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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Hussy. You're going to get a rep for promiscuity if you can't settle on a mortal enemy and stick with him. Berli, your remarks were inappropriate. We've talked to you before about upsetting the humour impaired.
  2. My gods, look at you lot. You're like a big bunch of fluffy bunnies combing your ears. And not in a good way. The Next Forum will be out when it is out, I imagine. Although no doubt everyone who's almost as bright as a prawn will have a right go round about 'when' it will be, and what will be said, and how they've heard this, that, and the other.
  3. Oh, yes. There are rules. Rules. Fluff and nonsense. What use have we of rules? If you set a foot wrong, the Justicar will show up, all stern and serious, to put you back on to the path. Does anyone else feel we're lost in the rules? It wasn't all about rules, originally, you know. It was about freedom. And weirdness. And whatever might come out of people's heads. If you come here to be weird, good luck and the blessings of the Olde Ones on you. If you come here to make a Challenge, here are the rules: Challenge an Individual By 'Challenge', we mean: Give them more than a bit of ****e. Call them a bastard, but do so in an amusing way. And we are not easily amused. Don't go on endlessly about how amazingly large your penis is, nor about how much excrement you'd pass in an effort to make fun of other people. No one cares about your penis, and the sheer tonnage of excrement and guts we've seen people do cartwheels about would shame an abattoir. Be Real with each other. Make it 'count'. Now. Does anyone have something really strange to throw into the mix?
  4. Well, by all means, lets put this sing-song at the end of this thread. No need to discomfit anyone. No need, actually, to even acknowledge the world passing by. Best place for it, actually. Just a bit o' nonsense. Just another sing-song gone astray, as it were. When all is said and done. She rises from a double bed, and puts her blue dress on And goes out to the kitchen where the table's set for one She imagines there's a gentleman, where there's just a winter's sun Their life had just begun. She wanders to the window, and gazes at the cold And looks back at the letter that is lying on the floor That was brought by a man in uniform from the Secretary of War Regrets come to her door. Old men talk of the Beast that held the Germans in its sway And we gave 'em bloody hell until we drove the Beast away But the Beast got up, and He looked around, and He crossed the northern seas And He settled in with you and me. Broad is the road that leads to death that's what the poets say The thousands that walk together there go blindly on their way Wisdom shows a narrow path, available to Man But it doesn't play as well on CNN. You talk too much about patriotism and your fancy flying bombs But modern war is a bloody hell, when all is said and done The rich will feast on contracts and the poor are buried in sand that's how its always been. Back in the kitchen, she's sitting there alone And will sit right there for another 40 years till God will bring her home It's one more day in the Land of the Beast, beneath the winter's sun When all is said and done. "When All Is Said" -Farm Accident
  5. Well if you can keep 'em off the Peng you will be making headway. And for the love of Jesus don't let them read any MrPeng posts. The whole political stank made it tad unbearable. Christ on a crutch this isn't the feckin General Forum. Show some dignity. </font>
  6. <small font>Michael...what's your mannequin's name?
  7. Oh, it's easy to mock. And belittle. Nothing hard about 'la-la-la, oooh, here I am reading the Peng Challenge, which Grogs been made over then, eh? I wonder?' But just you sit here night after night, Mister Justicar, and wade through a whole pool of vomit to try and get to 'the good bits'. Such as they are. And we'll see if you can come up with another 'chest clutching, rib tickling bit o' Grog mocking fun' on yer own. And where's the 'Brethren of the 'Pool', I'd like to know? Where's them as should be helping me make mock, poke fun, and have a bit of a go at, eh? Oh, yes, you lot are all mad for fun when it doesn't cost you anything. But ask you to step up, pull your thumb out, figure out how to type more than two sentences, and all the sudden it's all on 'poor old Seanachai', why isn't he entertaining us in the style we'd like to become accustomed to? I've more than half a mind (which is 300% more mind than any of you lot will ever have), to just bugger off and dedicate my career to literature, or politics, or something thankless that's still less thankless than posting some form of coherency to you lot of poncing beggars. See if I don't.
  8. You whore, you actually stole that from another horrible whore on the Peng Challenge Thread! (was it Croda?) [ September 30, 2003, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. I've always had amazingly good luck against Berli. There have been times when it was all too apparent that God himself had stepped in, and cast Berli down into the pits of Hell (again). But, in all fairness, I must acknowledge our current game. Never, have so many, been screwed over so badly, by so few, by the orders of one man. Berli is not simply beating me like a tired old drum. He is not simply making me look the fool in an 'All Posts General Forum Idjits' contest. He is, actually, making me cry. To date, I have lost 3 of 6 SU-122s, a 45mm AT gun, a 76.2mm gun, a jeep, 2 infantry squads are 'broken', 1 Platoon HQ is 'broken', I've suffered several infantry casualties, and only one of the remaining SU-122s still has a TC. In return, what have I to show? One light MG team eliminated, one Wooden MG Bunker eliminated, and one Tank Hunter team captured. And how was all this devastation wrought? By six men. Six. Two green sharpshooters, and two 2-man Tank Hunter teams. I told a friend about it, and she said: Wow! That's like...Hollywood. I thought you said this game was really realistic. I told her: "it is, in fact, very realistic." And she said: 'Wow! You must really suck out loud!"
  10. You are, indeed, all mine. Every last mother's son of you. Oh, Berli will have his day with you eventually, but while you are here, you are mine. I don't give a rat's arse about the fall of a sparrow, but every drunken stumble, every nicely turned phrase, and even every stupid ****e joke are read by me. You win, and you lose, and you're just about the sorriest lot of useless pillocks that God couldn't find room for on the 'remaindered souls table', but you're still mine. Now, and at the hour of your death, I will intercede for you. Not in a good way, of course. I've been keeping lists, you see. A lot of you buggers are going to be damned embarrassed. Still, it'll speak well for you that I was willing to take the time to note down all your sins.
  11. You obnoxious bastard! You owe me a real game. And not just another 'I won't send the last turn showing my very minor defeat because I'm too drunk to remember how email works' type game! Although Reggie, Biff, and Llewellyn still speak fondly of how fecking, sodding badly you were losing the last CMBO game we played that you failed to send the final files from; but all is forgiven, given that you ended up in Treatment (we can only assume).
  12. Oh, please. You lot in the Evil Clown thread are all, all a bunch of gamey whores and vicious brutes, and watching one of you point the finger at another is like witnessing a hair-pulling contest on a working girl's corner in the 'busy' part of town.
  13. True, Joe, true. Of course, I had thought that some of the lads might step up and lend a hand. Get into the spirit of the thing, as it were. Post something more, perhaps, than yet another expose of Hiram's more disturbing qualities (points to the useless tosser Sir SirReal for the rather nasty backhand remark in that direction). I was, of course, let down. Hard. Again. You lot are such a trial to me. So, let us see...Grog Dorosh. What to do, what to do. First, Michael, keep the mannequin. Having a mannequin, while somewhat distressing from the socio/sexual/pscyhological perspective, is inherently funny. You need to work the mannequin into the act, Michael, not shuffle it off into a closet (that's an image and possible doctorate paper there, that is). Now, while the ribbing of such intellectual deficients as Gaylord was somewhat annoying to deal with, Michael (I can call you Michael, can't I? I feel like I know you, what with the level of hatred we've shared...), you got a bit snarky about it. You let it get to you. You snapped at people, Michael. Never let them get to you, Michael. That's how idjits win. Here in the Peng Challenge, when someone is thin-skinned enough to let even brutal, humourless, and abusive attacks, meant in earnest, get to them, well, Michael, we are just saddened. We laugh, 'ha-ha!', and say, 'poor sod. No stamina, these youngsters.' Embrace their abuse, Michael. Turn it back on them. Take their snottiness and give them back ONE BIG GRIN. From which end is your choice, of course. There's this, Grog Dorosh. Idjits cannot stand being mocked, ignored, or made to look stupid. Witness Cabron66. Although, for a brief moment, I thought he might actually get into the silliness of the Peng Challenge and go with it. But there, I think the problem was that he was very insecure in his grogishness, but couldn't let it go and run with the fools. When they insult you, Michael, accept it. Find a way to make them share the burden of what they've put on you. For a good example of this, witness that daft Dutch bugger Eichenbaum's treatment of yours truly in the 'Things Missing' thread. Even I, an accomplished trouble-maker and reputed 'thread hijacker', had to step back and say 'bugger'. Also, Michael, a sensitive point. You're at, what? Eleven thousand fecking posts now, or somefink? Michael, you're a whore. You're a shameless CM whore. You're a nympho-poster, Grog Dorosh. You're trying to be all things to all men, women, and snappily dressed inanimate objects. You've got to steady down, Michael, and find yourself. This sort of promiscuous posting, all without ever having quite settled on who you are...it's just not good, lad. I mean, you switch back and forth between the 'Bluff Canadian Soldier' bit (verging, I might add, dangerously on the territory of Slapdragon's 'Peace Enforcer' role-playing), and 'Grog On Everything', and 'GrossDeutschland Hugging Lunatic', and 'Uniform Grog', and 'Peng Challenge Posting Grog Sense of Humour Guy'. Michael, you need to arrive at who you are. And this will, sorry to say, involve both the 'Peng Challenge Thread', and the Mannequin. Give the Dummy a name, Michael. Hasn't he/she been silent long enough? Isn't it time for Michael Dorosh's Mannequin to have a voice? Isn't it time for both of you to sing? It's time, Michael. After all the derision, and the dismissal, and supposed 'sophistication' of humour, the hands of Humour's clock have made the big swing around. Everything is cyclical. It's time for a Grog Ventriloquist. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Grog Dorosh, and [insert name here]!
  14. Hey, if you lot of tossers see Soddball, tell him we actually had an SSN who came in, apparently fresh from reading his FAQ, who said 'it said to go over to the Peng Challenge thread and ask nicely for a game, so I did.'
  15. "None of us have made any contributions of measurable worth" -Mark IV By the gods, I miss Mark IV.
  16. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Emrys made a bollocks of it! wipes laugh tears away Sorry, all. Bloody Grog.* <small font>*Can't be having people saying I've gone all soft on the likes of Emrys, now, can we?<small font>
  17. And while you were at it, you couldn't have brought along enough 'hot alien babes in aluminium silver bikinis' for all the loyal CM fans? Incidentally, is it the tentacles that allow Charles to program at the ferocious rate he maintains?
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