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Everything posted by Titan

  1. Well said soll,i agree balance with a slight tilt towards quality would be my answer.Many a large army has been defeated by a smaller but higher quality,example Iraq 91, Falklands 82.Germany vrs france 40
  2. One as the US could also invest heavily in Tech in Air power and somewhat lesser in Naval and pulverise any Axis coastal units and bombard ports etc. If the germans were fighting in the east it would be a real drain on them to continually replenish thier Airpower in the west and would also force them to invest in Tech in that area to compete.All that while fighting the reds will surely takes its toll.Even when the opportunity presents itself some small scale landings to keep an Axis player on his toes and force him to commit garrisons. Eventally leading up to a full on invasion in conjuction with the Brits would be the end result. But with the US i think patience is the Key here and chip away at the axis taking out far flung areas such as norway etc
  3. Good points there Jeff.I think SC seems to be at the level it is designed to be,and that is a nice introduction for newbie strategic gamers and a good enjoyable game for us Gronards. But if there is a SC2 for me to revist buying it,it would have to be a level up of what we have here presently as farr as complexity and detail go.I have ordered SC which im looking forward to,but i wouldnt buy another unless it had a few of the options and then some that Jeff talked about.some others would be Supply Weather effects Weekly Turns throughout year,one needs to fight during winter. Production would be something i would like to see more planned High Command did it perfectly, You order a battleship and it takes 1 year to be built etc More hexs or halfed as Jeff said Also i think ww2 on a Global Scale is a must with the option to play just the pacific war or european war as Scenarios as oppoesed to a stand alone game. If there is a SC2 it would have to make some moves towards the above to grab my interest.Im only posting this so Hubert can see what gamers want so as to help with his thoughts if he decides to make another
  4. Being a former New Zealand infantryman (Section commander),i find also the US is cumbersome in its use of its military.And maybe not the most effecient around either.But the resourses of the US military are almost endless and i think a military sometimes models itself off the nation in general,IE: lets look at the soviet army for example,Cumbersome and abit backward nationally and very ineffectant with its resourses and it has been since ww1 right up until today with its army as well.The States is the land of plenty and also a nation of disposal,if it broke buy a new one, plenty of everything.Its military could bomb any nation into oblivion with missles and bombs well before it ran out of them. Lets look at New Zealands Army for example,very small in world standards but everything is used to the utmost,each soldier is trained to a very high standard in comparison to US and Russia and also very versitle.Me for example was trained on the mortars in all positions,SFMG platoon,rifleman,grenadre,parachuting,plus may other skills.And that was gernerally the Norm for most Kiwi Soldiers if not even more.So the point here is our resourses are alot more limited so one tends to squeeze alot more out of what we got. But the point is the US military despite some of its shortfalls does things the way it does because it can afford to,im sure we would be the same if we had that Luxury as well. So i do agree it maybe is not the best but when in a sitation it has the sqeeze on it im sure we would see some amazing things,look at Bastonge for example or the battle of the bulge in general. And on the other hand look at Vietnam it was at its worst,lots of money,plenty of men just lots of everything and never utilised what it had very well.New Zealand and Australia had much smaller contributions to that war and made sure that what we sent was top notch because of the fact that we didnt have much and had the luxury to pay alot more attention to the individual as opposed to a massed produced soldier. Just my thoughts on this matter [ July 26, 2002, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Titan ]
  5. Great job fella's ,i love that wide screen and some of those big looking holes in da ground
  6. Whats bad is the Aggressive and selfish manner that you made your Demands!!!!! I would say you should do a anger managment course before you Start playing SC again
  7. Mr Garvey,It is your right to complain and express yourself as a potential buyer.But if it makes you that upset you dont have to buy it or even play the demo anymore.You still have that choice. Instead of acting like a cold fish i would think you could have a tiny bit of empathy,as Superted said this is Huberts first game and i think it is first class,and bear in mind it is only $25.00.And if that is your only gripe, well i dont think he has done to bad.Most other games out there you need to pay alot more than that!!!!! Sure you dont have your desk top issue but alot of other games do have issues. So $25.00 and with the support VIA Patches i think things are rosey. combat mission was world class and nobody can deny that and it did abit of growing after launch as well,so give it time my friend at least you have all your Arms and legs,so know need to react in such a manner over such a thing. [ July 20, 2002, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Titan ]
  8. Deal done 77966. Most likely the first on its way to Kiwi land
  9. I dont know about that.From the start of 39 time ticks away and the Germans get weaker as the allies get stronger.That will get you a German defeat in most cases.I think just surving as german could be a challange. Like you say, you hands are done for and only have your little finger left time is against the kraut. I made my mind up on that one after looking at the Red Horde in superteds picture.
  10. Who is going to use which Mod.
  11. You da man thats for sure hurbert,but to be a ledgend we need the whole world for the next one nothing less
  12. Carl Von Mannerheim, Good quote from a German trapped in stalingrad. Well i think i shall take the shotgun approach and immeadiatley seek 3-4 pbem games with myself going Allies and Axis .I will hook striagt into it and learn as i go.
  14. Sounds good.One thing about your Sub Strategy it would be intersting to no if the AI also does research,as the war progresses a human Allied player would be sure to counter it.1940-1941 were high points for the german subs,i doubt weather an Axis player could maintain that for long against a human allied player over the course of the war. However i guess it does the job for a time which means you would have to make hay while the sun shines
  15. I agree with aesop on this one,both games have there place. After playing EU2 for abit its a different ball game to SC. You could punch out a pbem game or a hotseat in a very short time.Many games of that genre take many mnths to play.It will certainly have a place on my gaming shelf at home.
  16. At the end of the day if its something we really want a few cents & Dollars wont put anyone off.
  17. remeber not everyone here lives in the US.So $25.00 is good value for you,But if you live in NZ you are looking at $50.00 approx plus shipping so close to $75.00 NZ.Or Aussie i guess would be around $60.00 Odd. Im sure there are many countries where people would be worse off.So one could put the price up but the time we have to pay for it ,it multiplies quite considerably for us with every dollar. So yes one could give battlefront encouragement to put the price up,but im sure a few pontential buyers would drop out,therefore there would be a less enriched player database to play against and also to participate in the Forums.and less people recommending friends to buy,so i guess it can be sprat to catch the mackeral attitude,when it comes to putting a price on a game ready to be marketed.I say at $25.00 US it is value for money for my situation,anymore then i would think abit harder abit it,Affordability is not the question but hey if i gotta pay that much i might as well keep playing TOAW (EA) or wait for HOI to be realeased.But at $25.00 US one does not think twice
  18. Thanks for the prompt reply. I can live with that,i didnt expect this game to have it as i understand where its comming from,but the alternative is good.
  19. Will it's effects be in?? IE: Germans in Russia suffered in 41 and it seriously weakend them. [ June 24, 2002, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: Titan ]
  20. I really question the value of bombing at all. When the allied player is earning about 300 odd points between the French and British and doing a bombing run just to kill 3-5 mmp's is Hardly worth it other than drawing in enemy Air Defences. It is also very expensive to replace lost bombers as well and i think the lost mmp's are no-where near enough to make it worth while.
  21. As far as PTO goes i would not buy that after i get the European theater.As i said in an Earlier post it should go global war with the PTO as a scenario. It most likey would make sense for Hurbert to make PTO and then then make a global war that way as the developer he could sqeeze abit more life out of the game engine and $$$$$ of course,not that there is anything wrong with that.But from a gamers point of veiw it would be much better to get the big picture. Some games could get away with it but i dont think this could as the scale is to small.Ive played the demo,and just having to manage the Euro theater is fun and very managable,i could cope with full global warfare in about another 5 minutes of playing [ June 17, 2002, 02:06 AM: Message edited by: Titan ]
  22. I cant understand your post, You said the game looked good and then go on to contradict that statement by saying it looked bland.You need to remeber this is Grand Strategy which traditionaly is not eye candy material.
  23. He evryone wants the Perfect game but it will never be so,Just like we want there to be the perfect world,It will be perfect until you show up:). But the game looks like to be fun.
  24. Definatley the undo and the replay.No replay takes away that bit of excitment,like CM has when you target that AT gun against that tank and have to wait for next turn to see result.Just to see a report is abit boring and Cheap.
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