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Battlefront is now Slitherine Ɨ


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. John Did you read anything that was written about this nonsense in the previous posts? Really, I can not even be bothered to deal with this kind of rubbish anymore. So Eisenhower was a Jew, bad at West-Point, did not eat his wheaties as a boy, and killed 1.7m German POWs. All without a single source, with claims that are obviously total nonsense, such as Ambrose supporting this, and all driven by some demented agenda. And you fall for it. Again, and again, and again.
  2. That maybe the famous case of Bayerlein talking about the attack. It is important to remember that he appears to have been a bit of a drama queen though, and while casualties were heavy, the bombers actually hit the Fallschirmjaeger on the left flank harder. Ritgen (Westfront 1944) appears to be a more reliable source there, and according to him Panzerlehr regained a permanent frontline by midnight without reinforcement, despite the chaos and the losses, and it took another major effort by the US forces to break through on the 26th. On the evening of the 25th they had only made it half-way through the bombing zone, and they were not just help up by cratering. I would be interested in the US view of things. All the best Andreas
  3. That is rather an indication of where they were (astride the US breakout route), instead of what they were. Heavy bomber strikes were employed against 89th Infantry Division during Totalize and the garrison of Walcheren. Neither of which I have ever heard being described as somehow outstanding in their skill and abilities. All the best Andreas
  4. No idea after checking 'Go to it'. But you can give them fire support from HMS Arethusa (6") if you feel like it. All the best Andreas
  5. Yes,but IIRC, the Opfor is the best of the best when it comes to Soviet doctrine. Being better than most Opfor units themselves. Kind of like taking Panzer Lehr Division made up of instructors against a new American armored division never before in combat. Results would be as you said, "almost always result in a victory for the Lehr (OPFOR)." </font>
  6. The Polish Tank Brigade 'Heros of the Westerplatte' used T34/76 well into the battle for Danzig. BT-7 (an uparmoured and re-engined version from what I have read) were apparently used by Leningrad front in 1944, and pretty certainly in Manchuria in 1945. There are also reports that T60 were still used in Leningrad in 1944, and IIRC the history of Stug Brigade 276 mentions T70 in Poland in 1944. It was a big war, a lot of things were possible, and freakish outliers did occur (e.g. it is entirely imaginable that BT-7 battled Somua S-35 on the Leningrad approaches in February 1944) but I agree with Stefan on what a standard assault group should look like. BTW Stefan ITBEv4 is now on TPG. All the best Andreas
  7. More debunking of Rezun: Military Thought Journal BTW - when the expression 'Sturm und Drang' is used in the way Dandelion describes it in his last para, it is often meant in an ironic way. Just to make that clear to our Danish readers. All the best Andreas
  8. There are at least two sig lines in Jason's excellent post. All the best Andreas
  9. PanzerspƤhwagen would normally be an 8-wheeler, not a halftrack. So my guess is the heavies would be short-barrelled 75s, while the light ones were any sort of PSW with a 20mm gun, German or captured. A guess, mind you. All the best Andreas
  10. Is that the same thing Kingfish is talking about or is the Canadian government making the same mistake as Colonel Worthington did about Hill 195? My guess is the movie project is about the BCR and the Algonquing Regiment's ill-fated night voyage. Let's see if they get the bit about the map-reading skills of the heroic Canadian commander right. Linky to MOD PDF Linky All the best Andreas
  11. The German officer was Major (?) Becker, of Becker's Baustab. ISTR these funnies were also called Becker's circus at some stage. He got into the conversion business very early, see e.g. the Schnelle Abteilung of 227. ID in Army Group North in 1942. Linky All the best andreas
  12. Nice movie too. All the best Andreas
  13. 102,000 tanks produced, with 30,000 remaining at the end of the war, does not correspond to 75% crew casualties. Many of those tanks were hit and repaired numerous times, and that is what produces an overall casualty rate of 75%. Tanks recovered and repaired are also what causes German tank kill numbers to be much higher than actual manufactured numbers. A fact that escapes many people on these forums. </font>
  14. The map was an experiment in what could be done, and is probably more like English than French country-side (I was living in Warwickshire at the time). I am glad you like it. The force mix has some realistic elements, but others are a bit fantasy, and that's why I would not do it again like that, and have not done something like it in a long time. Maybe there is a lesson for me as a designer in there, but if so, I refuse to learn it. All the best Andreas
  15. Seems to have worked out fine. Therefore it must be my natural talent. All the best Andreas
  16. Bert 49th Recce is an old CMBO scenario of mine. I am not sure I have it anymore, and the website hosting it is gone. All the best Andreas
  17. I noticed similar things, and was also missing: a) a critical examination of the discrepancy of Buechner's and the other claims a list or table of all those killed, at least by massacre site at Dachau that allows me to follow how they arrived at the quite exact figure of 520 in the end, which seems to me to come a bit out of the blue c) an explanation of how we arrive at the quite exact figure of 122 killed by noon? d) how they know the picture with the shovel was taken before, and not after the beating of the SS man? e) How the armed prisoner is ID'd as a 'communist'? f) How between pages the guard to be beaten with a shovel is suddenly to be beaten to death, when on the first page it is explicitly said that it is unknown whether he survived. I stop here - this is reasonably well-done revisionism, I have seen much cruder than this, but Maj. Kong is completely right, revision it is. Anyone taking that website at face value is willing to believe in lies. I also noted the direct comparison to the Malmedy massacre, and all I thought was WTF does this have to do with anything? All the best Andreas
  18. And for towed motorised it was MotZ, IIRC. Just as a pointless aside. All the best Andreas
  19. Back on topic, I rather enjoyed Valeri Popatov's spirited rebuttal of that Rezun non-sense. The failed Historian All the best Andreas
  20. @Tagwyn - rubbish. Have you got any proof for this? And no, your father's war stories ain't good enough. Maj Kong - the transcription of the US document provided by me (originating from the AHF) comes from a very trustworthy AHF forum member. I also recommend the divisional history 'The Rock of Anzio' where this event is treated in detail. Regards Andreas
  21. Hi Amedeo what I meant to say was that following his description I have no idea what it could have been. So whatever someone who actually knows these things thinks they were, I am happy to accept that. All the best Andreas
  22. Okay, note to self, never work from memory. First the chap's name is Moniushko. He calls it grapeshot, never had to use it, and explains it as having a density of 25-50 times greater than a machine gun firing 250rds/min, with all bullets spreading evenly. So, whatever that might be, they had it. All the best Andreas
  23. According to Red Army anti-tank gunner E. Moniushev in his memoirs, 76mm guns were issued cannister, not Shrapnel, and it was extremely effective at close-in defense. I agree that it is overmodelled when it comes to troops within cover. All the best Andreas
  24. I would not design another game like this, too much of a mix of forces, etc. If somebody wants to make a remake for CMAK, you are most welcome to, as long as the appropriate credit is given. Just email me. I have a converted map on my computer, thanks to Junk2drive IIRC, and have already given permission for the map to be used at the random reinforcement site. All the best Andreas
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