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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. Bah [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 01-18-2001).]
  2. Elijah Who Watches The Raging Sea wrote: > everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itelf." Hmmm... remind me never to visit your country. The natives don't sound very appealing. > Well, I'll ruin the suspense and just say, YK2's a 7.5 and Kitty's a strong 7 but makes up for it in bed. And I thought chauvinism was dead. Of course, I read a liberal broadsheet, so here's me thinking that feminism is sweeping the world and women don't like being owned any more.
  3. jshandorf wrote: > They all have names that sound like kitchenware being thrown down a flight of stairs. LOL A Canton named Sandra? Hmmm. Frankly, names aren't descriptive any more, they're just a label, so it doesn't matter what you call somebody. If I ever had children*, I would just make up names for them, since I'm not using a ready-made name when I don't even know what it's supposed to mean. That doesn't mean "He Who Watches Sheep" or "She Who Feels The Wind Blow", although that would be an awfully good idea. Something more along the lines of... Laylae. Of course it probably means "**** you" in Swedish. *which I wouldn't, because if they listened to their daddy they would become manic depressives and commit suicide as soon as they learned to speak.
  4. I remember the good old days when I played at 800x600. Then I got an ATI Nexus, and I'm not happy at anything less than 1600x1200, even though the frame rate suffers on larger maps. The highest resolution just seems different to me – it has a silky look about it that the others lack, even 1280x960. It's also the highest my monitor can cope with, @ 60Hz. Next stop, a 21" monitor and a Radeon or a GeForce or something. But it'll probably have a new computer attached, so it'll have to wait until I'm rich, which will be.... umm, get back to me on that one.
  5. Snake Eyes wrote: > I think it can be argued that the BAR was the original assault rifle. It was the original automatic rifle, hence the name. Otherwise it doesn't have many "assault" characteristics. Too big and not enough ammo in a clip. However well or badly it performed, it is inherently an LMG. The current British LMG is actually about as bad – it's just a long-barreled version of the assault rifle, so it lacks belt feed or a quick-change barrel.
  6. Wanklover MD wrote: > I am confused. Hey fellows, I think we can all die now, what do you say?
  7. Maximus wrote: > Of course these larger files require more VRAM to run, but it becomes a choice over quality over quantity. IMHO, I'll take quality over quantity anyday. But I'm playing at only 2048x1536 resolution, and high res mods cut down my framerate down to around 143 FPS! This kind of degradation is unacceptable. PLEASE FIX!!!! Or do somefink!!
  8. engy wrote: > The Germans ordered their Tiger tanks, IIRC, to "shell each house floor by floor until they completely collapsed". Yup, and that's what broke the British defence. Before that they were hanging on, but contrary to popular belief, even the strongest buildings don't last long in the face of direct HE fire. Another interesting angle – I can't remember whether I heard this here or read it in Cornelius Ryan's book (maybe both) – I think the Germans would fire AP to make a hole in the wall, and then put HE through afterwards. David
  9. Offwhite wrote: > Although I disagree with Flipper, it should be pointed out that in his original post he refers to infantry/tanks outside the destroyed building taking damage. Good thread on this subject: collapse cloud kills - blast rating? And generally concerning collapsing buildings: Buildings collapse too easily? Building Destruction damage to units.
  10. Good God, I've just realised – CM doesn't model bridge fatigue, does it? And if your Royal Tiger is out of ammo you should be able to ram wooden bridges and knock them down! Umm... the answer is yes. =)
  11. Nah, it was funnier when dalem said it. He's got style. You, on the other hand, have frozen extremities.
  12. dalem wrote: > I refrain from posting thread topics like "I ONLY GOT TO THIRD BASE WITH MY SISTER TONIGHT - POSSIBLE BUG?". If only out of respect for the fact that that's only funny for about five seconds. Have I never told you about the time I nearly died watching Hot Shots Part Deux, or the time someone told a joke and everyone laughed, whereas I was paralysed with hysterics for the subsequent half-hour? And I can think of two occasions where I was getting a bollocking and I couldn't keep a straight face. Moriarty wrote: > However, when the 14-inchers came in on T-2, taking out the KT, a StuG, 3 of 4 HTs, etc., it was apparent this wasn't your mama's Last Defense. Now that is funny. David Managing Director Rent-An-Easily-Amused-Halfwit
  13. *Captain Foobar* wrote: > Oh gee, thanks for that. I try to reach out, and all I get is pissed on. Ha, what do you expect? We're men, we don't know how to express our feelings and honesty embarrasses us, so instead of reflecting it we ridicule it. Anyway, I am suffering from sleep deprivation and any loud noise is likely to break what remains of my sanity, so feel honoured that I deemed you worthy of my pointless rambling. I also think that some of the recent posts here were extremely funny, which illustrates just how buggered up I am in the head. Enough of this merriful gaiety! To arms! Into the breach!
  14. Maximus wrote: > I mean people (not you in general) complain about the graphic quality of CM and then there's nice hi-res textures out there and then people don't use them. I play CM at the highest resolution my monitor supports, which happens to be about the maximum the game will run smoothly at with my graphics card (1600x1200). Therefore I'm reluctant to install any high resolution bitmaps for fear of slowing the frame rate. I think these modifications are very impressive, but considering I don't usually spend much time closely examining my tanks and buildings, I don't really feel they're necessary. It just so happens that CM allows you to zoom in and take a better look at things. I think fancy textures are more appropriate to the kind of games you play at low resolution, because you tend to get closer to them in that environment. That's just off the top of my head – I wouldn't hesitate to gorge CM on these modifications if I had framerate to spare. Once I get a G4 maybe... =) David
  15. *Captain Foobar* wrote: > My life is complicated. This is the only refuge I have from all the insidious bastards trying to wreck my life. Nope, looks like they're here too. > I need help. Join the club. > I am hurt and angry. Congratulations, you exist and you are human. Beyond that we're not quite sure, but there do appear to be signs of animation. > I will try to find my way back here, if any of you have any advice for me. Let's see... okay; prevention is better than cure; a stitch in time saves nine; honesty is the best policy; the truth is out there; trust nobody; never assume people know what they're talking about; and most importantly of all... umm... I've forgotten. > I love you all.... You need help. Oh, you know already.
  16. If you people don't stop producing impressive textures, I might have to start using them.
  17. Does anyone else think that the board has seen a revival in actual, useful, historical discussions? Seems all the dOoDz have got fed up and are playing Rogue Spear (sit down bauhaus!) while they wait for CM2, leaving the board for people who have something worthwhile to say. Or maybe I just think all the threads are useful because I haven't had much sleep recently and I'm not going to get it anytime soon. Inner Croda: Get back to work, you moron!
  18. Does it give you a penetration report – y'know, "Side turret penetration, internal armour flaking"? Is LOS reduced when the tank is buttoned? Can you shoot at sound contacts?? ------------------ 1) My troops ran out of the building as it was being damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! 2) Hey! My troops stayed in the building as it got damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! – Mr. Clark
  19. Oh no, the Peng has returned! Quick, push Mace under the surface! Someone throw the newbies at him – we might have time to sort this place out before he's finished with them! ------------------ 1) My troops ran out of the building as it was being damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! 2) Hey! My troops stayed in the building as it got damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! – Mr. Clark
  20. stevetherat wrote: > My pet has just had a bout of the squirts. [...] Mind you, he has been eating his deposits lately. Can someone please remind me what pets are for? Mess-cleaning training for having children? Discussion topic for people fascinated by bodily functions and embarrassing ailments? Memory aid so that you'll know if you've done your yoga because you'll be covered in shedded hair? Channel for surplus cash which pet food manufacturers and veterinarians can surely make better use of? Geez, if you wanted a small furry animal to molest you could just buy a stuffed one – far cheaper and cleaner, and the cops don't show up if you get carried away. ------------------ 1) My troops ran out of the building as it was being damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! 2) Hey! My troops stayed in the building as it got damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! – Mr. Clark
  21. Marlow wrote: > Anyone else have conditions to add? No kissing or petting.
  22. So Madmatt spilled beer over the server again, eh? You'd think Steve would have house trained him by now. Okay, who's sponsoring this episode of the Peng Thread? jd associates? Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service? Oh look, it's Meeks Polar (Bear) Exploration. Okay fellows, here are your t-shirts, make sure you don't cross your arms over the logo. ------------------ 1) My troops ran out of the building as it was being damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! 2) Hey! My troops stayed in the building as it got damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry! – Mr. Clark
  23. I think all this discussion of hull rotation brings up an important point: If you're trying to attack someone, all you need is a friend to distract them! You approach your target, who readies themselves for a frontal attack and keeps their thickest armour facing you. Then your friend approaches from the flank, and your target turns to face this new threat (in v1.05 they would only have turned their head to look). Now that their weaker flank armour is exposed, you can proceed to punch them in the kidneys! If, however, they ignore the flanking threat and remain facing you, your friend can punch them in the kidneys instead! The CM forum is such a wealth of useful information.
  24. I think we should follow jd's lead when it comes to Peng Thread, next incarnation, title thereof. "THE BLOODY PENG CHALLENGE THREAD: ESCAPE FROM DOWN UNDER" is so macho and 70's. We need something fresh, modern, stylish, something reflecting our 21st Century values (admittedly little different from our 16th Century values, but nevertheless). I have taken the liberty of spending £20,000 on the services of a corporate image consultant, who has appraised the message the Peng Thread is seeking to convey, and has produced for us a stunning new title. He has agreed to sell us the rights to this for only a further £50,000, and I think you'll agree that's money well spent. Behold the fruit of his labours: pC The thinking behind this is so complex I can't begin to relate it to you. However, to merely scratch the surface, I think you can see that the basic components are the words "Peng" and "Challenge". This is truly a revolution in the history of the thread, and it will surely propel us into a new era.
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