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Hakko Ichiu

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Everything posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. Hey, Lorak, yes you with the pointy ears. Take your stylus out of your posterior orifice and note the following: Geier - Had 3 Battalions of Veteran Yanqui infantry and Corps level artillery support, and made a very gamey last turn flag rush. Hakko Ichiu - A couple of Kubelwagen and some Volkssturm and played by the rules. Result -- Draw Let the legal challenges now commence. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  2. IIRC, mortars cannot fire from woods, except possibly from the very edge. Dense tree canopy has a nasty effect on outgoing rounds. I believe that scattered trees and tall pines are not a problem, however. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  3. Been planning to buy himself as a Valentine's Day gift. But now...
  4. Sorry, Berli, but it's a bit more complex than that. The Courts differentiate between "commercial" and other forms of speech. Since quite early in this century, "commercial" speech has been deemed unworthy of the same level of protection as other forms -- one of our resident barrators could no doubt cite you the relevant decisions. Also, IIRC, because the broadcast spectrum is a public good, it is liable to regulation by the FCC which seeks to uphold "community standards" wrt obscenity. Interestingly, one can see occasionally see nudity on PBS, presumably because anything on PBS is presumed to be "art". Cable television, on the other hand, runs on a private network, and I believe that they can show whatever they want; certainly, some channels do. I don't know if "basic cable" is subject to FCC obscenity codes, but certainly one can see uncut, R-rated movies on some of our local basic cable channels. Then again, the German idea of marketing is to show naked breasts next to every product. Up to 6 Groschen now. I think by 10 this thread'll have jumped to the General forum. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  5. The rise of the various himitsu kessha (secret societies) and Japan's desires for an Asian empire in the 19th and 20th Centuries can be traced back to a number of concepts that developed in its ancient past. The premiere concept exploited by the ultranationalists was a decree made by Emperor Jimmu in 660 AD, the policy of hakko ichiu (All eight corners of the world under one roof). While Emperor Jimmu's policy really only extended to Japan, China and Korea, the world he knew at the time, it was the belief that all of the world should be brought under the imperial rule of the divine Emperors, a sort of religious manifest destiny. While various leaders tried it over the centuries, it was a goal that was to color Japanese thinking through the Second World War. The tenets of the modern form of hakko ichiu were to develop after 1868 and would take the following form: 1) Japan is the center of the world, with its ruler, the Tenno (Emperor), a divine being, who derives his divinity through ancestral descent from the great Amaterasu-Omikami, the Goddess of the Sun herself. 2) The Kami (Japan's gods and godesses) have Japan under their special protection. Thus the people and soil of Dai Nippon and all its institutions are superior to all others. 3) All of these attributes are fundamental to the Kodoshugisha (Imperial Way) and give Japan a divine mission to bring all nations under one roof, so that all humanity can share the advantage of being ruled by the Tenno. 'Nuff info for ya'? And yes, someday I will control the entire world, oh yes, just you wait and see. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  6. Strictly speaking, this is censorship as it is a prior restraint on speech. Such a law would not pass Constitutional muster in the United States, which is perhaps why Maximus gets so worked up about it. In the U.S., the antidote to bad speech is not censorship, but more speech, as it is assumed that bad speech will eventually lose out in the marketplace of ideas. Whether this is true in all instances is, of course, open to debate. I would prefer free speech to be protected absolutely from government interference. As a fine German poet once said, "Dort, wo man Bücher Verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen". That having been said, I recognize both the different legal traditions underpinning law on the Continent, as well as the special circumstances surrounding the German Constitution. I frankly do not know how I would have reacted if, during my student days in Germany, I had seen numbers of Aryan youth walking around in Nazi attire, especially as I would have been bereft of the protections of the 2nd Amendment. Up to 4 Groschen at this point. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  7. IIRC, he was attaching the launcher, not the grenade. Ideally, the launcher would be attached before you came under fire.
  8. An issue that may need to be addressed is the potential for mods to add forbidden contents. There are mods available that, for whatever reason, replace, e.g., the Iron Cross of the German VL flag with the swastika. I don't recall if the face bmps for the Waffen-SS units show the runes on the uniform flashes or not, but I would be willing to bet that someone has made a mod that does show precisely that. Obviously, any rational person would not hold BTS responsible for the conduct of mod makers. That being said, however, laws are not always interpreted in ways most would consider rational. It would behoove BTS to find out if there is any precedent in the German courts. Just my non-lawyer 2 Groschen. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  9. Steve and Charles sat in their VIP box watching the finals of the All New England HMG Sprints. A team of Canadians was attempting to break the 100 meter record previously set by the Italians. Unfortunately, this was one of the infamous Canadian Welsh Regiments, so the resulting ...
  10. LOL "Rape a man's handle", hehheh, he said handle. Gotta like Sippenhaft's sig though. Of course, I do not approve of the shameless appropriation of the One, True, Mutha-beautiful Thread. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  11. steroids in a room full of Allkettenminenraumfahrzeuge. But that stems from certain ...
  12. I thought they ran the place... ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  13. ... Sustained rinsing from even the most advanced Schwersturmvolksspüler or ...
  14. Erm, my bad. The braincells devoted to katakana were a bit calcified. And you don't want to lose yet another Kitchensink debate to me, you Linkswichser. Off to Ireland with you and you can stay there. No, wait, I take that back, because Ireland is a nice place. You should be permanently deported to someplace more appropriate, like Essen. Baka yaroo, yotsuashi yabanjin. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  15. This is a common misconception about RGCB. I can see green and red on their own (as in traffic lights) w/o problem. The problem comes in blended colors, esp. blends of red and green, e.g., maroon, fuschia, etc. which appear muddy or are sometimes difficult to stare at for two long. There are people w/no color vision at all, but that is a much rarer condition. Changing the monitor settings has not helped me, but I'm not an expert on what changes might be done. My monitor won't act as a b&w monitor, so unless someone wants to do a b&w mod (WW2 just like it was in the newsreels), I don't see that as a solution. Of course, grey scale terrain elevation would probably work very well. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  16. From ze vay he talks, I'd zay Rechtsanwalt is more like ze Sensi-mann. But being a good operative of the previous junta, no doubt he didn't einatmen. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  17. For the curious, here's the URL Micromouse It's a pretty enthusiastic sales pitch. I scanned it, but it's way too dense for me to try to read thoroughly without killing my poor little brain. It does look like they've used a certain number of mods for their screen shots. I wouldn't say that BTS has changed its business model in any substantial way. The Japanese market is difficult and expensive for non-Japanese to market to, so finding an agent in-country merely adds incremental sales at no additional cost to BTS. Bringing in more Japanese players can only be positive for CM. Think of the mod potential. Anime panzers anyone? And the potential for cross-theater grogdom is practically unlimited. Now I know how to say Panzerschreck in Japanese (panshashureku, for the curious) ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 02-08-2001).]
  18. Liederhosen? No doubt that's where Nena's lyrics come from. And yes, Johan, that's cut and paste. Please put your Accept collection in the appropriate receptacle: any of your bodily orifices will do, but you get more points if it hurts. And while you are doing so, I will insert the Pengdiskussionsforumsuebereinkunftsvorschlag in the equivalent area of Mensch's anatomy, with suitable quantities of Apfelkorn for a lubricant. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  19. 1) That's fine, I'll just take my government subsidised Kururlaub while I wait for my papers to be processed. 2) Pommesfrites Rotweiss mit Currysenf, mmm. 3) If all the Germans went mad with NVCJD, who would notice? 4) I am doing so at the moment, as several former AFVs can testify 5) And anyone waking up after 5:00 a.m. is SOL if he wants a chair by the pool 6) Try this, crazy boy: Hast du etwas Zeit für mich, (dann) singe ich ein Lied für dich von 99 Luftballons auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont. Denkst du vielleicht g'rad' (gerade) an mich, (dann) singe ich ein Lied für dich von 99 Luftballons, und daß sowas von sowas kommt. 99 Luftballons auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont, hielt man für Ufos aus dem All, darum schickte ein General 'ne Fliegerstaffeln hinterher Alarm zu geben, wenn's so wär, dabei war'n dort am Horizont nur 99 Luftballons. 99 Düsenflieger, jeder war ein großer Krieger, hielten sich für Captain Kirk Es gab ein großes Feuerwerk, die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft und fühlten sich gleich angemacht, dabei schoß man am Horizont auf 99 Luftballons 99 Kriegsminister mit Streichholz und Benzinkanister hielten sich für schlaue Leute, witterten schon fette Beute. Bliesen Krieg und wollten Macht ! Mann, wer hätte das gedacht, daß es einmal soweit kommt wegen 99 Luftballons wegen 99 Luftballons 99 Luftballons 99 Jahre Krieg ... ließen keinen Platz für Sieger, Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr und auch keine Düsenflieger Heute zieh' ich meine Runden, seh' die Welt in Trümmern liegen, hab'n Luftballon gefunden, denk' an dich und laß in fliegen. 7-10) And you can stuff the rest of your silly rules in your Ostfriesischen brain-pan. And how come I went to all the effort and not one word of thanks? Ingrates. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
  20. Magic Decrypt -- Security Clearance Bigot -- Destroy After Reading (Note: Translated from German to Japanese to English. Some vagaries may have resulted -- Hut 3) The wise student invests in loss. The master does not seek the Void, but finds it and becomes one with it. What is to be thrown down is first raised up, what is to be withdrawn if first bestowed. You want another piece of me? Come get some. [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 02-07-2001).]
  21. Ladies and Gentlemen: Leather Tiger Press (Amsterdam, de Nederlands), world famous publishers of Grog Porn™, is proud to announce its latest release. Herewith an excerpt from: A Boy and His Gun: An Instruction Manual for the Inexperienced Soldier on the Care and Use of His Equipment. … As he sat alone in his gun emplacement, away from the prying eyes of his commanding officer, Corporal Harry Palmes contemplated his Bofors 40mm Anti-Aircraft Gun Mk2. Harry really enjoyed his gun. He liked to look at it. He liked to read the field manuals that told him how to use it. He loved to touch it, to run his hands along the steely length of its barrel, to press them hard on the spongy roundness of its two tow-wheels, to feel the heaviness of the cased ammunition in his cupped hands. Just the thought of putting his piece into action made him excited. But he was assigned to a rear-area, with never a chance of action. He was lonely in a way his squad-mates didn’t understand. They were off in town on leave, having hot chow, a drink, maybe even hitting the showers for a friendly game of snap the towel. Only Harry remained behind with his beloved gun. Harry looked at his weapon with its barrel pointed dejectedly toward the ground. “Hmm,” he thought, “I think it needs a clean.” He got out his buffing rag. Then he pulled out his favorite lubricating oil and greased it up really well. He began to buff at the breach-block, then worked his way to the base of the hard, round barrel. Slowly he ran his hands back and forth, up and down, rubbing, buffing, polishing, sometimes hard and urgent, sometimes gentle, until he reached the swollen tip of the muzzle-brake. The pressure he applied suddenly caused the barrel to point skyward, ready for action. Now another thought crossed his mind. “Do I dare? What if the CO catches me? I’d be so embarrassed.” As his conflicted hands left off their task, the barrel began to droop. “Ah, what the heck,” he thought. Harry placed a firm grip on the firing button and began to spray his weapon’s hot stream across the sky. The pleasure was intense, but somehow, Harry wasn’t really satisfied. “When will I see real action…” ©Leather Tiger Press: Amsterdam, de Nederlands (2001). All rights reserved.
  22. Once again, Andreas reveals himself to be a charter member of the "German Überrodents Never Lost a Battle, Despite Suffering Over-whelming Defeat at the Hands of Inferior Sub-Rodents Society". For your information, "Germanboy" (hmm, anybody see the connection?), Eisenhower personally forbade the employment of either the Pronghorn or Longhorn Jackelope in the ETO (see SHAEF Operational Order 2034580-1A-Blue, Jan. 12, 1945), although they were used to devastating effect against Japanese Long-range Balloons. The German so-called V-Jackalopes never got out of the test ranches of Peenemunde because Hitler had previously disparaged Jackalopes as a bourgeois internationalist abomination. It was only after reports came in from the Japanese as to their ferocious efficacy (see Magic and Purple decrypts from Oct. 1944 onward) that Speer began his vain attempts to convince the Führer to close the Jackalope gap. All reports of Jackalope use in the field were propaganda for home-front consumption, as anyone with two braincells to rub together would know; I suppose that explains why you don't. ------------------ Ethan ----------- "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University
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