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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperTed:

    [QB </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    Would you like to watch a football game where your favorit team was restricted to using spectators from the crowd as it's players? ;)

    Sounds like a Bears game to me. tongue.gif </font>
  2. Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

    Well done Superted for exposing someone who is obviously a very bad sport and a cheat. More power to you. There is no worse feeling than playing a game of CM against someone who you later prove to be a cheat, believe me!


    Jim R.


    Agreed. I've been burned too and it really sucks when people loss sight of why we play games. Oh well...

  3. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Dirty laundry? Only fools and cheaters would like to see it ignored.

    Corruption and dishonour cannot survive where dirty linen is hung out for all to see.

    SuperTed is a true asset to the CM community, donating his time and effort selflessly to try to enrich the experience and enjoyment of others.

    You are a nasty little blight with no apparent positive contributions at all, except a willingness to sound-off about things that you know less about than honour.

    In the nicest possible way, can I just say: Sod Off.

    One wonders if you don't have some sort of agenda or connection to the acknowledged cheater.

    Oh, and it should be 'don't you folks have anything better to do'. Halfwit.


    Yeah, you tell 'im! :D


  4. Originally posted by dima:


    Yeah, lets bring more dirty laundry into CM forum.

    Don't you folks have nothing better to do (like finally redesign that CMHQ website ?)


    If a person goes to great lengths to cheat, I feel he should be properly rewarded for his efforts. I can think of no better reward than letting the world know so Cauldron can enjoy his moment of fame.

    About the CMHQ redesign, would you like to step into my shoes for a day? I contribute on average five hours per day on the various things I do in the CM community. If I knew how to work with HTML, I would be able to contribute more to the CMHQ redesign. In the meantime, I'll just stick to:

    -running the Boots & Tracks team;

    -gathering and disseminating news at CMHQ;

    -updating the links page at CMHQ;

    -working with Manx on the redesign of CMHQ;

    -running the Newbie Tournament (BTW, I am the only tournament director that does it all: scenario design and tournament administration);

    -responding to unenlightened, selfish comments; and

    -many things about which you'll likely never know.

    So, feel free to contribute to the community even half as much as I do. Until then, I shall take your comments for what they are: pointless.

  5. Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    You did what you had to do Ted. Don't feel bad because of some sore looser's inability to handel a match in a friendly toruney. You're a better tournament director because of it: You know when to take action when it is needed! ;)

    Go Ted, go Ted! It's your birthday, it's your birthday! :D


    Actually, what makes me feel bad is the fact that Cauldron will likely never enjoy CM (or any other game) for what it is. He is too busy finding ways around the challenges presented by the game that he fails to realise those very challenges are why we play the game.

    My birthday is in November. :rolleyes:

    Thanks. smile.gif

    [ March 18, 2002, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  6. Eric (Cauldron),

    I have been giving this situation a lot of thought and have come to the conclusion that you do not belong in the Newbie Tournament. First, you fabricate a story about a corrupt scenario and not being notified of reinforcements. Neither of these events have ever happened in CM and I believe you created this excuse because you did not like the way things were going in the scenario. So, you lied.

    Second, you claim that the scenario cannot be won from the Allied side. Since the average Allied score for "A Bridge Too Close" is 47.2 and the average German score is 41.8, I would say the edge goes to the Allies. Despite repeated attempts on my part to ask you what the problems were with the scenario, you refused to answer my questions. So, you deceived.

    Third, you made matters worse only minutes after receiving the first file for "Mighty Mouse." Again, you resorted to making ridiculous claims that the Germans were going to have Pz IVs. There is NOTHING in the briefings that would indicate that. As a matter of fact, the French briefing states "...spotter aircraft have reported lightly-armored formations..." I have no idea how you concluded that to mean medium tanks were on the way. You asked what your mission was and I explained that the final score would be determined only by losses.

    This, despite being completely accurate, did not satisfy you. So, you visited the forum in search of an AAR. You attempted to justify this by saying that you would do things differently than in the AAR. That is completely irrelevant. Having an AAR for a scenario is cheating, especially in a tournament where all sides are assumed to be playing the scenarios blind. So, you cheated.

    There is no room in the Newbie Tournament for somebody who feels they need to lie, deceive, and cheat.

    Good day, sir.


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