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    Rumford, RI, USA
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  1. Right. Another big one is LOS, line of sight. As for the others, its hard to say. If you're actually in the game, and tanks etc. have odd acryonms slapped on them, select them and hit return - its generally easy to deduce what they mean there. Some of the less obvious: AP = Armor Piercing, and HE = Heavy Explosive. Thats all I can think of at the moment...
  2. I'm no expert myself, but I've played a few games - if either one of you are up for a game, drop me a line: sagitar@earthlink.net. ------------------ -- Drew E. Harry Moses Brown School "This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence." - The Cube
  3. Thats why its the "Gold" demo. Traditionally, when a game is completed, the company burns a "Gold Master," basically a really high quality CD from which to copy all others, which happens to be gold. So when they call it the "Gold Demo" they mean they're using code thats on the Gold Master, just with restrictions, like any demo. It can be released earlier because it doesn't have to be sent somewhere to be replicated like the actual game. Once a game goes gold master, it generally take a week or two to burn enough copies and get the packaging etc. ready. Hence the Gold Demo reaching our greedy little paws earlier than the actual game.
  4. Thats why its the "Gold" demo. Traditionally, when a game is completed, the company burns a "Gold Master," basically a really high quality CD from which to copy all others, which happens to be gold. So when they call it the "Gold Demo" they mean they're using code thats on the Gold Master, just with restrictions, like any demo. It can be released earlier because it doesn't have to be sent somewhere to be replicated like the actual game. Once a game goes gold master, it generally take a week or two to burn enough copies and get the packaging etc. ready. Hence the Gold Demo reaching our greedy little paws earlier than the actual game.
  5. Depends. I generally play with people I know, and we hang out on some server or other and trade files, so it goes pretty quickly. We can get about 3-4 exchanges per hour, so its not tedious. But the other end of the spectrum is to not actually be in contact, and truly play by mail, in which case it takes forever. ------------------ -- Drew E. Harry Moses Brown School "This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence." - The Cube
  6. Ethically, yes. But in all truth, I don't think anyone would mind. ------------------ -- Drew E. Harry Moses Brown School "This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence." - The Cube
  7. Mmmm. Rhapsody in Blue. If you like Gershwin, its worth picking up a copy of "The Gershwin Connection" by Dave Gruisin. It doesn't include Rhapsody in Blue, but its got some really great arrangements of some of Gershwin's other stuff. ------------------ -- Drew E. Harry Moses Brown School "This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence." - The Cube
  8. Mmm. Shifting the focus a bit, I must comment that there are a select few FPS/RTS games that are worth playing. If you haven't played Myth, both the original and the sequel, they are *well* worth your time. They don't involve resource gathering, just troop management. The multiplayer implimentation is nothing short of brilliant, with amazingly well focused game types, and stunning team play. No gaming experiance has come CLOSE to the team tournaments I played in. Unit dynamics are excellent and trading is implimented well(sounds very similar to the DYO in CM). Anyway, if you haven't played them, and ever liked the RTS genre, you should grab them. They also have an excellent single-player campaign, to rival any other RTS single-player campaign. Anyway, end promotion speech. (Yes, I know the sig looks ugly, I'm just too lazy to go fix it.) ------------------ -- Drew E. Harry Moses Brown School "This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence." - The Cube
  9. Good to know it got fixed, without having to resort to something drastic like an overhead. Thanks for the feedback. ------------------ -- Drew E. Harry Moses Brown School "This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence." - The Cube
  10. I've been playing the CM Demo on and off for a while now, and the only real problem I have with it is terrain visibility. I always feel required to zoom into ground level in order to have any clue what the terrain is doing. And with CM's picky true-LOS checks, the smallest changes in terrain can be pretty important. I know its somewhat late to be asking for features, but maybe one can hope for an update? What I would really like is one of two things, maybe both. 1 - A slope map. For anyone who has used Myth 2's map making tools, you'll know what I mean. Its basically a colored overlay that splits the terrain into triangles and colors each according to the slope. This would be invaluable in planning attacks and choke points. And minute terrain changes that are just enough to kill your LOS would be clear. 2 - Elevation Overlay. Similar to above, an optional overlay that colors sections of the map by elevation. Basically the same purpose as a slop map, but maybe a bit easier to read. Does anyone else have the same problem as I do, and does anyone think this would be a valid fix? ------------------ -- Drew E. Harry Moses Brown School "This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence." - The Cube
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