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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. The Alterna Bowl has officially begun! There will be two sections: the Competition; and the Exhibition. Part 1-The Competition I have been doing a lot of thinking about the Newbie Tournaments. In particular, I have been mulling over the question of what the whole purpose of the tournament is. Among other things, I came to the conclusion that we are trying to match inexperienced players in order to have fun and gain experience. I believe that is generally what is taking place. However, there is one group that is being left out. I am referring to the tournament Alternates. They, like the Players, signed up to play CM with other Newbies and, by God, that's exactly what they will do! I have decided to make a secondary competition for the Alternates. This will keep all of you who "did not make the cut" involved with the process, so that you are ready to jump into the fray if it is needed. The scenarios I am designing for the Alternates will be different from the ones being used in the actual tournament (but they will provide just as many challenges). For each round, each Alternate will play one scenario against another Alternate from the same bracket. The opponents will be rotated for the first three rounds and an aggregate score will be tallied for each Alternate. The Alternates with the highest aggregate score from each bracket and a Wildcard (the highest-scoring Alternate that did not lead a bracket) will advance to the semi-finals! The time limits for completing the scenarios will be similar to that of the formal tournament. There will be six weeks alotted for each round. Since the first three rounds will involve each Alternate playing only one scenario, there should be no problem completing it in six weeks. The final round will be divided into two three-week legs. The first leg will be the semi-finals and the second leg will be the championship. If an Alternate is needed to fill a spot in the tournament, the option to do so will be given in the order in which the Alternates are listed in the brackets. If this happens, that Alternate will be eliminated from the Alterna Bowl. If an alternate Alternate cannot be found, a back-up system will be implemented for determining the winner of that bracket. Part 2-The Exhibition Now, just in case you thought there was a limit to my dedication to this tournament, I'm here to tell you there is not! As Players and Alternates are eliminated from the tournament, they will be thrown onto the Loser Pile and given the chance to get involved in the Alternate Bowl. Of course, they will not be eligible to win the coveted Alterna Cup, but they will be allowed to play the scenarios. This will be on a "for fun" basis and no scores will be recorded. There will be no deadlines enforced for completing the scenarios, but I ask that you attempt to keep things going at a decent clip. There will be five scenarios used in the Alterna Bowl (one each for Rounds 1-3 and two for Round 4). Players will be allowed to play only the scenario(s) currently or previously used by the Alternates. How do I get an opponent, you ask? Well, that's simple. When you are eliminated from the tournament, just post a message in the official tournament thread (i.e. here) and let people know you are looking to play. Once you have found an opponent for a particular scenario, please edit your post to let others know. See the first page of this thread for the match-ups and the Loser Pile. Good luck!
  2. Here are the match-ups for Round 2: SuperNewbies Hobo (33) vs. Witko (67) Dave H vs. SPLASH YankeeDog vs. DL Vader's Jester vs. Austin Bowie Alternates- R.C. (73) vs. Dinga (82) DD_Rob (27) vs. Bruce Robert (18) GV Newbies Eric Alkema (27) vs. Stormhouse (43) Jim Liang vs. Ligur White4 vs. Leta Hawk (86) vs. Walker (14) Alternates- Darknight_Canuck (41) vs. Armdchair (41) Bad Monkey! (36) vs. Thewood (30) Newbie Rejects Icedog42 vs. Mortar Bobbaro (18) vs. Voidhawk (82) DStone vs. Silvio Manuel Newlife vs. Donkey Hotay Alternates- Hoopenfaust 101 (33+36=69) vs. Andrewgy (58+51=109) Sgt Colon (34+25=59) vs. F1shlips (18+65=83) Loser Pile Lord Dragon Commander vs. RedBastard Rucrazee Sir Uber General RedBastard vs. Dfgardner Humus B. Chittenbee vs. Toran29 Chasd ASLer Von Viniga Zitadelle vs. Dan Buttar Pfc. Dunsel vs. Bruce Bowes Flammenwerfer Major Catastrophe Vadr CombatGeneral Dize Haohmaru Bog vs. Dfgardner Scenarios Available for Exhibition Play Rabbit's Foot Blood & Steel (VERY LARGE!) Medium Rare A Bridge Too Close For the Players, the deadline for the first leg of Round 2 (Give and Take) is 1200 hours (GMT -6:00) on February 16. Round 2 (Nothing Fancy and A Bridge Too Close) officially ends at 12:00 pm (GMT -6:00) around March 8. If it's done sooner, that's a good thing. Good luck! Note: Player scores in bold indicate the final tally for the round. If the score is not bold then it includes only the first of two scores. Note: Alternate scores that include only one number (eg. 56) indicate that Alternate's score from Round 1. If two numbers are included (eg. 56+41=97), that Alternate's scores from Round 1 and Round 2 have been tallied. [ February 10, 2002, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  3. Announcing the Combat Mission Newbie Tournaments! “One will win all; the rest will lose one.” This is where the Newbies come to play! There are four Sub-Tournaments: The SuperNewbie Knock-Out Tournament, where players with no prior multiplayer experience duke it out; The Garden Variety (GV) Knock-Out Tournament, where players with limited prior multiplayer experience have a go at it; The Newbie Rejects (NR) Knock-Out Tournament, where players with "issues" scratch and claw at each other; and The Alterna Bowl, where alternates do whatever it is they do. The participants for The SuperNewbie Knock-Out Tournament are: Lord Dragon Humus B. Chittenbee Witko Pfc. Dunsel Zitadelle El Griz Toran29 DL Vader’s Jester Austin Bowie YankeeDog Dave H Dan Buttar SPLASH Dize Hobo DD_Rob (alternate) Dinga (alternate) R.C. (alternate) Bruce Robert (alternate) The participants for The Garden Variety (GV) Newbie Knock-Out Tournament are: vadr Chad ‘Harrison’ Leta Ligur Hawk Walker Stormhouse Von Viniga Jim Liang Chasd Commander Rucrazee Dfgardner White4 Major Catastrophe Erik Alkema Darknight_Canuck (alternate) Bad Monkey! (alternate) Armdchair (alternate) Thewood (alternate) The participants for The Newbie Rejects (NR) Knock-Out Tournament are: Flammenwerfer Bobbaro mortar Bruce Bowes CombatGeneral Asler Silvio Manuel voidhawk Bog icedog42 Sir Uber General RedBastard Donkey Hotay Newlife Vitalis DStone Andrewgy (alternate) f1shlips (alternate) Hoopenfaust 101 (alternate) Sgt Colon (alternate) If anybody is interested in following the progress of the tournaments, vadr has set up some online tournament brackets. To see what's happening, go here. Enjoy! Good luck to all! [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: SuperTed ]</p>
  4. Stefan, Go to GD for CM and check out Frontovik. This may do the trick for you.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester: Okay. I guess. I'm spost ta see it tomorrow night myself. I'm sure it'll rock. I'm at work most of the day before that. I'm sure we'll exchange a file or two though. [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]<hr></blockquote> VJ, The file's on the way! Enjoy the movie!
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester: Boo hoo hoo. *sniff* Ted *choking on tears* has forgoten all about me fellow newbies. I guess *sniff sniff* that AAR on our battle is never to be. . . *sobbs out of control and crys like a baby* Where are you Ted! :confused: I know you're busy, but I figured we would exchange at leat one file before calling it quits! [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]<hr></blockquote> VJ, My apologies, good sir. I went to see Lord of the Rings this evening. On my there, I picked up some tickets to Sunday's game at Lambeau Field. So, I will be MIA for about ten hours on Sunday. On the bright side, I have a lot of free time on Saturday. Yes, I am always busy (actually, Charles Moylan is my pen name ). But, I promised steady play and I shall endeavor to deliver.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel: Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? That might be tough for a 3-player deal, perhaps the Alterna Bowl winner could be the 4th to even it out...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).<hr></blockquote> SM, Did you say...another...tournament? :eek: It's worth considering...
  8. More results from the Newbie Rejects: Icedog42 (German) defeated Sir Uber General (French) by a score of 58-42 in Mighty Mouse. This was enough for Icedog42 to overtake Sir Uber General's slim lead from the first leg of Round 1. So, Icedog42 wins Round 1 with an overall score of 107-93 and advances to Round 2. Congratulations to Icedog42!
  9. More results from the Newbie Rejects: Mortar (Polish, 54) and RedBastard (German, 46) played to a draw in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to Mortar (barely)!
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Manx: The best wargame around IS getting better! Thanks for the bone. Very tasty.<hr></blockquote> Manx, Oh, I see somebody finally rolled out of bed!
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash: Sorry Ted I'm going to be a bit of a dog with a bone - I gather what you are saying is that formula is applied at the end of the game to determine KIA? What struck me about Pfc Dunsel and I was the high casualty count on my part (it strikes me as quite a bit higher (% wise) than Pfc Dunsel's) yet the higher kill ratio on my part. Wouldn't this be explained by local caculation (as it were)? Now this speaks to realism and worthy of a comment (not necessarily from you Ted - nor here and now) In action ( I would imagine I hasten to add) you pretty well know 95% of the time whether your buddy next to you is wounded or dead - yet here tis a mystery! With regards game ending --could it also be that if the loser exits first - what's left? But of course-- morale plummets as men leave the battle map!<hr></blockquote> Splash, Good points all around. I wonder if anybody (other than Charles) knows exactly when and how these calculations are done...
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel: SuperTed, my spies tell me that the it is below 25% morale for both sides = cease-fire (since version 1.12 IIRC, the book says 15% but that's out of date, methinks). Or, if one side goes below 15% AND the opposing force has 4x the morale %= Auto-Surrender & Total victory. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]<hr></blockquote> SM, Thanks, man. I figured somebody had to know.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord Dragon: OK, Heres goes..... Any of the alternates want to play me a game tonight? tcp/ip preffered. But whatever works. Anyone?....Anyone?....Anyone?<hr></blockquote> LD, It may not matter, but the Alternates are all involved in the Alterna Bowl. I just wanted to let you know, just in case you were thinking they were twiddling their thumbs. Now, on the hand, the Loser Pile (of which you are a Charter Member ) is ripe for competition. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: SuperTed ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash: Thanks there Ted! I thought for sure Dunsel had won! If that's what victory feels like! Whoa! Did I mention I shot 18 of my own men! If I recall it was AX - 81 C. 26 KIA? and 29 OK AL - 105 C! 23 KIA 39 OK I tried to predict the final score by what Ted gave us and I was wildly off. What is interesting is that even - Did I mention I shot 18 of my own men! - with this they were probably mostly C's. Whereas I managed to isolate 2 of Dunsel's Plt's. for consecutive kills - that is-- they were killed with no back up or too late a back up - thereby rendering a higher kill rate - I guess. This is hypothetical. What do you think Ted? I'm willing to believe that kind of simulation -- if so it's impressive. The whole kill vs casualty modelling -- what is that? Also the game ended with the 18th movie -- I was not fully exited and worried about a lonely member of one PHQ who was deeply weary. Kind computer?<hr></blockquote> Splash, Did you shoot those before or after the battle was over? I believe casualties are tracked throughout the course of the scenario and a formula is used to determine the number of KIAs. In all likelihood, there is some variation in the the formula, so the same numbers are not always generated. The scenario will end if both sides reach a certain low global morale level. I always thought it was 15%, but yours was 22% and Pfc. Dunsel's was 17%. So, it must be "around" 20%.
  15. More results from the SuperNewbies: Splash (Polish) defeated Pfc. Dunsel (German), 59-41, in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to Splash!
  16. Toran, Only those who fear defeat resort to trash talking. I, on the other hand, have yet to speak a word of trash. :cool:
  17. More results from the SuperNewbies: Dave H (German, 52) and Dan Buttar (Polish, 48) played to a draw in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to Dave H (barely)!
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by phil stanbridge: I don't have a credit card anymore but I have a debit card. I imagine this will cause a problem when it comes to ordering...<hr></blockquote> Phil, My debit card worked just fine about six weeks ago.
  19. More results from the Newbie Rejects: Silvio Manuel (German, 54) and Flammenwerfer (Polish, 46) played to a draw in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to Silvio Manuel (barely)!
  20. Guys, Once you are eliminated from the tournament, you are welcome to play the scenarios being used in the Alterna Bowl. Just get yourself a dance partner and drop me an email.
  21. It will make a "whooshing" sound, very similar to a jet engine, only much less localized. (Sorry, I gave up sleep a few weeks ago, and it's starting to show.)
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash: Ohhhh!<hr></blockquote> Splash, Right back atchya!
  23. For those who do not know, FreeFire Zone is here.
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