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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Zitadelle: All I want for Christmas is to be picked as a CMBB beta tester!!<hr></blockquote> Zitadelle, You could test from the Newbie perspective!
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash: Hey Ted You been peeking at my game! - 2 dead Pole sharpies indeed - you've thrown me into deep despondency! PS I was the FAQ mentioned how to quote<hr></blockquote> Splash, It sounds like you need to kill some Germans. That should make you feel better. It always works for me. I'm a little unclear about the quote thing. If you are asking how to do it here on the forum, just hit the quotation marks at the top of the post you would like to quote. I hope that helps.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester: Ted, did you get my e-mail with the attachment? Lord Dragon and I had probs with PBEM, but could never figure out if the prob was my server or his.<hr></blockquote> VJ, I got it. Today has been busy, so I probably won't get my set-up done until later tonight. Since you have two more hours available than I do, we should be able to exchange a couple files tonight.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JasonC: Woof woof. lol. This is going to be fun.<hr></blockquote> Jason, I do believe that is your shortest post ever!
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt: No plans for pre-orders are expected at this time. Madmatt<hr></blockquote> Matt, I'm crushed. I thought you were going to verify the "SuperTed, you are a dude" sentiment.
  6. Tom, No problems. I just thought maybe I missed something. :eek:
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: If you care about CMBB you MUST read this interview At the risk of Copyright infringement: from: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=3747... <hr></blockquote> Tom, Am I missing something here, or is that the same article I linked in the first post? :confused: All, Steve or Matt should be along to officially answer all your questions. Apparently, they actually sleep. In the meantime, I'll take a stab at it: yes, soon, no, no, no, yes, yes, the latter, medium careful-most careful-least careful, don't know, understood, yes, yes, no, interviews would probably not be done if nothing new was released, that's BTS' decision, yes and no, see answer about interviews being done, no. Remember, those are just my best guesses. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: SuperTed ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash: Say Ted Could you talk a bit about how the game scores exit points? I've never really understood it. I imagine it uses a 100 pt. base? but how does it divide... <hr></blockquote> Splash, Here is a quick run-down of how scores are determined in an "Exit Zone" scenario. Keep in mind this is a rough sketch, but it should help. Just like a Quick Battle, each unit has a point value. The totals for the two sides in Blind Man's Bluff was different by one point, hence the approximately 50-50 score if there are no casualties. As units are eliminated or damaged, TWICE THEIR VALUE is deducted from the overall score. This represents the damage inflicted being added to your enemy's score and the deduction being taken from your score for not exiting the troops. Remember, it is all based on the values of the individual units, not on the total number of casualties. For example, let's assume a Polish player lost both of his sharpshooters and his German opponent only lost one. On the casualty list, it is only one man. But, on the points list, it is 26 points for a crack sharpshooter (to put that in perspective, it is 27 points for a regular Polish airborne squad, which is ten men). With the doubling of the points, this can have a significant impact. I hope that helps.
  9. More results from the GV Newbies: Walker (German, 48) and Chad 'Harrison' (Polish, 52) played to a draw in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to Chad 'Harrison' (barely)!
  10. Okay, folks, I am sure none of you were expecting a bone to be thrown since there was no begging and pleading. But, guess what?!...Here it comes! For the two or three of you that are interested in Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin (CMBB), HomeLAN has posted a just-completed interview with a certain Steve Grammont (I don't know who he is, but he seems to know a lot about CMBB ) and Madmatt (I know him and that's all I'm going to say )! There is a lot of ground covered, so I'll hit some of the high points here to whet your appetites. Steve and Matt (S&M, Hmmm... :eek: ) discuss the success of CMBO and the planned sequels. They also touch on the current state of the turn-based war game market. If it's CMBB details you want, you've got it! S&M talk about several general features, such as the regions and timeframe of the fighting. The graphical improvements are discussed in great detail and "DOODADS" are revealed! To give an idea of what DOODADS are, here is a quote from the article: "When you see a platoon of T-34's prowling through a field with their lower hulls obscured by wheat stalks you know you are in for something special!" An entire section is dedicated to gameplay improvements. All I have to say here is: "Build-Your-Own Factory!" If that wasn't enough, S&M nail down most of the plans for the CMBB demo. Also, there is a hint about potential plans for retail sales of CMBB. To top it all off, the current state of CMBB is covered in a section that mentions that "...the game code is about 95% complete...!" If you'd like to read the entire article, swing on over to HomeLAN. Enjoy!
  11. VJ, Tired?! It's not even midnight there yet! :eek: I prefer a double-blind, tiny-medium scenario. Choose three that look good and let me know what your choices are before you do the set-up. I would hate to have already played the one you choose. Also, if you'd like to be the attacker, be my guest. Soccer cures fat!
  12. VJ, I'll play you, on one condition: clean up that post that made the thread "fat."
  13. For some reason, that song "The Pied Piper" came to mind... :cool:
  14. More results from the Newbie Rejects: Voidhawk (German, 55) and ASLer (Polish, 45) played to a draw in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to voidhawk!
  15. More results from the SuperNewbies: YankeeDog (Polish) defeated Zitadelle (German),56-43, in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to YankeeDog!
  16. Guys, I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure it is impossible to get rounding errors. Also, I have never run across a percentage-points-to-victory-level conversion in the manual. I believe somebody posted their findings here on the forum a long time ago, but I have no idea when that was. So, not only do I have no new information, but I also shot down both ideas. Damn, I'm good...
  17. Toran, I really don't know how that point got lost. Without flags, the score should be determined by the units eliminated, captured, and exited. The only variable I could see that may fit is if a unit was accidently exited off the side of the map instead of the end, but that's just a guess.
  18. The Alterna Bowl has officially begun! There will be two sections: the Competition; and the Exhibition. Part 1-The Competition I have been doing a lot of thinking about the Newbie Tournaments. In particular, I have been mulling over the question of what the whole purpose of the tournament is. Among other things, I came to the conclusion that we are trying to match inexperienced players in order to have fun and gain experience. I believe that is generally what is taking place. However, there is one group that is being left out. I am referring to the tournament Alternates. They, like the Players, signed up to play CM with other Newbies and, by God, that's exactly what they will do! I have decided to make a secondary competition for the Alternates. This will keep all of you who "did not make the cut" involved with the process, so that you are ready to jump into the fray if it is needed. The scenarios I am designing for the Alternates will be different from the ones being used in the actual tournament (but they will provide just as many challenges). For each round, each Alternate will play one scenario against another Alternate from the same bracket. The opponents will be rotated for the first three rounds and an aggregate score will be tallied for each Alternate. The Alternates with the highest aggregate score from each bracket and a Wildcard (the highest-scoring Alternate that did not lead a bracket) will advance to the semi-finals! The time limits for completing the scenarios will be similar to that of the formal tournament. There will be six weeks alotted for each round. Since the first three rounds will involve each Alternate playing only one scenario, there should be no problem completing it in six weeks. The final round will be divided into two three-week legs. The first leg will be the semi-finals and the second leg will be the championship. If an Alternate is needed to fill a spot in the tournament, the option to do so will be given in the order in which the Alternates are listed in the brackets. If this happens, that Alternate will be eliminated from the Alterna Bowl. If an alternate Alternate cannot be found, a back-up system will be implemented for determining the winner of that bracket. Part 2-The Exhibition Now, just in case you thought there was a limit to my dedication to this tournament, I'm here to tell you there is not! As Players and Alternates are eliminated from the tournament, they will be thrown onto the Loser Pile and given the chance to get involved in the Alternate Bowl. Of course, they will not be eligible to win the coveted Alterna Cup, but they will be allowed to play the scenarios. This will be on a "for fun" basis and no scores will be recorded. There will be no deadlines enforced for completing the scenarios, but I ask that you attempt to keep things going at a decent clip. There will be five scenarios used in the Alterna Bowl (one each for Rounds 1-3 and two for Round 4). Players will be allowed to play only the scenario(s) currently or previously used by the Alternates. How do I get an opponent, you ask? Well, that's simple. When you are eliminated from the tournament, just post a message in the official tournament thread (i.e. here) and let people know you are looking to play. Once you have found an opponent for a particular scenario, please edit your post to let others know. See the first page of this thread for the match-ups and the Loser Pile. Good luck!
  19. More results from the Newbie Rejects: Newlife (Polish) defeated Bog (German),66-34, in Blind Man's Bluff. Congratulations to Newlife! [ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: SuperTed ]</p>
  20. More results from the SuperNewbies: Toran29 (German) defeated Witko (Polish),56-43, in Blind Man's Bluff. (Yes, that's the first score without a total of 100 points.) Congratulations to Toran29!
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rucrazee: SuperTed, On your Newbie Tourney results page. Sir Uber General's score should be 51 vice 52. Thanks for all the hard work and the nail biting fun you have provided. I would like to play some of you guys for fun when this all wraps up. Please let me know if any of you are interested.<hr></blockquote> Rucrazee, Thanks for the heads up.
  22. It appears reports of Mensch's demise at Der Kessel were premature.
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