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Posts posted by EScurlock

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ARCHANGEL:


    WP isn't plain old smoke...it burns MUCH hotter and is used to make fires or melt things... smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That much I know, and that nature of the weapon will not be modeled, but was it commonly used as a smoke generator and was it the standard smoke generating round for the U.S. or were there other chemical types used for battlefield smoke?

    The reason I ask this is because tanks and artillary have WP. The WP I was introduced to as an artillary troop was especialy packaged to be placed in the breach of the gun in order to make it unusable by the enemy, but that doesn't explain why it was used by tanks and such. Just trying to clear some confused.gif in my own head on this one.

    Thanks smile.gif



    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Foobar:

    I was in the bathroom the other day, at a public library, and I scrawled "CM roolz!!" in the stall...So hopefully people will catch on! biggrin.gif

    "For a good time, email mrPeng@blahblahblah.com"


    Anyone got any ides on what "CM" would be interpreted as meaning under these circumstances? I can't come up with anything good offhand, but ther's got to be a joke in there somewhere. wink.gif


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  3. 1)According to my search, basements are definately out for CM1. Any thoughts on adding this feature latter? Here's the thing: In street fighting in cities where buildings shared walls, fighting was often done at the basement level. Progress through the city was litterally done by blowing holes in basement walls to progress from one building to the next.

    2) taking this idea further:

    a) Is there any plans for CM to model building with shared walls, and

    B) will engineers, or other demolition equiped troops be able to blow holes through the walls and/or basements to progress from building to building?

    Not imperative, but would make for some very realistic urban fighting.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  4. Ther's been quite a bit of discusion about white phosphorous rounds. I understand that the distict effects WP had on enemy units will not be modeled. That's cool. My question is: was the WP grenade, tank, and howitzer rounds a special type of smoke round, or were they the standard smoke round for the Americans?


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  5. For those of you who may have gotten a bit uptight with some of my inflections toward the east coast: It's a big city attitude vs small town attitude thing, no offence is intended. If you still don't understand I recomend the movie "Continental Divide". It demonstrates the differences in the most comical way! smile.gif


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    How 'bout we show each other a little Mid-West patience and kindness here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Living in the Chicagoland area, I'd like to know where this patience and kindness can be found smile.gif

    Ah yes good point!; That's why the rest of us from Illinois treat Chicago like it's own little State, quite separate from the rest of us. tongue.gif I'm originally from a small town called Normal Illinois, home of Illinois State University. We can generally tell who the students are, that are from Chicago. smile.gif Having said that, for the most part, Chicagoans are freindlier than the average person I deal with from the metropolitain D.C. area. Not that there aren't many great people from both areas, there are, but you can really feel an overall air of animosity out here, especially in contrast to my home area.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  7. Oh please, put your keys in your pocket. rolleyes.gif All this jumping on people at every excuse is so East-Coast. wink.gif How 'bout we show each other a little Mid-West patience and kindness here. wink.gif We're all family here, bound together by an almost obsesive love of this game. biggrin.gif BTW, that also goes for the constant bugging for a release date: that's where the patience part comes in. Lord knows I search this post daily for any progress news at all, but I think asking that question more than once every couple of weeks starts sounding like a couple of kids in the back seat of a car - are we there yet...are we there yet...

    Counceling mode off.

    P.S. I may be getting orders moving me from D.C. to Abilene Texas; can't wait to get out of here!


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  8. Don't have that kind o media power. One of these days when I'm not up to my neck in other things, I might leard how to build a web page. I did however e-mail everybody I've ever played a PBEM game with. Word of mouth (e-mail) can be a powerfull tool. CM is just too cool not to share. Spread the word! biggrin.gif


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

    [This message has been edited by EScurlock (edited 02-11-2000).]

  9. Only 14 episodes? The actual series has 24 (or was it 25?)! BTW the series as sold by the History Channel and Amazon.com has 9 volumes. You can see the correct packaging if you go to Amazon.com. If it's legit, you've got a real bargain there. I'd buy it at that price. smile.gif


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

    [This message has been edited by EScurlock (edited 02-11-2000).]

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    Also I think the dose gotten when the shell is fired is probably minute.


    Perhaps even non existent. The dart like penitrator never comes in contact with the barrel of the gun, only the discarding sabots.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lee:

    All I can say is, I can't wait to get my Athlon (somewhere in

    the 850-950 mghz range). smile.gif Imagine CM running at 80+ fps

    95% of the time (and 60+ the rest of the time). This will

    define liquid smooth. smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You might want to wait until thaere's a board produced for the Athlon that supports 4X AGP. You shouldn't have to wait too long, but last I checked (and my info may be dated) no board for the Athalon supports better than 2X AGP.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  12. Originally posted by Bobb:

    . The gist of it seemed to consist of contending that Bradly and Eisenhower both had advance knowledge that the German counter offensive was coming. And that they found it an opportunity for breaking the back of German strength, so they kept their secret allowing it to proceed.

    Seems like the writter was putting his own unique spin on the situation. Yes Ike and Monty had many signs brought before them suggesting the possibility of a counter attack. All first hand accounts that I'm aware of suggest that Ike and Monty simply couldn't conceive that the evidence pointed toward an actual counterattack. It was simply unbeleivable that the Germans would try such a thing.

    Beyond that, I don't think Ike would conciously sacrifice troops by not deliberatly preparing a defence in depth in order to crush the audacious German move.

    IMHO the author had no clue of how a battlefield is managed or he would have never made such a specious logic leap.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  13. From the CG Gamer site. By Scott Udell.

    Computer Games Magazine editor Denny Atkin spoke with TalonSoft's Jim Rose about the future of wargames and TalonSoft. "We long term see the wargame market going full 3D," Rose said. My response is "perhaps," although I can only see this happening in tactical games (admittedly the currently popular scale).

    Getting back on subject: This is the second shark I've seen cruising the 3D tactical wargame waters from a distance. SSI has also hinted that Steel Panthers IV may be a full 3D game; but like Talensoft, they're in no hurry to invest in development.

    I think they're waiting to see if CM is a finnancial success. Then they'll produce there CM rippoffs and mass-market them.

    In light of this news, one can understand why BTS is taking so long on appearances, i.e. spit and polish for the game.

    There marketing approach is novel. If CM isn't almost beyond reproach, it wont see much free publicity. CM will be forgoten by the editors of the big gaming magazines who will be more than happy to suck up advertising money from the big software marketing firms in support of the CM ripoffs.

    You know the scenario: lots of exciting adds, lots of fascinating previews, then once the game hits the shelf - nothing for at least a month or two(especially if the game is full of bugs).

    Only once the public has been sold into buying thousands upon thousands of copies do the magazine editors allow their writers to publish scathing reviews of the half baked junk that the public has been conned into buying.

    CM is going to have to catch the public's imagination enough to sell magazines before it will get the kind of cover page publicity it deserves. Otherwise expect it to be just a blurp in articles about the big guy's games that are in development. Unless of course the big boys don't see a CM rip-off as being a profitable indevor. Then my whole point is mute.

    The good news it that there's enough of us hard-corpes war gammers out there to make CM a success in spite of the marketing disadvantages CM suffers from. This is becouse the method of marketing they've chossen has one key offsetting advantage: low overhead.

    The software kings are dead, long live Big Time Software!


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  14. Originally posted by Fionn:


    Good points and mostly right...

    Your points are all true, but I don't think Hitler forsaw the need to take the war to British soil at all until June or July '41.

    As commander and chief it would be his responcibility to see to it that the Navy had an amphibious capability, and invested the resourses to make it a possibility. I don't think the German Navy commisioned the design of a single amphibious landing craft. Admittedly my knowlendge of the German Navy is anecdotal at best. So if I need light shined on this I'd love to hear about it.

    Although writings I've seen on Hitler's intentions in this area are vague, it's my understanding he expected 1) Britain, and France not to declare war when he invaded Poland, and 2) England to become an Ally against Russia. This complete missread of Britain was the beginning of the end - before things even started, or at least as you've pointed out - under Churchill's leadership. You may have a valid point on the possibility of concessions under different British leadership.

    Nonetheless the geopolitical shortsidedness of Hitler in this regard reminds me of Germany's interest in getting Mexico into the war durring WWI. He completely missed the boat on this one.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

    [This message has been edited by EScurlock (edited 02-04-2000).]

  15. BTW: CM will be one of the best technical sourses out there for WWII vehicles once it's released. Where else are you going to find in one source for so many countries accurate armor data for all armor surfaces including the angle of slope? If you've checked out the prices on armor referance material, you may conclude as I have that CM is a bargain on that basis alone.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    The Germans could well have knocked Russia out in '41 had the stuck to the original plan.

    Maybe, but then again Hitler wasn't giving the Russian people a lot of choice on whether or not to fight or make peace. German occupation of Russian territory was brutal. It is a mystery whether or not the country would have collapsed with the loss of Moscow.

    Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    As for attacking Russia being a mistake, it was a necessity. It was either attack Russia, or wait to be attacked by Russia. The war in the East was inevitable.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Another maybe. Stalin may have turned his eye on Germany if he thought it was weak enough to guaranty a victory and geopolitics would allow it. This thought was not in his head in '41. In fact, he refused to beleive that Hitler would attack him in spite of his intelegence people's insistance that war was imminent. Also, Stalin's army was in extreamly poor shape in '41. Hitler knew this and desided this was the desisive time to take Russia.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  17. Originally posted by Fionn:

    Umm, Hitler did have a plan to invade England. It wasn't realistic BUT you can hardly blame Hitler for not creating an amphibious strike force 3 years before he figured he'd have to go to war.

    Correct me if I'm wrong (and I've been wrong plenty of times), but It's my understnding that Hitler fully expected Britain to seek peace after the fall of France, and the plan for the invasion of England didn't get started 'till after efforts on the part of German diplomates failed to budge the British an inch toward the peace table. Hitler's failure to forsee that likelyhood was a key contributing factor in Germany's total inability to take the war across the Channel. Granted, the fall of France was suprizingly fast, but if you intend to make war with an Island nation you should consider how to make war on it's own soil.

    QUOTE]Originally posted by Fionn:

    9. As for Kursk.. I'd say the blunder was that Hitler delayed it to allow the Panther to be committed. If it had gone ahead when and as initially planned it might have worked. In fact it probably would have worked.

    We're in complete agreement here. If the attack was to take place as originally proposed, (my reference material went back to the library so I can't give exact dates or names but it was late spring I think)It stood a good chance of success; however the initiative to take advantage of the situation which the field generals saw was taken away from them. The idea languished in high command, including Hitler's desk well beyond the point where it made any since at all. Not to mention the intellegence leaks that gave the Russians the heads up required to make the Kursk salient a veritable fortress.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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