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Posts posted by EScurlock

  1. Military Blunders:

    While we’re waiting I thought it would be interesting to discus some of the military blunders of WWII.

    1st: some German blunders directly attributable to Hitler

    1) Failure to take advantage of the entrapment of British and French troops at Dunkirk.

    2) Failure to recognize British resolve and plan for the possibility of having to invade England.

    3) Attacking Russia without having secured a peace with Britain. Attacking Russia at all for that matter.

    4) Failing to secure oil in the Middle East before attacking Russia.

    5) Campaigning in North Africa without bothering to secure the vital island of Malta.

    6) Ordering the Army to attack south toward the Caucuses Oil Fields while Moscow was still in reach. Result: neither the oil fields or Moscow were taken.

    7) The brutalization of the Slavic people in Russia, causing resistance from people who at first thought of the Germans as liberators. (Also grossly immoral but were looking at this from a strategic point of view)

    8) Hitler’s no retreat orders, tremendously hindering the German Army’s ability to fight a mobile defense. We can group Stalingrad, Leningrad, the destruction of Army Group Center, the mauling of German defenders in Normandy by the Allied Navy here.

    9) Kursk. Speaks for itself

    10) Hitler’s personal interference in Normandy, resulting in the German counter attack in being delayed.

    11) The December offensive (Battle of the Bulge)

    That’s enough for me, anyone have any thoughts on blunders on either side?


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  2. Originally posted by Bamse:

    This sounds like CC3 frown.gif

    Does it? I'm way too much of a control freak to take a WWII RTS game seriously. tongue.gif

    I like the abillity to be able to see that my mortors are laying smoke in 35 seconds, soo I tell my platoon to charge in 45 seconds...etc biggrin.gif Youv'e got too love it!


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  3. Great pictures. 240mm shell would weigh about 250lbs maybe more. A close round could kill the troops inside by concusion alone. Heavy artillary has been known to blow the turrets off of even heavy tanks. A close hit could may even send a tank tumbling, disableing the tank and killing the crew. A direct hit may cause internal ammunition to explode even if the armor isn't penetrated...etc, etc, etc...


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  4. I did a "CM 2" search before posting this so don't shoot.

    1)I'd like CM2 to cover the entire War in the East 41 - 45.

    2) I'd like a long campain ability. I understand that in CM the "Campain" is realy an operation. I want to be able to take my survivors and transfer them, along with experience gained, into the next operation etc, going through as much or as little of the war as desired. Each operation would be created with a random generator based on terain type likely to be encountered during the time frame (or selected by player) and opposition would be based on total points of the frendly units. Units would be resupplied between operations based on how well they did. I realize this was beyond the intended scope of CM 1, but I think it has some relevance for CM 2 considering the vast expanse of Russia.

    3) I'd like a prebombardment phase in the beginning of an opperation based on available intelegence info. When appropriate (i.e. durring planned out offensives)I want to be able to select air stikes, and artillary bombardments to soften up the enemy.

    4) In operations I'd like to see support modeled. For instance if I'm on the offence and I get into the enemy's rear area, I want the enemy to suffer the effects of supply and communications problems. The same would be true for me if I'm on the defensive and my forces are "cut off" due to enemy penetrations. This may require more "abstraction" than BTS is willing to go for. If so I understand.

    This also goes for the start of an opperation. If the enemy is poorly organized and supplied from the get go, as was the case with the Russian Army at the beginning of Barbarrosa it should reflect right down to the ammo each squad has available, the number of operational tanks etc.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  5. I have United States Tanks of World War II in my hands here. It covers American tanks, and tank destroyers. No information on scout cars or halftracks. It does have TO&E's for armored divisions though!

    Not very technical, but provides good production numbers, goes into the development, and has interesting anecdotal information of the tanks in action. Worth checking out from the library, but I wouldn't spend the money to get it from a used book store.

    I ordered Chamberlain's American and British tanks book just from the author's name. I wish the thing was still in print, used books can be expensive.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  6. c

    Originally posted by killmore:

    I heard on history channel that hitler was in love with jewish women who refused to merry him because he was not jewish.

    Is that true?

    Which show was that? This is the first I've heard of that. I rank that one right up there with "He slaughtered the Jews because he thought his father was half Jewish, and he couldn't bear the thought of having Jewish blood in jis veins." I think the previous posts have some good lines of thought on the hatred of the Jews. I'd give my two cents, but it'd just be a different shade of the same basic color.

    BTW I thing the History Channel rocks. Yes you hear some quacky stuff on it occasionally, but that stuff is usually well counter ballanced. Most of the time the shows they air are pretty good. Much better than some of the clearly pollitically slanted garbage I've read in college that passed as text books!


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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