges. You get some extremely anomalous results. For this same reason you couldn't get QBs in CMBO that had bocage. So they simply didn't put them in as a possible 'terrain' feature that the engine would use when generating maps. But you can have the QB engine generate you a random map, and then go in and edit it, placing your river and your bridge as you need them, and then bring them back into a QB, I believe.
  4. Good God, isn't it a crime in Canada to have this much time on your hands?! Shouldn't you be watching hockey or something?
  5. Frustrating, isn't it? I mean, you might as well throw glass marbles at the tanks for all the effect they have. I've read that the Russian 7.62 mm AT guns weren't considered bad AT guns, but the poor quality of the poorly manufactured AP rounds makes using them just another means of getting crews killed quickly. And congratulations on a rather disturbing screen name. Unless, of course, it's simply the name of another German or SS Officer that I've never encountered in my readings.
  6. What the heck are we supposed to be 'aware' of? That there are farm animals? Or are Farm Animals supposed to be aware? The latter makes more sense. I can imagine them keeping an eye out for Mace, for one thing. Perhaps they have 'awareness' lectures instructing Farm Animals of the dangers of Aussies driving around in Utes wearing only t-shirts and no pants, offering them grain and trying to entice them into their vehicles?
  7. She was probably a properly brought up young lady who'd never previously been confronted with the concept of having a kangaroo used to conduct a proctologic exam. Although if she was properly brought up, I question how it is that you know her. We're not talking about a nice young woman from the Salvation Army who found you squatting on a curb in your bathrobe trying to recover your memories of the last few days, are we? I can imagine that you'd consider her a 'friend', since she'd be one of the few people who'd actually chosen to talk to you besides myself, Lars, and Papa Khann.
  8. Benny Manieri making an attempted comeback, and yet another chance to get himself banned from this Board?
  9. That's right, Grog Dorosh. Not only did I make 'negative comments' about including the Maus, but I laughed, yes laughed when it became clear that your beloved tracked fortress would not be included in the game! What a happy moment that was! Even now, simply remembering it, I experience once again a tingle of joy. Suffer, Dorosh! Burn with longings that will never be slaked! I glory in you discomfiture. Now, stand quietly and don't move...it's time for the Brick. [ September 13, 2003, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. Anyone who only plays the AI isn't in a position to discuss this game in a worthwhile fashion. Play humans. Or even go outside your species, and play the lot in the Goodale thread. Your sincere opinion, hehe, is dull.
  11. Boggs, we're thinking of having you up on charges. A man cannot serve two masters. Nor can you. Well, he can, but he'll probably do a half-arsed job of it, and since you're only capable of a half-arsed job in general, we're getting down into insignificant arsery. Return to your true allegiance, sirrah, get some cold-cream to get that clown makeup off, don your armour, and bugger-off to your proper Thread.
  12. It's a banana tree. And you forgot to mention its rather vibrant colours. And the wooden eagle is actually a three foot high chainsaw sculpture of an eagle perched on a large salmon. The whole thing weighs about 70 pounds. And the jackalope head has an arrow through it. And the pink pig is actually a 'bank' that stands some 18 inches high, and the pig is dressed in pastel golfing togs and holding a putter (that atrocity came to me from Ohio, by the way). These are only a few, if more dramatic, of the objet d'art casually displayed around my apartment. Over the years, whenever friends got massively drunk or had a traumatic drug experience that resulted in the purchase or acquisition of very odd, and often incredibly ugly, things, they have apparently woken up the next day and said 'Godalmighty! What the hell's that?! Let's take it over to Seanachai's and give it to him as a gift.' Like the hatred of the Combat Mission Forum members, I treasure these nightmarish, otherworldly bits of strangeness that come my way. The only real struggle is to find sufficient room for all of them to be properly displayed. I may have to someday move into a larger hovel. But I do make a damn fine stew. No one can deny that. [ September 13, 2003, 12:58 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. That is one of the most horrifically vulgar cards I've seen in many, many a day. I want you to seek out counseling, you scruffy little man.
  14. He's a Lawyer! Burn him! No, wait. Let's inflict some serious pain. Throw him into the Goodale thread.
  15. I forgot to pick up my mail yesterday. Probably the day before, to. I'll make sure I dig it out tonight.
  16. Right, then. I hope you enjoying defending Toad Hall with a band of weasels and stoats, Boo.
  17. We'll be using The Brick on him, Michael. Phenobarbitol is for the weak; those who don't have the strength of will to make Grog Dorosh well again.
  18. Okay let me get this straight. After being unconscious for 5 days (Saturday-Wednesday), the Bard now must go and sleep for a day or so???????????? I never realised that being in an alcoholic coma could be so exhausting. </font>
  19. Milady Emma, I have dragged the offensive object known as Mike the Wino out of the Goodale thread, cleaned him up, taped a 'Mike the Squire' sign on him, and presented him here to you. I'm now going to go sleep for a day or so.
  20. He still smiles, when he recalls How the gold ring fit her finger How they made that moment linger Let it's memory be strong They had made a brand new start Found a whole new way of livin' Two voices joined together, singing old, sad songs. If the hard times come around, May you see them through, together And may there be love and laughter In the heart of your home. Leavin' there, was always hard Leavin' her was never easy With those memories to tease you Summer nights seemed winters long In his heart, there was a sound And the only sound worth hearing Two voices joined together, singing old, sad songs. If the hard times come around, May you see them through, together And may there be love and laughter In the heart of your home He still smiles, when he recalls How they counted little fingers And their gratitude still lingers That the child was born strong They had made a whole new life Found a whole new way of living Three voices joined together, singing old, sad songs If the hard times come around, May you see them through, together And may there be love and laughter In the heart of your home. "Heart of the Home" -Andrew M. Stewart There are no fears, Axe2121. Only joy. A ballad for you, lad. Scruffy, awful, Master Goodale thread poster that you are. [ September 11, 2003, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Gaylord, the gods know I want to like you. Truly I do. But you give me so little help. There are too many times, both here and in the General Forum, when you remind me of my buddy's 10 year old son who was a horrible little 'look at me, look at me, emotionally disturbed monster', until he was diagnosed with some serious ADD, and they put him on meds. Now he's quite the bright and interesting child. And I'm sure that you, Gaylord, could be a bright and interesting child if you'd make that last, little bit of effort. You know, the effort to forego getting adults to acknowledge you by accusing them of stupid things like 'not paying enough attention to Gaylord'. Or the stupid thing of 'posting your own rather unformed and rather uninformed opinions as jokes, and then bristling when people tell you you're an idjit'. I don't mind your weirdness, Gaylord. I don't mind the near gibberish quality of many of your posts. What I mind is this Attention Deficit child approach to posting. Why not, just for a change, come on the Forum and post something whose intent is not, simply, 'look at me, look at me, I can hop even better with my pants down!' You really shouldn't be in the Peng Challenge at all. As stupid as much of it is, it's for grown-ups. It is not child friendly. But I wince to see you posting elsewhere on the Board, and posting in the same, stupid way, that gets you derided and disliked by all. Sorry, Joe, for once again ignoring the injunction to ignore. But I can't help thinking of my own young nephews, and hoping for a better world for them, and for someone who'd let them know that they were behaving like useless gits. Not that they would, of course. They're my nephews. All they need is an almost endless river of substance abuse and the complete loss of their moral compass to be exactly like their Uncle Seanachai. Bless 'em. The whole 'sense of humour' thing is damn near genetic. I hope, of course, that they'll turn out to be more like a real human being than I am. But they could do worse than to follow in my footsteps. Not much worse, of course, but they could at least probably avoid jail. I mean, at least more than once.
  22. Mmmff. Might as well get to my purpose for being here. Mike the Wino (bolded because I'm pretty sure I had a good reason to do so, but I can't remember it much, nor large chunks of the last few days), your presence is graciously requested by YK2 in the Peng Challenge Thread. You should probably show up. I mean, a lot more hideous people than I could be sent over here to get you. Really. Tell Master Goodale that the 'Master Goodale threads' are now my favourite Evil Clown Band. Everything about them simply screams Evil Clown.
  23. Competition? You handle our run off. Rather like a drainage ditch. Careful or we'll send over the Commissioner of drains. Do you really want 50 odd posts by the Justicar?
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