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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by Canuck_para:

    Strange question but.. suppose a British unit captures Paris but is cut off. Can that unit draw supply from Paris or is supply an HQ feature?[/QB]


    Supply can be drawn from an HQ or a friendly city.

    [ April 25, 2002, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  2. Originally posted by Treeburst155:


    If you want your guys to devote time & energy to an unbalanced scenario, fine by me. If you would rather not, then Nabla and I can take care of that one. I'm aware that deliberately "bad" scenarios is not what Boots & Tracks is all about. smile.gif Thanks, Nabla, for volunteering here if Boots & Tracks would rather not spend time on it...

    ...Someone mentioned keeping the scenario designers anonymous. This is a good idea IMO. Some are familiar enough with some designers to devise tactics based on that knowledge of design style. The scenario designers would have their names put in "lights" at the end, before the scores are revealed...

    Treeburst155 out.


    Actually, it will be no problem getting them all done. Also, removing the names will be easy too.

  3. Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

    OK. Thanks. smile.gif :cool:

    Can an air fleet be divided, so it could conduct more than one mission? Say I have purchased a 10 strength air fleet, could I use 5 for escort and save five factors for attacking a ground unit on the same turn? Or do I have to use the whole fleet on any one mission?

    And back to a prior question, do I have to wait until an air fleet is reduced in order to have a smaller unit? Say I want a 3 or 4-factor fleet in Bordeaux to help monitor the Atlantic -- how could I do that? I wouldn't want to waste a whole 10 sized fleet on air-patrol, so could I buy a lesser sized air fleet?


    Units cannot be split. This applies to creating two smaller units or using a unit for multiple missions in a turn.

    No, you cannot buy understrength units. The only way to get the Bordeaux fleet you want is to assign a damaged unit to the job.

  4. Originally posted by WineCape:

    Including a “fun” scenario (i.e. one that is deliberately unbalanced) seems to be a good idea Mike, more so because you use the Nabla Scoring System which does not need balanced scenario’s to score participants results. I don’t think that SuperTed’s Boots and Tracks team will object here – it’s less testing work for them ;)


    Charl Theron


    Since we are so good at getting scenarios balanced, it wil be more work to have to make one that is not. :eek:

    But seriously, I can't imagine why adding one (or more) of these abominations would be a bad thing. Of course, it could always be released as a single-player scenario later and the issue of balance would be irrelevant.

  5. Bart,

    When I did the board wargame thing 100 years ago, my two favorites were Squad Leader and Third Reich. Since Combat Mission has taken the place of SL, it seems only natural that something should take the place of TR. Strategic Command should do just that. smile.gif

    The man who runs the beta show is Madmatt. Send him an email (matt@battlefront.com) if you would like to join the show.

  6. Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    My guess is that they will make an attempt to present us with balanced scenarios, but I don't think they will go to any great effort to determine balance since we will be doing that for them. SuperTed may correct me here. He knows what will be going on with scenario development. I'm only guessing.


    These scenarios will be treated no differently than if they were going directly to the public. In other words, they will be subjected to the same scrutiny as any other scenarios we design. So, they will be as balanced as we can make them.

    We only apply one set of standards when we design scenarios. We want players to expect ALL B&T scenarios to meet those standards, whether they are playing in a tournament or against a friend.

  7. Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    .....and speaking of scenario designers, I have just found all the designers we need! In fact, I have found an entire team of designers who have offerred to produce ALL the scenarios for our upcoming WineCape CMBB tournament.

    Our scenarios will be created by none other than the Boots & Tracks scenario design team!!

    The Boots & Tracks team consists of seventeen people and is headed up by Team Leader, Ted Quincey (Superted). SuperTed is enthusiastic about the project and is determined to give us the quality scenarios we desire. Each scenario will be delivered to me as an "Official Boots & Tracks Scenario", having met the high standards required for such a distinction.

    To find out more about Boots & Tracks, who the designers are, etc., go to BOOTS & TRACKS.

    Let's hear it for the Boots & Tracks Scenario Design Team!! Thanks, guys!

    Now we need only wait for CMBB to be released. At least I'm well out in front on this tourney. I can relax for awhile. I have a feeling we may have to wait some for the new game. The 3D modelling contest just ended a little while ago. How many new models will be in CMBB? 200? 250? How long does it take to do all that work?

    Anyway, we're all lined up and ready to go when the game hits. While you guys are getting familiar with the game, Boots & Tracks will be working on our scenarios.

    I'll keep this thread alive for people to get on the waiting list, and for people to bow out if Real Life goes on the offensive. Check this thread regularly for any new developments, my new Game Results and AAR Submission Procedures, etc.. This thread is the source for your CMBB tourney news.

    Thanks again, Boots & Tracks!

    Treeburst155 out.

    Thanks for the warm fuzzies, TB. smile.gif

    Yes, you folks heard right. B&T will be making the scenarios for what may well be the first CMBB tournament. We are proud to be a part of another fine TB and Winecape tournament.

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