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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. I just did - AFAIK in the first instance by ordering from BTS through the internet (distribution from Ireland, ISTR). I guess it is because Mac users are not only more beautiful, intelligent, and desirable, but also more internet savvy. So there.
  2. Haven't heard from you for a while. Where's that shrubbery you promised. Get on with it.
  3. A few answers. The support elements would be the plethora of additional tank and artillery that I listed in the first post. No idea what guns they were. I would suspect they were so close because this was a strongpoint in the frontline. Probably ATGs, IGs, captured Soviet 76.2mm guns etc.pp. I would expect the heavy artillery to be further back. Some translations I forgot last night: SB - Rifle Battalion (Soviet) GLR - Guards Airborne Regiment Gut - Manor House/Farm IR - Infantry Regiment (German) ID - Infantry Division (German) Geb.Div. (rum) - Romanian Mountain Division Am Morgen des - on the morning of Am 20.8. gegen 14 Uhr - 20/8 at about 1400
  4. A few answers. The support elements would be the plethora of additional tank and artillery that I listed in the first post. No idea what guns they were. I would suspect they were so close because this was a strongpoint in the frontline. Probably ATGs, IGs, captured Soviet 76.2mm guns etc.pp. I would expect the heavy artillery to be further back. Some translations I forgot last night: SB - Rifle Battalion (Soviet) GLR - Guards Airborne Regiment Gut - Manor House/Farm IR - Infantry Regiment (German) ID - Infantry Division (German) Geb.Div. (rum) - Romanian Mountain Division Am Morgen des - on the morning of Am 20.8. gegen 14 Uhr - 20/8 at about 1400
  5. Only a silly English bee would bang coconuts...
  6. That is because the Mac version will have to be ordered from the US. CDV is not distributing it. Runs very well on the Mac by the way, I have seen it on a Lime iMac, and run the beta on a G4/400 stock graphics card.
  7. Is that a European or an African mosquito?
  8. Please, do go on sharing your inadequacies when it comes to the handling (no pun intended) of members of the female persuasion. We're all ears, really... In the meantime, here is somefink you may want to check out. Help for the lawyer...
  9. Ozzy, great post. Now anyone interested in whether the German law should be changed, should read this book
  10. I know! Been a while that one saw that. Hey Ryan, what grass are you using in those screenshots ?
  11. My Lady, you have a heart of gold, and more sense than the rest of the sorry ragtag of losers assembled here (not that it takes much). I wonder how that goes with hanging around Berli, but there we are, and have to take things as they come. I once frequented these... netherworlds... but now I am too busy being important, otherwise I would make sure to stop by if only for the pleasure of your company. I hope you have a lovely evening in Chicago or where ever you are, and wish you a good night. With the kindest regards from London, Andreas Ps. I do sincerely hope you find the picture I sent acceptable, and I look forward to the results of your endeavours.
  12. It looks to me as if this was what happened, and 3rd Ukrainian Front brought the assault divisions near Shtat (is that the right term to use?). Interestingly, 66th Rifle Corps drops off the narrative after 2 days of the operation after an action at Kauschany Wek. A map of the encirclement has them at the outer Eastern edge, indicating they had a fairly 'easy' job. This could indicate that they were hit by the breakthrough operation to such a degree that they needed a bit of R&R. In that case, they would lose the attachments, and these would scuttle off doing what they do best elsewhere. I have scanned a map that shows German defenses in the strongpoint of Leontina, and should answer some questions about positioning of guns etc. This is the sector that was attacked by the other Rifle Corps of 37th Army, 6th Guards. Unfortunately the division is not given, and neither is any info on statistics relating to the unit. The attack itself was carried out by 30th Guards Airborne Regiment on 20th August 1944.
  13. It looks to me as if this was what happened, and 3rd Ukrainian Front brought the assault divisions near Shtat (is that the right term to use?). Interestingly, 66th Rifle Corps drops off the narrative after 2 days of the operation after an action at Kauschany Wek. A map of the encirclement has them at the outer Eastern edge, indicating they had a fairly 'easy' job. This could indicate that they were hit by the breakthrough operation to such a degree that they needed a bit of R&R. In that case, they would lose the attachments, and these would scuttle off doing what they do best elsewhere. I have scanned a map that shows German defenses in the strongpoint of Leontina, and should answer some questions about positioning of guns etc. This is the sector that was attacked by the other Rifle Corps of 37th Army, 6th Guards. Unfortunately the division is not given, and neither is any info on statistics relating to the unit. The attack itself was carried out by 30th Guards Airborne Regiment on 20th August 1944.
  14. To echo Rune's comments, I am not a trade fair bimbo (and don't look anywhere near as good as those do - hmmmmm, tade fair bimbos...), intent on showing off all the features of a tantalising new product. The preview is a nice way to meet some similarly unhinged people and see how they react to the game, as well as getting some comments from them. It is not for minute analysis of specific features, and the amount of beer involved means that sometimes people will even see things that are not there (hmmmm,, beeeeeer...). I want to have fun on the day, and not go through the mechanics of a specific command. If I did not have fun, I would not do it. I understand where you are coming from, and it is easy for me to say that, seeing that I have been playing this game for a while now, but really some things are best left for you to find out when you get your grubby paws on a copy.
  15. tero - in this sense it means "appear/suddenly appear". I do not know the distance to the MLR from artillery positions. Mazulenko specifically talks about long range scouts. Maybe they were seen as more reliable than partisans.
  16. tero - in this sense it means "appear/suddenly appear". I do not know the distance to the MLR from artillery positions. Mazulenko specifically talks about long range scouts. Maybe they were seen as more reliable than partisans.
  17. tero - the information here is from Mazulenko, and concerns the Soviet side. The Soviets had the MLR completely mapped, but unlike e.g. in the offensives in AG Central sector, did not send long-range scouts behind the enemy lines. The trenches would have been a problem for both sides, probably more so for the Soviets, since the Germans had the advantage of the terrain.
  18. tero - the information here is from Mazulenko, and concerns the Soviet side. The Soviets had the MLR completely mapped, but unlike e.g. in the offensives in AG Central sector, did not send long-range scouts behind the enemy lines. The trenches would have been a problem for both sides, probably more so for the Soviets, since the Germans had the advantage of the terrain.
  19. John, I would be interested to see if you have data on 37th and 27th Army in 3rd Ukrainian Front, because it does not look as bad as the data you have. The strength data I have is as follows: 27th Army 104th Rifle Corps </font> 206th RD 7077 men</font>4th Guards Airborne 9277 men </font>35th Guards Rifle Corps </font> 3rd Guards Airborne 7257 men</font>180th RD 7359 men </font>Unfortunately Mazulenko gives no data for 66th Rifle Corps. Judging from the relative homogeneity of these strength returns, I would assume the three divisions of that Corps to be roughly on that level too. Could the difference be because of the fact that this is before a big offensive, while e.g. your September figures are post a big offensive?
  20. John, I would be interested to see if you have data on 37th and 27th Army in 3rd Ukrainian Front, because it does not look as bad as the data you have. The strength data I have is as follows: 27th Army 104th Rifle Corps </font> 206th RD 7077 men</font>4th Guards Airborne 9277 men </font>35th Guards Rifle Corps </font> 3rd Guards Airborne 7257 men</font>180th RD 7359 men </font>Unfortunately Mazulenko gives no data for 66th Rifle Corps. Judging from the relative homogeneity of these strength returns, I would assume the three divisions of that Corps to be roughly on that level too. Could the difference be because of the fact that this is before a big offensive, while e.g. your September figures are post a big offensive?
  21. Repeat after me - the "Handbook of German Forces" is not a reliable/accurate source.
  22. Dorosh pleasant and humourous? Are you ovulating? I will have to grant you the constant posting. Is he not in the infantry? Set him free on the tank range, give him 5 mins headstart against a company of MBTs with no ammunition and let the games begin. Get me a beer and a folding chair, and do it now.
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