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Posts posted by EScurlock

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunt52:

    Some info:

    I don't think it unreasonable at all for people to throw grenades at the 50 or even 60 or 70 meter marks.

    - Bill<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You ever throw one of those d***** things? The German grenade may be light enough to be thrown, but the American grenades almost have to be shotputted. You either shot-put it or throw it with a long straight arm arch. If you attemt to throw it in a normal fashion you are absolutely guaranteed to rip your arm out of whack. We're talking major tendon and ligament damage here. I new one guy in my battery that could get one of those things 40 meters, 30 would be the max for the average Joe. As far as accuracy is concerned, like I mentioned above, you can't throw one in a normal fashion, so accuracy suffers.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo:

    If I had one piece of advice for BTS it would be, go heavy on the copy protection _dumbo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Late as usual here. Is CD-RW becoming that much of a problem? A pox on CD-RW then!

    I'm not going to cancel my order becose of a copy protection scheme, but I'll be highly upset if I have to spend as much money to get CM on my hard drive as I did on the game. I didn't have a hard drive during the floppy drive copy protection wars, but I do remember the work around programs costing as much or more than the games I bought.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darryl:

    The thing is though, that Hitler made so many mistakes throughout the war, it's tough to say exactly which ones Germany could've survived.


    This along Hitler's personality, as Steve mentioned above are key points. IMHO the war was lost before it began. Hitler's lust for power and war were insatiable. People tend to look at the German war effort and say well if they didn't make this mistake, or make that mistake they may have just pulled it off. On the otherhand we tend to take only slight notice of the many blunders the Allies made. Why? Because Hitler's eyes were bigger than his stomach, taking the war far beyond Germanies capabilities to win it. Meanwhile the Allies could afford missmanagement of their masssive resources with little fear of actualy lossing the war.

    No matter what the German army did, how spectacular its successes on the battlefield, they were doomed to failure. The greater the victories the more reckless Hitler became. By '42 he managed to be at war with virtualy all the great economic powers of the world.

    I man able to sanely calculate the tremendous amount of power targeting (couter-targetting)him would have tried to get some of the pressure off as a matter of survival, but not Hitler. He wouldn't except Stalin's spring '42 offer of peace with borders as they were before operation Barbarosa, even with all that was stacked up against him. It could be argued that such a peace would have been temporary at best, but what does Hitler do, go on the defensive and lick his wounds? No, he re-equips his armies emanciated by Russia's '41 winter offensive and goes back onto the attack! All the while not daring to imagine or understand his enemie's abillity to also rebuild.

    The results of Hitler's pathalogical war lust, and delusional estimations of his enemies: guarantied defeat before the first shot was fired.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay:

    I believe most of the people who play CM will have some sort of maturity and honor as to play the game right and not cheat!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes but some wont. Then there are all those chance of the draw things that happen that are hard to accept and may give the impresion of cheating. Then there's rooky players who can't appreciate how the supperior tactics of his vetran apponent rolled over his poorly positioned troops. I've spent many a dime talking on the phone to PBEM apponents from all over the U.S. explaining how I used the gameyness of Steel Panthers to my advantage in crushing his presious(and expensive)Panthers and Tiger II's.

    CM puts the tactics into tactical wargaming, but just as importantly it has a very nice system to pevent cheating. If it requires a third more file swaps than what I'm used to in order for it to work in all gaming modes, no problem.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  5. I hate when I get old saved work mixed up with newer work. That can be more embarrasing than a simple typo, but it wasn't Steve and Charles error, just another example of their commitment to quality. It does bring up another question though: Am I correct in presuming that all weapons platforms that use the 75mm KwK L48gun (or any other gun for that matter) go to a single source code for penetration calculations, or is the modeling such that the data is recoded for each individual vehicle type? I also suspect the information available in the vehicle data screen is for reference only, and not directly liked to the vehicle modeling code, is this true?


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  6. Tipo, tipoh, typoh, tiepoh, typo? Can't be, must be something else more serious.

    So asks the ghost of the mortally wounded argument "Get the game out now, we wont sweat the small stuff." wink.gif

    Actually I'm suprised no one has asked why the L48 gun on the G model, most were produced with the L43 gun. Were there more L48 than L43 surviving G's by 6/44, or was it more pragmatic considerations? Just curious.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by icee93:

    Thanks BTS, we are all adults here <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Who's an adult?! I still have the face of a 15 year old boy. O.K. The face of a 15 year old boy with a bad hangover. wink.gif


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    ...Now, if only I could get a proper, realistic WW2 Grand Strategy game with realistic production imperatives I could test this all out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Amen Halleluyah Let it be so! BTS: If you ever deside to expand your workforce I think you're just the people to make this happen!


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  9. Dis a search and got 107 replies, but no easy to find answers. If there is an answer to my question it's seems to be fairly well buried in a non related topic. The question: In the full version of the game how will FOW be managed? My concern is that opponents will be able to have FOW off without my knowledge or approval.

    Thanking all the help in advance



    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  10. Quote: Strayin' even further OT with this, but maybe y'all can help me here. Why do wars cost so much money? I mean, the soldiers are gettin' paid whether there's a war or not, right? And the ammo already exists, right? Fuel consumption would be way way up, but other than that, where's the moolah going?

    The costs that would be incurred as part of standard O&M are calculated into the total cost of an opperation. So even though they'd be paying Joe bag of dougnuts even if there was no opperation going on, it's added into the costs. Having said that, even if normal O&M costs are factered out, an opperation like Desrt Sheild would be an enormous expence. Reserve units were called up to active service. The cost of moving that much war matterial is exorbinate. Then there's food and lodging. Tents make it cheaper, but plenty of money went into that including basic infrastructure like water and sewage. The cost of training when you're preparing for the real thing goes right through the roof. All branches probably expended 10 or more time the ammount of live and training munitions than they normally would, maybe much more, I'm just guesing. All the things that go bang and boom are procured at a far greater rate than normal. Suppies can be shifted around, but orders are emediately placed to fill the vacancies. Other expenses include special equipment and uniforms for the region, builup of medical supplies, fuel, morral and wellfare items, hazardous duty pay etc.

    The Air Force put many more hours on their planes than normal. The increase in O&M money there alone must have been stagering. They had special teams deployed in various places in Europe performing hourly and Isochronal inspections that normally would be done at the aircraft's home station.

    Once the shooting started the cost went up that much more. I'm sure I left out plenty, but you get the idea.

    BTW, refering to a previous thread. I've only handled claymores a couple of times, but I don't remember the U.S. version having a trip-wire function; at least we were only trained to set them up to be fired on command.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunt52:

    As to the month - I would be willing to bet that they get the game done before the end of February. wink.gif

    - Bill<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What am I going to do for the next year! eek.gifwink.gif

    Guess I'll get serious about finishing that degree. Then again trout season is just around the corner...


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  12. There may be a work around for this. Assign units to each team member. The team member plots the movement for units assigned to him only. I realy think this much should be manageable by agreement, and no coding should be required. He then saves the game (alt-s) and e-mails the game to the next player. The last team member finishes the turn and ships it to the opposing team.

    This is not a fool proof work around under the CM method of handling PBEM games. The game saves as a "cmb" file when you use the (alt-s) function, not as an email text file. This opens a big loophole for cheating, but if you really want to do team play this will get the job done.

    Speaking of loopholes did BTS fix the settings cheat for PMEM? I hope people will not be able to turn FOW on and off at will for e-mail games.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by William Thiel:

    Perhaps worst of all is the fact that DU is pyrophoric and when it burns its way through armour, the small particulate matter that is generated is the perfect vector into the human body. These small particles (of less than 10 micron in size) are easily assimilated into the human body to the lungs and ingested where they get bound up in fatty tissue. The DU then spends the rest of your life doing its radioactive best to make sure you will be ill, and perhaps develop a cncerous tumor.


    Very bad for suveneer hunters and recovery crews, but the occupants of the vehicle at the time of impact have no such worries...at least if the horror stories I've heard are true eek.gif : the devistation of the tank crews is complete.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R Cunningham:

    This has got to be related to that other quirk where your movement or targeting line goes way off into space when you get near the map edge. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I think so too. I'm not sure but I don't think it provides an invisible sheild for the tanks, just looks bizaar. Could be proven wrong though.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  15. Originally posted by Jern:

    Dear Fionn,

    But Fionn, so far when I read your articles, you have been for me a kind of a neutral person (read, taking a neutral stance on all games).

    But reading your above statement (you clearly say IMO), you have lost that.

    I will see you from now on only as a fan of CM, whenever I read something from you (TGN or somewhere else).

    Since when does having opinions denigrate the value of ones speach, or their objectivity for that matter? Even objective analysis has opinion in it. A good analysis will have it's opinions backed up with relevant facts, but you can't talk about something subjective like game value without opinions. BTW, show me a work the author claims to be "unbiased", and I'll show you a subtle, or even blatant piece of propaganda.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  16. Chess is a game of possition and sacrifice. A win with most of the pieces on the board is as good as a win with only four peices on the board. Wargames ad an additional element - survival and cost. In a wargame a crushing victory against an enemy while suffering little loss of combat capability to onself deserves higher praise than a victory at a high cost. The old saying goes, you won the battle, but you lost the war.

    Chess isn't at all like that. Loose piece after piece, no big deal as long as it suckers your apponent into checkmate. You have to take into account degrees of victory in a wargame. All wins are not alike in wargames.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

  17. Thanks for the info, don't know the answer to your question though. The stuf you mention above is why I don't waste my time on multiplayer internet. I wonder if those people would be quite so rude to the other person's face.


    He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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